0. 背景介绍
origin: https://medium.com/venusprotocol/venus-protocol-roadmap-2021-93b006c9b748
Venus Protocol is a decentralized money market and stablecoin platform that operates exclusively on Binance Smart Chain. Today Venus has over 18,000 users and nearly $2 billion dollars of total value locked in the protocol. The major benefit of Venus is that it’s arguably the most decentralized finance product in the entire blockchain space. While the core benefits and mainnet are already in place, the Swipe team has outlined a series of Venus Improvement Proposals it plans to introduce in Venus Governance this year. The proposals below are in no particular order:
Venus 协议是币安智能链上独有的去中心化的现金市场和稳定币平台。 今天我们协议中已经拥有超过 18000 个用户和接近 20亿美金的锁仓量。 Venus 的主要好处他是整个区块链世界中可论证的最去中心化的金融产品。 同时核心的收益及主网也已经上线了,Swipe 团队已经提出了一系列的Venux改进的提案的大纲,并将于今年按计划引入到Venus 治理中来。 下面的提案无特殊的顺序:
0. Venus Origination Fees(Venus 贷款发放费)
We have seen farming networks leverage Venus for high frequency trading and loan originations which results in billions of dollars in daily transactions. Venus Origination fees will add a small fee to creating a loan and redeeming a loan (depositing/withdrawing) from the protocol. The fee will be 1 bps (basis point) which is equivalent to 0.01%. At this current rate it will bring approximately over $100,000 in daily fees to the protocol reserves which may be used for anything governance wants (such as buy back and burns, grants, etc) without effecting the normal borrower and supplier given the high yield rates. The Venus Fees will be implemented with individual markets and can be customized.
我们已经看到农场网络的催生了Venus高频的交易、贷款发放,每日交易额超过数十亿美金. Venus 贷款发放费适用场景是: 对于从协议中创建一个贷款以及归还贷款(存钱和提取)。 费用率将为万分之一。 这万分之一的手续费讲带来每日 10w 美金的收入同时也不会影响正常的借款人和存款人约定的年华利率 ,这笔费用归属于协议, 后续也许可以被用于任何的治理需要(比如回购销毁,授权发放给第三方等)。
这个 Venus的费用将被在单独的市场中实现,并且可以实现定制化。
1. Add Cardano ADA to Venus(添加 ADA 到 Venus网络中)
Cardano (ADA) has rapidly accelerated to being part of the top 4 cryptocurrencies by market cap in the world. Trading volumes have also soared while being supported by almost all top digital asset exchanges. Therefore, this asset will be proposed to be added into the money market.
ADA 急速的变成了全网市值第四大加密货币。 交易量也非常大同时几乎所有顶级的数字资产交易所都支持。 因此 ADA 将会被加入到 Venus 的现金市场中来。
2. Increase Collateral Factors of Qualified Assets(提高高质量资产的抵押比率)
Venus Liquidations have been sufficiently battle tested with over millions in liquidations working as intended and securing the protocol. With this in mind, we plan to propose a VIP which will increase qualified assets borrow factors to 80% from 60%. Making this increase will allow users to tap more into the value of their digital assets while having no downside to the protocol fundamentals as liquidators are doing their jobs well.
Venus的流动性,已经被足够战役中测试,通过数百万的 流动性 预想的流动性,增强协议的安全性。
想到这一点,我们提出了一个 VIP 计划,提高高质量资产的借款比率,从 60%提高到 80%。 做此次提高将允许用户能更高的从他们的字长中获得价值,同时对于整个网络基础设施没有任何负面影响。 Venus做好清算人的角色就好了。
3. vXVS Delegated Voting (vXVS 代理投票)
Currently XVS that is staked in the protocol are ineligible to vote for proposals. The proposed upgrade will enable users to utilize their vXVS that represents their XVS in the protocol to be included in Governance votes.
当前抵押在协议中的XVS没有投票资格。 这个提案的升级将会使得用户能用vXVS代表他们的协议中的XVS纳入到治理投票体系中。
4. Venus DEX(Venus 去中心化交易所)
The Venus DEX will be an order book based digital asset exchange that will enable high frequency trading and introduce market maker incentives to traders.
VENUS DEX 将基于数字资产交易的订单簿模式,允许高频交易,并且引入做市商激励机制。
译者注:另外 SWIPE 协议也更新了路线图,Venux 的借贷协议将内嵌在 swipe v2 钱包中
5. Venus Reward Token & Lower Annual Inflation Rates(Venus 奖励通证 VRT &更低的年通胀率)
The Venus Reward Token (VRT) will be proposed to be the liquidity incentive token for Venus Protocol. This will enable XVS to become more scarce and valuable by reducing the emission rate of XVS and creating more governance based rewards programs. Currently there are over 20M more XVS to be mined and distributed thus tripling the current supply which creates a much higher inflation resistance. This mechanism will create a rewards token while creating longer inflation programs for XVS.
The proposal will have VRT at a supply of 30 billion and over 8 billion will be airdropped at a rate of 1,000 to 1 to current XVS holders at a certain snapshot date to be announced if passed.
Venus 奖励通证 VRT 将被用来作为Venus中流动性激励通证。 通过降低 XVS的增发比率以及创建更多机遇奖励程序的治理使得 XVS 更加稀缺而有价值。 按照当前的机制,将有 2000w 的 XVS以挖矿的形式进行分发,后续将有三倍于当前的流通量, 而通过VRT这种方式讲延缓XVS的通胀。 这种创建奖励通证的机制将使得 XVS有一个更长的通胀周期
这一提案将有 300亿枚 VRT,其中的80亿枚将会 1比 1000 的比例空投给XVS持有人,如果这一提案通过,将会在后续公布快照时间。
6. Fixed Rate Markets(固定利率市场)
One thing missing in DeFi, which is starting to get some attention by some other protocols, is fixed rate lending. The variable yield curves may be too troublesome or worrying to some borrowers and thus preventing our true potential being reached. We plan to introduce fixed rate markets where both the supplier and borrower know exactly how much they will earn and pay in interest upfront without utilization factors. This creates a guarantee from both sides and comfort knowing the math. These programs would also be part of the liquidity mining programs.
Defi中缺失的部分,同时也开始被很多其他协议关注的市场,就是固定利率借款市场。 变化的利率曲线对于那些借款人来讲是一个麻烦和担忧因此也会将一部分潜力阻挡。 我们计划引入固定利率市场,让存款人和贷款都不依靠其他工具因子的情况下确切的知道他们要获得或支付的利息数额。 这样一来双方都有了一个保障,愉快的知道具体的数字。 这些程序也会成为一个流动性挖矿的程序的一部分。
7. 总结
These are just some top proposals that we plan to introduce and we have many more in store that we will work through. While their is no particular order, Venus users can expect these to all happen by 2021!
Thank you.
这些仅仅是我们计划引入的顶级提案,后续随着工作的深入会有更多。 然而这些提案没有特定的顺序,Venus的用户可以期待这些事情都将在2021年发生。
译者注:hellolirongqiang (李荣强),本人自愿翻译,希望给大家更清楚的讲明白 Venus 的2021 路线图,希望大家多多交流。