有时候我们需要在 TableView CollectionView 这样的控件滚动之前就想要加载一些东西 我这里做的是加载图片
我们想在当前的这些可见Cell前几个 或者后几个 的数据提前加载 这个时候就可以用到一下代码 OC的直接拷贝 我这里举例的是CollectionView 你只要把 CollectionView相关的数据源代码 换成 TableView的就可以了 获取算法还是一样的
// 停止滚动
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView*)scrollView
// if `decelerate` was true for `scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate:`
// this will be called when the deceleration is done
// 停止拖拽
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView*)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate
// if `decelerate` is true, then we shouldn't start prefetching yet, because
// `cellForRowAtIndexPath` will be hard at work returning cells for the currently visible
// cells.
/** Prefetch a certain number of images for rows prior to and subsequent to the currently visible cells
* @param tableView The tableview for which we're going to prefetch images.
- (void)prefetchImagesForCollectionView:(SMCollectionView*)collectionView
NSArray*indexPaths = [collectionViewindexPathsForVisibleItems];
if([indexPathscount] ==0)return;
NSIndexPath*minimumIndexPath = indexPaths[0];
NSIndexPath*maximumIndexPath = [indexPathslastObject];
// they should be sorted already, but if not, update min and max accordingly
if(indexPath.section< minimumIndexPath.section|| (indexPath.section== minimumIndexPath.section&& indexPath.row< minimumIndexPath.row)) minimumIndexPath = indexPath;
if(indexPath.section> maximumIndexPath.section|| (indexPath.section== maximumIndexPath.section&& indexPath.row> maximumIndexPath.row)) maximumIndexPath = indexPath;
// build array of imageURLs for cells to prefetch
NSMutableArray*imageURLs = [NSMutableArrayarray];
indexPaths =[selfcollectionView:collectionViewpriorIndexPathCount:kPrefetchRowCountfromIndexPath:minimumIndexPath];
for(NSIndexPath*indexPathinindexPaths) {
indexPaths = [selfcollectionView:collectionViewnextIndexPathCount:kPrefetchRowCountfromIndexPath:maximumIndexPath];
for(NSIndexPath*indexPathinindexPaths) {
// now prefetch
if([imageURLscount] >0)
/** Retrieve NSIndexPath for a certain number of rows preceding particular NSIndexPath in the table view.
* @param tableView The tableview for which we're going to retrieve indexPaths.
* @param countThe number of rows to retrieve
* @param indexPath The indexPath where we're going to start (presumably the first visible indexPath)
* @returnAn array of indexPaths.
- (NSArray*)collectionView:(SMCollectionView*)collectionView priorIndexPathCount:(NSInteger)count fromIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
NSMutableArray*indexPaths = [NSMutableArrayarray];
NSIntegerrow = indexPath.row;
NSIntegersection = indexPath.section;
for(NSIntegeri =0; i < count; i++) {
if(row ==0) {
if(section ==0) {
row = [collectionViewnumberOfItemsInSection:section] -1;
/** Retrieve NSIndexPath for a certain number of following particular NSIndexPath in the table view.
* @param tableView The tableview for which we're going to retrieve indexPaths.
* @param countThe number of rows to retrieve
* @param indexPath The indexPath where we're going to start (presumably the last visible indexPath)
* @returnAn array of indexPaths.
- (NSArray*)collectionView:(SMCollectionView*)collectionView nextIndexPathCount:(NSInteger)count fromIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
NSMutableArray*indexPaths = [NSMutableArrayarray];
NSIntegerrow = indexPath.row;
NSIntegersection = indexPath.section;
NSIntegerrowCountForSection = [collectionViewnumberOfItemsInSection:section];
for(NSIntegeri =0; i < count; i++) {
if(row == rowCountForSection) {
row =0;
if(section == [collectionViewnumberOfSections]) {
rowCountForSection = [collectionViewnumberOfItemsInSection:section];
*@param indexPath indexPath description
*@return IamgeURL
- (NSString*)urlForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath {
SMReadModel*readModel =self.dataArray[indexPath.section];
SMReadCartoonModel*readCartoonModel = readModel.readCartoonModels[indexPath.item];