

作者: 布鲁斯的春天 | 来源:发表于2019-07-23 22:57 被阅读0次

The Greatest Man I never knew (Reba McEntire)

lived just down the hall

and everyday we said hello

but never touched at all

he was in his paper

I was in my room

How was I to know he thought

I hung the moon

the greatest man I never knew

came home late every night

He never had too much to say

too much was on his mind 

I never really knew him

and now it seems so sad

everything he gave to us took all he had

then the days turned into years

and the memories to black and white

he grew cold like an old winter wind

blowing across my life

the greatest words I never heard

I guess I'll never hear

The man I thought could never die

S'been dead almost a year

Hey he was good at business

but there was business left to do

he never said he loved me

guess he thought I knew


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