(ERR): hisat2-align died with si

(ERR): hisat2-align died with si

作者: 佳名 | 来源:发表于2024-11-08 12:03 被阅读0次


cd /work/home/acwnw4bl7y/HT22/HT22
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda activate pyht
ls *1.clean.fq.gz|while read id;
hisat2 -t -p 16 -x /work/home/acwnw4bl7y/GRCm39/GRCm39 \
-1 $id -2 ${id%_*}_2.clean.fq.gz \
2>${id%%_*}.hisat2.log \
|samtools sort -@ 16 -o ${id%_*}_ht2p.bam
srun: ROUTE: split_hostlist: hl=c09r3n13 tree_width 0
srun: ROUTE: split_hostlist: hl=c09r3n13 tree_width 0
/opt/gridview/slurm/spool/slurmd_c09r3n13/job1078767/slurm_script: line 61: 46809 Exit 1                  hisat2 -t -p 16 -x /work/home/acwnw4bl7y/GRCm39/GRCm39 -1 $id -2 ${id%_*}_2.clean.fq.gz 2> ${id%%_*}.hisat2.log
     46810 Killed                  | samtools sort -@ 16 -o ${id%_*}_ht2p.bam
/opt/gridview/slurm/spool/slurmd_c09r3n13/job1078767/slurm_script: line 61: 51680 Exit 1                  hisat2 -t -p 16 -x /work/home/acwnw4bl7y/GRCm39/GRCm39 -1 $id -2 ${id%_*}_2.clean.fq.gz 2> ${id%%_*}.hisat2.log
     51681 Killed                  | samtools sort -@ 16 -o ${id%_*}_ht2p.bam
slurmstepd: error: Detected 2 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=1078767.batch. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler.



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      本文标题:(ERR): hisat2-align died with si
