

作者: SAM52 | 来源:发表于2020-09-11 08:49 被阅读0次

    16.3-Selecting an Issue-Simple Issue-Pornography


    what - The word pornography is from a Greek word meaning writing about prostitutes.
    色情是什么 - 色情一词来自希腊语,意思是描写关于妓女。

    no what - Its modern definition, however, has no direct connection to prositution.

    • 色情不是什么-然而,它现代的定义,跟卖淫没有直接联系。

    what - Pornography is any written, visual, or auditory material that is sexually explicit,although power and violence are frequently recurring subthemes.

    • 那色情到底是什么-色情是任何性暴露的文字、视觉或听觉材料,尽管权利和暴力是反复出现的次主题。

    phenomenon - The controversy that has always surrounded pornography has intensified in recent years.

    • 一个现象 - 近年来,一直围绕色情的争议愈演愈烈。

    explain - Among the reasons are the increase in sex and violence in movies and television and the appearance of pornographic materials on the Internet.

    • 一个解释 - 其中的原因是电影和电视里色情和暴力的增加和在互联网上色情材料的增加。

    question - The central question in the current debate over pornography is the same as it has been in decades, indeed centuries, past: Is pornography harmful?

    • 一个问题 - 当前关于色情争论的中心问题,和过去几十年甚至几百年前一样:色情是有害的吗?
    1. The audience - Are the user of pornography male or female? Adults or children?
    • 听众-色情的使用者是男性还是女性?承认还是小孩?
    1. Themes - What categories of sex are indlude in books, magazines, films, and tapes? What does the work say about the kinds of sex it treats? What message does it convey?
    • 主题-书籍、报纸、电影和录音带中都有哪些性爱类别?它们是怎么处理的?它传递了什么信息?
    1. Business arrangements - In pornographic films, are the actors paid? If so, does this consitute prostitution?
    • 行程安排-在色情电影中,演员是付费的吗?如果是,是否构成卖淫?
    1. The actors - Is genuine acting required for pornographic films? Do many actors find a career in such films, or only temporary employment? Do they look back on this employment, years later, with pride or with shame?
    • 演员-在色情电影中需要真正的表演才能吗?很多演员在这种电影中找到了自己的职业,还是只是一份临时工作?多年后,当他们回顾这份工作时,是感到骄傲还是羞耻?
    1. Alleged harmful effects - What attitudes does pornography cultivate toward love, marriage, and commitment? Does it, as some claim, eroticize children, celebrate the brutalization of women, and glamorize rape? Does it make men see women as persons or as objects? Does it elevate or degrade those who read/view it?
    • 声称受伤害的被影响者- 色情培养了人们对爱情、婚姻、承诺的什么态度?是否像一些人所说那样,将儿童色情化,颂扬女性的兽性,美化强奸?它是否使得男人把女人看作是人还是物体?它是提高了还是降低了那些阅读/观看它的人?
    1. Role of pornography in sexually transmitted disease - Does pornography play a positive or negative role in the effort to combat sexually transmitted diseases, indluding HIV/AIDS?
    • 色情电影在性传播疾病的作用- 色情电影在防治包括艾滋病在内的性传播疾病方面发挥了积极地还是消极的作用?
    1. Free speech - Does the guarantee of free speech extend to pornography?
    • 言论自由-言论自由的保障是否延伸了色情?



