title: Biased genome editing using the local accumulation of DSB repair molecules system
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05773-6
microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ)
DNA double-strand break (DSB)
local accumulation of DSB repair molecules (LoAD) system
homologous recombination (HR)
non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ)
homology-independent targeted integration (HITI) system
precise integration into target chromosome (PITCh) system
single-strand template repair (SSTR)
Background and Gaps

Gaps: 以往的研究从未在多个基因组位点同时产生多种模式或多个报告基因的组合。基因插入在每个位点独立进行,在不同的基因位点上进行双或三重敲入需要一定的步骤。
横向比较:CRISPR-Cas9基因标记使用的方法有(1)同源修复HR,(2)非同源end-joining NHEJ,(3)微同源介导的end-joining MMEJ。虽然HR的方法可以非常精准的knockin,但它的载体的构建和效率远低于end-joining的方法。
Gaps: The NHEJ-mediated homology-independent targeted integration (HITI) system is especially useful for in vivo gene knock-in with high efficiency. however, this system cannot assign multiple donors with different genomic loci simultaneously because there are no homology arms on the targeting donor vector for the HITI system.
To overcome these shortcomings, the MMEJ-mediated precise integration into target chromosome (PITCh) system is expected to facilitate high-throughput, simultaneous generation of multiplex knock-in cell libraries because it utilizes short but distinguishable microhomologies (≤40 bp) and results in superior knock-in efficiency compared with the HR-mediated method.

1. Systems development of biased genome editing.


1.1 以上结果表明MS2-CtIP LoADing可显著提高knockin的效率
1.2 knockin效率是增加了,可是编辑的细胞是杂合子还是纯合子?

The results indicated that all three clones obtained with the conventional PITCh system were heterozygous, whereas in two out of eight clones obtained with the LoADed PITCh system, no non-knock-in amplicons were observed, although one of these clones showed another longer amplicon, possibly carrying the plasmid backbone as well as the intended knock-in insert (Supplementary Fig. 7b). These results suggest that homozygous knock-in cells would be established using the LoADed PITCh system even in aneuploid cells, such as HEK293T
LoADed PITCh system能得到纯合子的概率是2/8,2个纯合子中有一个longer amplicon,而单纯的PITCh system全部都得到杂合子。
1.3 knockin效率增加了,还能得到纯合子,那么脱靶情况如何?
No evidence of off-target integrants was detected among eight clones, except that one minor band showing slightly longer size than expected was observed in one out of eight clones
1.4 会有细胞毒性吗?
之前我看过一篇文章,说的是CRISPR-Cas9的效果由于P53的存在而大打折扣,而P53对抗HDR是CRISPR-Cas9造成DSB无法被修复,从而介导了CRISPR-Cas9的细胞毒性。那么就会有以下两种情况:(1)P53存在时,CRISPR-Cas9效果不好,且有细胞毒性;(2)P53敲除时,CRISPR-Cas9效率增加,但有致癌的风险。以此引发临床安全性的思考,提醒在人体上使用CRISPR-Cas9治疗需要注意的安全性问题,从而以一个相对简单的故事,发表在了Nature Medicine上。所以,我们在使用基因编辑工具的时候,需要注意一下它的细胞毒性情况。

1.5 一般情况下,还会再问一下MS2-CtIP增加knockin效率的机制
2. Characterization of DSB repair pathway choice.


3. Parallel generation of multiplex knock-in cell collections.

4. Versatility of the LoAD system.
Finally, we found the common knock-in-enhancing effect of LoADed MS2-CtIP on single-strand template repair and HR repair pathways.

参考文献: Nakade S, Mochida K, Kunii A, et al. Biased genome editing using the local accumulation of DSB repair molecules system[J]. Nature communications, 2018, 9(1): 3270.