jrtplib3.11.1之 源码分析(二):数据包

jrtplib3.11.1之 源码分析(二):数据包

作者: C_GO流媒体后台开发 | 来源:发表于2018-12-02 16:50 被阅读14次

RTP 头部

  • rtpstructs : 数据结构体
struct RTPHeader
    uint8_t version:2;
    uint8_t padding:1;
    uint8_t extension:1;
    uint8_t csrccount:4;
    uint8_t marker:1;
    uint8_t payloadtype:7;
#else // little endian
    uint8_t csrccount:4;
    uint8_t extension:1;
    uint8_t padding:1;
    uint8_t version:2;
    uint8_t payloadtype:7;
    uint8_t marker:1;
#endif // RTP_BIG_ENDIAN
    uint16_t sequencenumber;
    uint32_t timestamp;
    uint32_t ssrc;
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  • V - Version. Identifies the RTP version.

  • P - Padding. When set, the packet contains one or more additional padding octets at the end which are not part of the payload.

  • X - Extension bit. When set, the fixed header is followed by exactly one header extension, with a defined format.

  • CSRC count (CC) -Contains the number of CSRC identifiers that follow the fixed header.

  • M - Marker. The interpretation of the marker is defined by a profile. It is intended to allow significant events such as frame boundaries to be marked in the packet stream.

  • Payload type - Identifies the format of the RTP payload and determines its interpretation by the application. A profile specifies a default static mapping of payload type codes to payload formats. Additional payload type codes may be defined dynamically through non-RTP means.

  • Sequence number - Increments by one for each RTP data packet sent, and may be used by the receiver to detect packet loss and to restore packet sequence.

  • Timestamp - Reflects the sampling instant of the first octet in the RTP data packet. The sampling instant must be derived from a clock that increments monotonically and linearly in time to allow synchronization and jitter calculations.

  • SSRC - Synchronization source. This identifier is chosen randomly, with the intent that no two synchronization sources within the same RTP session will have the same SSRC identifier.

  • CSRC - Contributing source identifiers list. Identifies the contributing sources for the payload contained in this packet.

  • RTPExtensionHeader X - Extension bit

struct RTPExtensionHeader
    uint16_t extid;
    uint16_t length;
  • RTCPCommonHeader RTCP通用头部
struct RTCPCommonHeader
    uint8_t version:2;
    uint8_t padding:1;
    uint8_t count:5;
#else // little endian
    uint8_t count:5;
    uint8_t padding:1;
    uint8_t version:2;
#endif // RTP_BIG_ENDIAN

    uint8_t packettype;
    uint16_t length;


  • rtprawpacket : 用来存储RTP和RTCP数据

    1. 数据指针 packetdata
    2. 数据长度 packetdatalength
    3. 接收时间 receivetime
    4. 网络地址 senderaddress
    5. 是否是rtp数据包 isrtp
  • rtppacket :用于解析RTPRawPacket的实例,可以得到rtp header 信息。该类也可以根据指定的参数来创建一个新的RTP数据包。

  • rtppacketbuilder :这个类可以用来建立RTP包,比RTPPacket类高一级,它会产生一个SSRC标识符,跟踪时间戳和序列号等, 打成一组包。

RTCP 实时传输控制协议类

RTCP 控制协议需要与RTP数据协议一起配合使用,当应用程序启动一个RTP会话时将同时占用两个端口,分别供RTP和RTCP使用。RTP本身并不能为按序传输数据包 提供可靠的保证,也不提供流量控制和拥塞控制,这些都由RTCP来负责完成。通常RTCP会采用与RTP相同的分发机制,向会话中的所有成员周期性地发送控制信息,应用程序通过接收这些数据,从中获取会话参与者的相关资料,以及网络状况、分组丢失概率等反馈信息,从而能够对服务质量进行控制或者对网络状况进行诊断。


  • SR 发送端报告:所谓发送端是指发出RTP数据报的应用程序或者终端,发送端同时也可以是接收端。
  • RR 接收端报告:所谓接收端是指仅接收但不发送RTP数据报的应用程序或者终端。
  • SDES 源描述:主要功能是作为会话成员有关标识信息的载体,如用户名、邮件地址、电话号码等,此外还具有向会话成员传达会话控制信息的功能。
  • BYE 通知离开:主要功能是指示某一个或者几个源不再有效,即通知会话中的其他成员自己将退出会话。
  • APP 由应用程序自己定义:解决了RTCP的扩展性问题,并且为协议的实现者提供了很大的灵活性。



  • rtcppacket: RTCP包的特定类型的基类。 数据指针 数据长度 数据类型
    enum PacketType  //类型
            SR,         /* RTCP sender report. */
            RR,         /* RTCP receiver report. */
            SDES,    /* RTCP source description packet. */
            BYE,       /* RTCP bye packet. */
            APP,       /* RTCP packet containing application specific data. */
            Unknown    /*The type of RTCP packet was not recognized. */
  • rtcpcompoundpacket : 表示一个RTCP复合包 是由一系列的 RTCPCommonHeader + rtcp数据包组成 (SR, RR,....), 解析接收到数据 把rtcp数据包添加到rtcppacklist链表中 可以循环遍历。

  • RTCPAPPPacket : RTCP APP packet

  • RTCPBytePacket : RTCP Byte packet

  • RTCPRRPacket: RTCP receiver report packet

  • RTCPSRPacket: RTCP sender report packet

  • RTCPSDESPacket: RTCP source description packet

  • RTCPUnknownpacket:RTCP packet of unknown type



  • RTCPSenderReport 结构体
struct RTCPSenderReport
    uint32_t ntptime_msw;
    uint32_t ntptime_lsw;
    uint32_t rtptimestamp;
    uint32_t packetcount;
    uint32_t octetcount;
  • RTCPReceiverReport
struct RTCPReceiverReport
    uint32_t ssrc; // Identifies about which SSRC's data this report is...
    uint8_t fractionlost;
    uint8_t packetslost[3];
    uint32_t exthighseqnr;
    uint32_t jitter;
    uint32_t lsr;
    uint32_t dlsr;
  • RTCPSDESHeader
struct RTCPSDESHeader
    uint8_t sdesid;
    uint8_t length;



      本文标题:jrtplib3.11.1之 源码分析(二):数据包
