郑州市管城回族区外国语小学 马东方
Greeting&Warming up
1.Sing a song
If you know me and call me East Ma...
If you know me and call me East Ma...
2.Look the pictures and talk about them
When East Ma was a kid ,he would...
When East Ma was a boy ,he would..
When East Ma was a man ,he would...
1. Look at the picture(An Apple tree and a little boy)
Then talk about it
What can you see ?
What ’s the name of the tree ?
What do you want to know about the story?
2.Watch the flash and think
Did the boys love the tree?
3. Read and find it out
Why did the boy love the tree ?
He would ...
eat apples
swing from her branches
sleep in her shade
climb up her truck
4. Read the story
a. Teacher reads and the students follow him.
b. Let students stand up and read with body language
c. Read the story in silence
5. Watch and think
What did the boy want?
What did the tree give?
6.Discuss these questions
7.Read the story
8 After a long time,the boy came back
What would the boy say?
What will the tree answer?
These words set off deep thinking among the students.
1 Let’s act the story
Tips: cooperation
Body movement
2 Group show
1 Retell the story with pictures
So ,what’s the name of the tree?
Yes ,it’s the giving tree!
2. Sing the song of the giving tree.
3.What can you do for the tree ?
What can you do for your mom /friend /teacher?
1.Share the story with your friends
2 Share your insights in WeChat.