
作者: 欣然小时光 | 来源:发表于2021-10-13 11:49 被阅读0次

    Mom, I feel very hot. 妈,我觉得很热。
    I have a fever, so my body feels really hot. 我发烧了,所以我的身体真的很烫。
    I feel dizzy. 我感觉头很晕。
    Let me see if you have a fever. 让我看看你是否发烧了。
    Let's check your temperature. 我们来量一下体温。
    Let me feel your forehead. 我来摸一下你的额头。
    You have a fever. 你发烧了。
    You have a high fever. 你发高烧了。
    Your forehead's really hot. 你的额头真的很烫。
    Let's take a fever reducer. 来吃点退烧药吧。
    You need to drink a lot of water. 你需要多喝水。
    You need to take off your clothes. 你需要把衣服脱掉。
    I'll cool you down with a wet towel. 我用湿毛巾来帮你降温。
    Hold this ice pack. 抱住这个冰袋。
    I guess your body's fighting the germs right now. 我想你的身体正在跟细菌战斗。



