

作者: SnorlaxSE | 来源:发表于2018-05-23 20:56 被阅读0次


  • 品质类

    • 好奇心 the significance of curiosity (2015.6.2) (动力型)
      • 创造力的前提 the premise of creativity
      • 给予我们前进的动力,激发我们不断地学习新知识 provide us with the drive to go forward. \ inspire us to learn new knowledge
      • 帮助我们不断克服困难,有好奇心的人更容易探索问题的本质overcome all kinds of difficulties constantly \ dig out the essence of the problem
  • 幸福
    Indeed, there is much controversy over the definition of happiness, which should be discussed beforehand. Some people believe earning a huge amount of money is happiness, because they can buy whatever they want. They can buy an expensive car and a luxurious house. Others believe that happiness does not lie in the mere possession of money. It lies in the joy of achievement. If one gets a nice grade in the exam, he will feel the happiness. As far as I am concerned, happiness lies in contentment.

  • 实践 practice (2015.6.1) (方法型)

    • 帮助我们解决实际问题,让我们获得更多的社会经验get more social experience
    • 随着所学知识越来越复杂,只有不断实践才能掌握所学知识的精华genuinely grasp the essence
    • 以英语口语为例说明-- 语法再好,不开口说也不能讲一口流利的英语 not be a fluent speaker if he never open his mouth and speaks
  • “做好小事” do small things (2015.6.3) (结果型)


  • ______ is conducive to our growth and eventually leads us to success.
    ____ 有利于我们的成长,而且最终会引领我们成功


  • constantly adv. 不断地;时常地
  • genuinely adv. 真诚地;诚实地
  • necessarily adv. 必要地;必定地,必然地


  • However,as a college student, I am convinced that it is necessary for us to ... , but it is of greater necessity for us to ... 结束句(做出抉择时)


  • 写作要素

    素材积累(联想) 品质类好奇心 the significance of curiosity (2015.6.2...

  • 写作要素

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  • 写作碎碎念001-成功写作的五大要素之首是:自信心

    [原创]写作碎碎念001 成功写作的五大要素之首是:自信心 自信心是成功写作的要素之首,无论你身在写作的哪个阶段,...

  • 素材

    写作需要素材。不仅仅写作需要素材,老师讲课程需要素材。 收集素材,还是搜集素材,其实是不一样的。 如果你把素材的积...

  • 写作6要素

    文章怎么写, 每天学一点。 今天学习写作6要素 1.时间 写作时代确定, 建筑的风格, 人物的服饰, 时代的特色…...

  • 关于写作,要抓住三个要素

    我认为写作有三个要素: 1.灵感 写作最重要的要素。 灵感像个小精灵,指引着我们在写作的道路上不停的奔跑。当然如果...

  • 做好活动策划的关键要素


  • 读书笔记Day3

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  • 新认知


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