Living attitudes

Living attitudes

作者: Jenna_King | 来源:发表于2018-04-10 10:29 被阅读0次
    Living attitudes

    What's your attitude towards living?/How are you living your life? Are you being your true self?

    Living attitudes

    or do you consider others before taking action? For me it depends on the situation like for example when I'm staying at home, I always do what I please.

    Living attitudes

    However when I'm outside I tend to be more cautious and I always make sure that other people feel comfortable. One of the reasons I like living in Japan is that people are quiet and polite.

    Living attitudes Living attitudes

    for example in buses and trains you seldom hear people talk loudly, they always wear their mask and read. People who lives their fall in their own little world. You can see signages that says " Silence your phone" or " Do not use your phone".

    Living attitudes Living attitudes

    But if they are in a bar you can see them dancing, socializing, you can see them being active. That's how Japanese people are.

    Living attitudes

    I pay more attention to my sorroundings whenever I go out. I want to be treated the same way.  So I make sure to act properly I avoid making bad impressions that makes other feel uncomfortable. That's how I act , how about you?

    Living attitudes Living attitudes



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