6月晨读 Day 6

6月晨读 Day 6

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-06-10 14:55 被阅读0次

Day 5 作业反馈

重音:Sorry I dropped the ball. This is maybe a bitter pill to swallow. 

连读: You work lately hasn't been up to scratch.

发音: wheel, envelope, scratch (g)  schedule, mistake 

语调 How did you pull that off?

Day 6




shape up or ship out


1. 勒紧裤腰带过日子: belt-tightening  

                                    tighten one's belt 

2. 两弊相衡取其轻 better the devil you know=choose the lesser of the two evils 

3. 没戏了out of question = impossible 【不自在:out of place; 出故障: out of order; 够不着:out of reach

4. 在圈子外 out of the loop  (unaware of what's going on )

5.  dirt = rumor/gossip/tidbit/scoop  小道消息、流言蜚语 (Did you hear the latest dirt?)

6. 解决方案 the name of the game (the central issue, the main goal; the most important thing)

7. 集思广益, 思想火花 的触碰 bat around some ideas = bounce ideas off= discuss some ideas 

8. let's just agree to disagree 大家都各自保持自己的观点好了

9. tell sb off 训斥他人

10. lousy = bad

11. 闹钟没响: My alarm didn't go off this morning. (图书馆或商店磁条未去发出响声:What setted the dictator off ?)

12. 别卖惨了: Spare us the sob story. 

13. 睁一只眼闭一只眼 turn a blind eye to sth

14. 别浪费口舌了 Don't waste your breath. 

15. 别过河拆桥/自断后路 Don't burn your bridges.

15. make a pass at = flirt= hit on 调戏,勾引

16. 出来混迟早要还的 What goes around comes around. 

17. 做好自己的份内之事: pull one's weight 

18. 不改进就走人: shape up or ship out



1. so not/ so un...

That's so un-PC.  That's so un-Eric. 

We are so not brothers. 我们才不是兄弟了呢

2. the fact that 

I can't continue turning a blind eye to the fact that you're always late. 



      本文标题:6月晨读 Day 6
