

作者: i夜闻 | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 08:38 被阅读0次
正月十六by Ying

Tom had a chatting with his friend Carry where she was in Changshu city for part-time work .Yesterday is the Lantern Festival .Carry shared the story that she won a shoes as the prize .She already had one shoes so she decided to exchange present with a fellow .Finally she succeeded in receiving a piece of tissue .She also ate the  sweet dumplings a little owing to very sweet taste.Tom ate the chicken in the day.

Tom had a good dream last night ,that he dreamed he was dating with a girl who he was fall in love with .The girl was delighted to have a passionable hug and kiss with him .Next Tom and her are embraced by happyness of love .It is a nice dream.

In the morning Tom wake up and he begin to worry his thesis or paper.He do not know how to begin he work .Do it .


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