经济学十大原理 | 武大经济学课程

经济学十大原理 | 武大经济学课程

作者: Cathy余志春 | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 23:34 被阅读22次

一:How people make decisions?

  • principle 1: people face tradeoffs (交易权衡)
    when adviduals make decisions, they face tradeoffs among alternative goals
  • principle 2: the cost of something is what you give up to get it
    the cost of any action is measured in terms of foregone opportunity
    • 机会成本:(opportunity cost) 是指企业为从事某项经营活动而放弃另一项经营活动的机会,或利用一定资源获得某种收入时所放弃的另一种收入。付出代价为获取某个东西所构成的成本,得到某个东西的同时必须放弃另外一个东西。
    • 沉没成本:(Sunk Cost)人们在决定是否去做一件事情的时候,不仅是看这件事对自己有没有好处,而且也看过去是不是已经在这件事情上有过投入。我们把这些已经发生不可收回的支出,如时间、金钱、精力等称为“沉没成本”。在经济学和商业决策制定过程中会用到“沉没成本”的概念,代指已经付出且不可收回的成本。
    • 边际成本:(marginal cost ) 增加一单位的产量随即而产生的成本增加量即称为边际成本。由定义得知边际成本等于总成本(TC)的变化量(△TC)除以对应的产量上的变化量(△Q):总成本的变化量/ 产量变化量 即:MC(Q)=△TC(Q)/△Q或MC(Q)=lim=△TC(Q)/△Q=dTC/dQ(其中△Q→0)

在经济学和金融学中,边际成本指的是每一单位新增生产的产品(或者购买的产品)带来的总成本的增量。 这个概念表明每一单位的产品的成本与总产品量有关。比如,仅生产一辆汽车的成本是极其巨大的,而生产第101辆汽车的成本就低得多,而生产第10000辆汽车的成本就更低了(这是因为规模经济带来的效益)。 但是,考虑到机会成本,随着生产量的增加,机会成本也可能会增加。还是这个例子,生产新的一辆车时,所用的材料可能有更好的用处,所以要尽量用最少的材料生产出最多的车,这样才能提高边际收益。边际成本简写为MC或MPC。

  • principle 3: rational people think at the margin
    rational people make decisions by comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits
  • principle 4: people respond to incentives
    people change their behavior in response to the incentives they face, so institution- design does matter

二:How people interact(相互作用,互相影响)?

  • principle 5: trade can make everyone better off
    trade can be mutually beneficial
  • principle 6: markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity
    markets are usually a good way of coordinating trade among people

三:How the economy as a whole works?

  • principle 7: governments can sometimes improve market outcomes
    government can potentially improve market outcomes if there is some market failure or if the market outcome is inequitable
  • principle 8: a country 's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services
    productivity is the ultimate source of living standards
  • principle 9: prices rise when the government prints too much money
    growth in the quantity of money is the ultimate source of inflation
  • principle 10: society faces a short - run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.
    phillips菲律普式曲线:inflation ↑ → unemployment ↓
    政府的政策工具:财政政策(fiscal policy)& 货币政策 (monetary policy)


  • 亚当斯密 《国富论》
  • 凯恩斯《就业利息和货币通论》
  • 薛兆丰《经济学通识》
  • 高鸿业《西方经济学》,《宏观经济学》,《微观经济学》
  • 得到专栏:薛兆丰的《北大经济学课》& 香帅《金融课》



      本文标题:经济学十大原理 | 武大经济学课程
