2019-07-23 不想学习的反思

2019-07-23 不想学习的反思

作者: 风中城 | 来源:发表于2019-07-23 21:15 被阅读0次

Life sometimes needs a breakdown. Today, I didn't study as I expected. The feeling of worry and hurry made me at a loss. I have learned for nearly half of month, the effectiveness these days was barely 70-80%. But the studying time was quite long enough. I study math for 4 hours in the morning, 431 for 4 hours in the afternoon, and in the night, I would study FRM for 3 hours. 

The whole day, I spend almost 11 hours on studying. But  I did not review the learned project. I need to change my study strategy tomorrow. EFFECT IS MORE IMPORTANT. 

I did not study this afternoon and this evening. I will be regretful if I didn't confess this day. How much of the learned knowledge left in my mind? I once swear to review what I learnt in the day.  Tomorrow I will learn 3 hours for math in the morning and one hour to review, not to do new questions, the same strategy will be used for 431 in the afternoon. Just learn 3 hours for new knowledge. In the night, most part of three hours is for FRM,  the others are for English. And exercise when tired. 

We can not just keep running without looking at the road and the direction. Sometimes stopping and taking a break is an awesome method, when you feel exhausted.

Come on, boy! Time left is much or little.


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      本文标题:2019-07-23 不想学习的反思
