作者: 简单雨皓 | 来源:发表于2018-04-15 16:11 被阅读0次


玺欢一天 就单纯的在玺欢一天我都满足,我要朝着你的方向前进,虽然不在一个领域,但我会努力的

两个都是我的Favorite ,I want to protect you Be your paper cranes and mahjong

So at this point, I feel like I'm getting better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better ,

The man I want to protect :Yangqianxi Yi and Hu Yitian

I can follow you, like a shadow chasing light sleepwalking


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