car = input("What car do you like to find?")
print("Let me see if I can find you a " + car)
num = input("How many people would you like to have dinner?")
num = int(num)
if num > 8:
print("There is no empty table")
print("We have a table for you")
#7-3 10的整数倍
num = input("Please Enter a number: ")
num = int(num)
if num % 10 == 0:
print("Integral multiple of 10")
print("Not integral multiple of 10")
q = "What ingredients would you like to add?"
q += "\n Enter 'quit' when you are finished."
pizza = True
while pizza :
pizza = input(q)
if pizza == "quit":
pizza = False
print("The " + str(pizza) + "have been added")
while True:
print("Enter 'quit' when you are finished.")
age = input("How old are you?")
if age =="quit":
elif int(age) < 3:
print("You are Free")
elif int(age) >=3 and int(age)<12:
print("The Price of you is 10$")
print("The Price of you is 15$ " )
q = "What ingredients would you like to add?"
q += "\n Enter 'quit' when you a finish."
message = ""
while message !="quit":
message = input(q)
if message != "quit":
print("The " + str(message) + " have been added")
message1 = "How old are you?"
message1 += "\n Enter 'quit' when you are finished."
age = True
while age:
age = input(message1)
if age == "quit":
age = False
elif int(age) < 3:
print("You are Free")
elif int(age) >=3 and int(age)<12:
print("The Price of you is 10$")
print("The Price of you is 15$ " )
sandwish_orders=["Bocadillo Sandwich","Arepa Sandwich","Croque Madame Sandwich"]
finished_sandwiches = []
while sandwish_orders:
current_orders = sandwish_orders.pop()
print("I made your " + current_orders)
print("All the sandwiches have been finished: " )
for finished_sandwich in finished_sandwiches: