
作者: _chubby | 来源:发表于2016-11-11 13:54 被阅读139次
    • 意图


    • 动机


    • 适用性


    • 真实的策略

    1. JDK源码文件过滤:
     public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) {
            String names[] = list();
            if ((names == null) || (filter == null)) {
                return names;
            List<String> v = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++) {
                if (filter.accept(this, names[i])) {
            return v.toArray(new String[v.size()]);
    interface FilenameFilter {
         * Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list.
         * @param   dir    the directory in which the file was found.
         * @param   name   the name of the file.
         * @return  <code>true</code> if and only if the name should be
         * included in the file list; <code>false</code> otherwise.
        boolean accept(File dir, String name);

    这是java.io.File中的list(FilenameFilter filter)方法,它实现定义了一个FilenameFilter接口,让用户自己实现它,从而达到文件的过滤。


    public class DirList
        public static void main(String[] args)
            File path = new File(".");
            String[] list;
            list = path.list(new DirFilter(".java"));
            Arrays.sort(list, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
            for(String dirItem: list)
    class DirFilter implements FilenameFilter
        private Pattern pattern;
        public DirFilter(String regex)
            pattern = pattern.compile(regex);
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
            return pattern.matcher(name).matches();

    这样我们就将java文件给过滤出来了。这里每一个FilenameFilter的实现都是一种策略,java.io.File.listFiles(FileFilter filter) 同理

    1. Lucene中org.apache.lucene.analysis中的TokenStreamComponents的重用策略
       * Strategy defining how TokenStreamComponents are reused per call to
       * {@link Analyzer#tokenStream(String, java.io.Reader)}.
      public static abstract class ReuseStrategy {
        /** Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit.) */
        public ReuseStrategy() {}
         * Gets the reusable TokenStreamComponents for the field with the given name.
         * @param analyzer Analyzer from which to get the reused components. Use
         *        {@link #getStoredValue(Analyzer)} and {@link #setStoredValue(Analyzer, Object)}
         *        to access the data on the Analyzer.
         * @param fieldName Name of the field whose reusable TokenStreamComponents
         *        are to be retrieved
         * @return Reusable TokenStreamComponents for the field, or {@code null}
         *         if there was no previous components for the field
        public abstract TokenStreamComponents getReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName);
         * Stores the given TokenStreamComponents as the reusable components for the
         * field with the give name.
         * @param fieldName Name of the field whose TokenStreamComponents are being set
         * @param components TokenStreamComponents which are to be reused for the field
        public abstract void setReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, TokenStreamComponents components);
         * Returns the currently stored value.
         * @return Currently stored value or {@code null} if no value is stored
         * @throws AlreadyClosedException if the Analyzer is closed.
        protected final Object getStoredValue(Analyzer analyzer) {
          if (analyzer.storedValue == null) {
            throw new AlreadyClosedException("this Analyzer is closed");
          return analyzer.storedValue.get();
         * Sets the stored value.
         * @param storedValue Value to store
         * @throws AlreadyClosedException if the Analyzer is closed.
        protected final void setStoredValue(Analyzer analyzer, Object storedValue) {
          if (analyzer.storedValue == null) {
            throw new AlreadyClosedException("this Analyzer is closed");
       * A predefined {@link ReuseStrategy}  that reuses the same components for
       * every field.
      public static final ReuseStrategy GLOBAL_REUSE_STRATEGY = new ReuseStrategy() {
        public TokenStreamComponents getReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName) {
          return (TokenStreamComponents) getStoredValue(analyzer);
        public void setReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, TokenStreamComponents components) {
          setStoredValue(analyzer, components);
       * A predefined {@link ReuseStrategy} that reuses components per-field by
       * maintaining a Map of TokenStreamComponent per field name.
      public static final ReuseStrategy PER_FIELD_REUSE_STRATEGY = new ReuseStrategy() {
        public TokenStreamComponents getReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName) {
          Map<String, TokenStreamComponents> componentsPerField = (Map<String, TokenStreamComponents>) getStoredValue(analyzer);
          return componentsPerField != null ? componentsPerField.get(fieldName) : null;
        public void setReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, TokenStreamComponents components) {
          Map<String, TokenStreamComponents> componentsPerField = (Map<String, TokenStreamComponents>) getStoredValue(analyzer);
          if (componentsPerField == null) {
            componentsPerField = new HashMap<>();
            setStoredValue(analyzer, componentsPerField);
          componentsPerField.put(fieldName, components);




