每日一句 2020

每日一句 2020

作者: 豆腐匠 | 来源:发表于2020-01-08 22:28 被阅读0次

    1.1,Life is about who is holding your hand and , I think , whose hand you commit to holding.  我想,人生就是谁紧握着你的手,以及你承诺牵着谁的手。

    1.2,Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.  盲目相信权威是真理最大的敌人。

    1.3,failure isn't a necessary evil.In fact, it isn't evil at all.it is a necessary consequence of doing something new.失败不一定是坏事,实际上完全不是坏事。这是创新必然会遇到的一种结果。

    1.4,You can only push the truth down for so long , and then it bubbles backup. 真相只能被掩盖在水下一段时间,之后它又会冒着泡泡浮上来。

    1.5,Sometimes to be strong you have to first be weak. 有时候,为了变得更强,你得先学会示弱。

    1.6,Appreciation from people you admire changes how you see yourself. 被自己崇拜的人欣赏,会改变你对自己的看法。

    1.7,Sometimes being offered very tenderness feels like the very proof that you have been ruined.有时候感觉被人温柔以待反而证明了你的悲惨。

    1.8,Haven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears. 上帝知道,我们永远无需为自己的眼泪而感到羞耻

    1.9,There is reason that all things are as they are. 所有的事走到现在这一步都是有原因的。

    1.10,Nothing is bleaker than the future , except perhaps the past.也许除了过去,没有什么比未来更让人沮丧的事情了。

    1.11,No one is ever a victim , although your conquerors would have you believe in your own victimhood.尽管征服者们总想让你们这样认为,但没有谁生来就是受害者。

    1.12,On matters both big and small, sometimes accounts of the same event differ. The truth often lies , unclaimed , in the middle. 不管大事小事,有时对同一件事大家都说法不一,真相往往夹在这些描述中间,无人认领。

    1.13.To be gorgeous , you must first be seen , but to be seen allows you to be hunted.想要成为华丽夺目的人,首先你得让人看到你,但这样也会让你成为被捕猎的对象。

    1.14. Sometimes our strengths are also our weaknesses. 有时候,我们的长处也正是我们的弱点。

    1.15. There was no predicting where life would go. There was no real way for a person to try something out ,see if he liked it. 我们无法预知生活的走向,也没办法只是试着走走,看自己喜不喜欢这样的人生。

    1.16. Comparing yourself to people on social media as risky as using WebMD to diagnose yourself.将自己同社交网络上的人作比较,跟在网上查自己得了什么病一样危险。

    1.17. Live life exactly how you want to live so you can love the life you make for yourself. 完完全全过自己想过的生活,这样你才能爱上自己个自己创造的人生。

    1.18.When you choose the path , you choose the destination.当你选了一条路,你也就选择了终点。

    1.19.To chose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.把怀疑作为人生哲学,这就相当于要出行却选择一动不动。

    1.20.If you want to see a miracle, to be the miracle. 如果你想看到奇迹,那就去成为奇迹吧。

    1.21.Real champions fight through adversity.真正的冠军在逆境中奋斗

    1.22.It is love that will heal you .It what heal us all.爱会治愈你,会治愈我们所有人。

    1.23.Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. 超越风暴,你就会发现阳光。

    1.24.Questions provide the key to unlocking our unlimited potential.问题提供了打开我们无限潜能的钥匙。

    1.25.The simple act of paying attention can take you a long wag.集中注意力这个简单的行动能让你走的更远。

    1.26.Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us.我们对生活的态度,决定了生活对我们的态度。

    1.27.Although it's good to try new things and to keep an open mind, it's also extremely important to stay true to who you really are. 虽然尝试新事物和拥有开放心态很好,但是保持真我也非常重要。

    1.28. We often wait for kindness... but being kind to yourself can start now. 我们常常等着被施以善待,而善待自己可以从现在开始。

    1.29. Of all the hardships a person had to face , none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting. 在一个人需要面对的所有困难中,没什么比等待更折磨人了。

    1.30.Instead of trying to make your life perfect , give yourself the freedom to make an adventure, and go ever upward.与其努力让人生完美,不如放自己自由,让人生变成一场一路向上的冒险。

    1.31.Don't give up when you still have something to give, nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. 当你还能付出时,就不要放弃。知道你停止努力的那一刻,任何事都不会真正结束。

    2.1.Once you choose hope , anything's possible.只要选择希望,万事皆有可能

    2.2.Excuses are useless, results are priceless. 借口无用,结果无价。

    2.3 How silently the world revolved , when one was brooding ,and alone. 当一个人独自沉思时,世界转动的如此安静。

    2.4 A person's character is not determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat. 一个人的人格不取决于他如何享受胜利,而在于这个人如何忍受失败。

    2.5 I know that grief , like regret, settles into our DNA , and remains forever a part of us. 我明白伤痛像悔恨,会融入我们的DNA,永远成为我们生命中的一部分。

    2.6 Life is not always beautiful , but the struggles make you stronger , the changes make you wiser. 生活不一定是一直美好的,但是那些挣扎可以让你变得更坚强,那些改变让你变的更有智慧。

    2.7 Time is an illusion , a construct made out of human memory . 时间是一种幻觉,是人类记忆构建出的一种概念。

    2.8 The tragedy of the gifted is the belief they are entitled to greatness.天才的悲剧在于他们相信自己注定伟大。

    2.9 Those who fly solo have the strongest wings. 那些独自飞翔的人,会拥有最坚韧的羽翼。

    2.10 Better to have love and lost ,than never to have loved at all.只求曾经拥有,不求天长地久。

    2.11 This low point isn't the book of your life. Its's just a chapter. 这低谷并不是你的真个人生,而只是其中的一个章节

    2.12 The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.达到目标的最好办法,就是投入自己百分之百的时间和精力去完成它

    2.13 Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they actually become the person they seem. 有时候人们戴上一张完美的面具,是觉得有一天真的会变成面具上的样子。

    2.14 Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. 艰难的道路常通往美丽的终点。

    2.15 Though the feature remains unknown. May our good luck last , may our past be past.未来依然位置,愿好运继续,愿过去的成为过去。

    2.16 We live alongside this torment and are't amazed when we still find happiness, even love.我们生活中虽充满痛苦,却还是常常能发现幸福和爱的存在。

    2.17 You can power over your mind . not outsides events. 你可以掌控的是自己的思想,而非外部的事件。

    2.18 If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to tree. 要是你把你的秘密告诉了风,那就别怪风把它带给树。

    2.19 If you aren't experiencing failure , then you are making a far worse mistake: You are being driven by the desire to avoid it. 不经历失败,说明你正在犯更严重的错误:正在被避免失败的想法牵着鼻子走。

    2.20 It is like some of us are chasing after our nightmares the way other people chasing dream. 我们中的有些人,会像别人追寻梦想一样纠缠于自己的噩梦。

    2.21 Love wasn't possible without a self. and nor was thinking.爱不能没有自我,思考同理。

    2.22 A wise man will make more opportunites than he finds. 智者创造机会要多与他发现的。

    2.23 Knowledge rests not upon the truth alone. but upon error also. 知识不仅建立在真理之上,也建立在谬误之上。

    2.24 That's what it is to be human-the beauty and the pain, each meaningless without the other.这就是人生:美好与痛苦并存,缺一不可。

    2.25 Once a story you've regarded as true has turned false, you begin suspecting all stories.一旦你曾经以为真的故事被证实是虚构的,你就会开始怀疑所有的故事。

    2.26 Books are letters in bottles , cast into the wave of time, from one person trying to save the world to another. 书本就像被抛入时间洪流的瓶中信,在试图拯救这个世界的人手中流传。

    2.27 When you are in pain , sometimes the only escape is anther different pain.当你遭受某种痛苦时,有时候逃脱的方法只能是经历另一种痛苦。

    2.28 Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. 时间的存在是为了不让所有的一切同时发生。

    2.29 He has wondered lately if that's all living really is - one long goodbye to those we love.他最近在思索,是否人生其实是让我们跟爱的一切做一个漫长的告别。

    3.1 Little can be achieved without a considerable investment of effort.如果不投入很多努力,那就做不成什么事。

    3.2 So now , the time has come , I dust myself off , and go on.所以现在时机已到。我拍拍自己身上的尘土,往前走去。

    3.3 Life is worth living as long as there's laugh in it.只要有欢笑,人生便值得。

    3.4 Relationships in life don't really end , even if you never see the person again. 生命中的任何关系都不会真的结束,哪怕你再也见不到这个人。

    3.5 Sometimes a book about other people's problems is way better than your own. 有时候读书看看别人的麻烦,比思考自己的问题好受得多。

    3.6 Love was always love. anytime and anyplace , but it was more solid the closer it came to death. 无论何时何地,爱情始终都是爱情,只不过距离死亡越近,爱就越浓郁。

    3.7 The road to recovery is not linear. It's not straight. It's a humpy path, with lots of twists and turns. 通往痊愈的的道路并不是一条直线,而是一条颠簸的,有很多弯道和拐弯的路。

    3.8 In my experience people are rarely contented to end up where they started. 在我看来,人们很少满足于回到最初开始的地方。

    3.9 There comes a point where you have to make the choice to be happy , because being sad for too long is exhausting . 到某一个时候你就得选择开心,因为难过得太久让人精疲力竭。

    3.10 Never let anyone make you feel ordinary. 别让任何人让你感觉自己平凡普通。

    3.11 It seems to me that the less i fight my fear ,the less it fights back. If I can relax,fear relaxes too.在我看来,仿佛越少去和恐惧斗争,恐惧就越少还击,如果我能放松一点,恐惧也会松懈一些。

    3.12  But remember, there are beginnings in endings, through destruction there comes life.但请记住,结束蕴含着开始,毁灭往往迎来生机。

    3.13 It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires. 人们害怕的是事实的缺失,于是他们会将自己的恐惧,幻想与欲望通通倾注到这缺口中。

    3.14 The human body is robust . It can gather strength when it's in mortal danger.人的身体是很强的,当面对致命危险时,它可以聚集力量。

    3.15 We are prone to overestimate how much we understand about the world and underestimate the role of chance in events. 我们常常会高估自己对世界的了解。低估事件发生的偶然性。

    3.16 There's really nothing like the self-righteousness of the partially informed.没有谁比那些只听到一面之词的人更自以为是了。

    3.17 It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts, that I would spare them from being wounded.正因为我很看重温暖敏感的心,才不愿意它们受到伤害。

    3.18 Nothing in this world was more difficult than love.世上没有比爱更艰难的事了。

    3.19 Pain is inevitable.Suffering is optional.痛苦是不可避免的,但是苦难是可以选择的。

    3.20 The most effective people are those who can "hold" their vision while remaining committted to seeing current reality clearly. 最高效的人是那些能把握远景目标,同时还能看清当前现实的人。

    3.21 In any case you mustn't confuse a single failure with a final defeat. 不管怎样,都别把一次失败和一败涂地混为一谈。

    3.22 But in my heart I knew that just like the new grass. I wan't strong enough yet to be walked on.我心里知道,就像刚破土而出的小草,我还没强大到任人宰割。

    3.23 I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.我身处其中,却又置身事外,听闻着人事变幻无穷,感到既入迷有厌恶。

    3.24 One can be very much in love with a women without wishing to spend the rest of one's life with her.有的人可以深爱着一个女人,却不抱着要与她共度余生的奢望。

    3.25 After a certain age, we are all walking around this world in bodies made of secrets and shame and sorrow and old, unhealed injuries. 过了某个年纪,我们行走于这个世界的躯体已经全是秘密,羞愧,悲伤和尚未痊愈的旧伤口。

    3.26 "Letters are just pieces of paper," I said ,"Burn them, and what stays in your heart will stay ; keep them ,and what vanished will vanish." 信件本身不过是几张纸。烧掉吧,忘不掉的还是忘不掉;留着吧,该消失的还是会消失。

    3.27 Some people are nobody's enemies but their own. 有些人的敌人其实只有他自己。

    3.28 I want you show them the difference between what the think you are and what you can be. 我希望你能让他们看到,他们心里的你和你能称为的样子不一样。

    3.29 Misery loves company, and madness calls it forth.祸不单行,而疯狂必召之。

    3.30 Life is the thing you bring with you inside your own head. 人生其实就是你自己装在脑子里的东西。

    3.31 What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time : the Now.你所珍视的不是时间,而是时间之外的一个节点:当下。

    4.1 April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. 四月一日,这一天让我们想起,自己在其他三百六十四天是怎样的人。

    4.2 It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.是我们对黑暗的恐惧让快乐蒙上了阴影。

    4.3 Sometimes , life leaves you without directions , without guideposts and signs. 有时候,生活不会给你任何方向,也没有任何路标和指示牌。

    4.4 If I am going to die, I'd like to actually live first.如果我注定要死,那在这之前我想真正的活一次。

    4.5 Ture friends are always together in spirit. 真正的朋友精神上会一直彼此陪伴。

    4.6 We cannot erase the past , but we can accept it as history. 我们无法抹掉过去,但是我们可以将之当做历史去接纳它。

    4.7 There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.有些书的封面和封底就是这本书最好的部分了。

    4.8 The family - that dear octopus from tentacles we never quite escape, nor ,in our inmost hearts ,ever quite wish to . 家庭,就是那只亲爱的章鱼,我们永远逃脱不了它的触手,同时在我们内心深处,也从未真的想要逃离。

    4.9 The art of reading is in great part that of finding life once again in the books, and thanks to them , in understanding life better. 阅读的艺术,很大程度上是一种在书中,以及因读书儿产生的对生活更深的理解中,再次找回生活的艺术。

    4.10 Sometimes people have to be allowed to have something to live for in order to survive everything else.有时候人生必须得有所期盼,人们才能在遇上别的事情时挺过去。

    4.11 It isn't the desire to abide the law that makes everyone behave as society requires, but the fear of punishment. 让大家言行符合社会要求的并不是想要守法的意愿,而是对惩罚的恐惧。

    4.12 You are allowed to want more for yourself for no other reason than because it makes your heart happy. 你可以纯粹只为取悦自己而想要更多,不需要任何别的原因。

    4.13 If home can't be where you come from , then home is what you make of where you go.如果你来的地方不能叫做家,那么家就是你要去的地方。

    4.14 Compare yourself to who you were yesterday , not to who someone else is today.拿自己跟昨天的自己比较,而不是去跟今天的别人比较

    4.15 Remember , the main job of the leader is thinking . And the best preperation for leadership is thinking.记住,领导者最主要的职责就是思考,想要成为领导者,最好的准备工作也是思考。

    4.16 Loneliness isn't the physical absence of other people, he said -- it's the sense that  you're not sharing anything that matters with anyone else. 孤独并不是身边缺少其他人,而是感觉没有人与你分享那些你认为重要的东西。

    4.17 Some persons hold that there is a wisdom of the Head , and that there is a wisdom of the Heart。 有的人认为有一种智慧源于头脑,有一种源于内心。

    4.18 Love is like riding or speaking French . If you don't learn it young. It's hard to get the trick of it later.爱情就像骑马或者说法语,如果你不早早学会,后面就很难明白其中的诀窍了。

    4.19 The reading of a fine book is an uninterrupted  dialogue in which the book speaks and our soul replies. 读一本好书的过程,就是这本书与我们的灵魂不断对话的过程。

    4.20 You must learn in life to make things lightly , my dear. 宝贝,人生漫漫,很多事你得学着看开一些。

    4.21 Whatever you love , do it now. Time is not on your side.不管你喜欢什么,现在就行动,时间不会站在你这边。

    4.22 Once you get used to being on your own ,it becomes normal.一旦你习惯了一个人,这种状态就变成了一种常态。

    4.23 Someday I'm going to find somebody and love him and love him and never let him go.总有一天我会找到一个人,我会爱他,一直爱他,绝不让他离开。

    4.24 The best thing we can do with the failures of the past is to let them be history.对于过去的失败,最好的应对方式是让它们成为历史。

    4.25 But every once in a while , you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do ,nothing will ever compare. 斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。

    4.26 If the mind's not strong , the body acts weak, even if it's not. 如果思想不够强大,那身体就会表现得很软弱,即便事实并非如此。

    4.27 I guess sometimes you don't know what you want because you don't know it exists.我猜有时候你不知道自己想要什么,是因为你并不知道这东西的存在。

    4.28 Curiosity was one of the many masks of love.好奇心也是爱情的种种伪装之一。

    4.29 It is said that every life has its roses and thorns.人们说,每个人的人生都有自己的玫瑰和荆棘。

    4.30 Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering. 等待很痛苦,忘记也很痛苦。然而不知如何是好才是最大的折磨。

    5.1 Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.试着成为别人乌云中的一道彩虹

    5.2 Reading a novel was like returning to a once-beloved holiday destination. 读小说的感觉就像回到曾经很爱的度假胜地。

    5.3 People living alone get used to loneliness. 独自生活的人往往习惯了孤独。

    5.4 When tragedies strike we try to find someone to blame , and in the absence of a suitable candidate we usually blame ourselves.当悲剧发生时,我们总想找个人来怪罪,如果没有合适的对象,我们就会把一切归咎于自身。

    5.5 If you have to consider what's going to happen after you die , life becomes doubly troublesome. 如果你还得考虑死后发生的事,那人生就有双倍的烦恼了。

    5.6 Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers. 也许书籍拥有一种秘密的归巢本能。这种本能会把它们带给最适合的读者。

    5.7 We're tired of having the world push us into places we don't want to be. 我们厌倦了被这世界逼进一些我们不想身处的位置。

    5.8 Instinct is a marvelous thing , It can neither be explained nor ignored.本能是一种神器的东西,它既不能被解释,也不能被忽视。

    5.9 And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles.秘密花园里繁花不断盛开,每个清晨都展现出新的奇迹。

    5.10 Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed. 人生是一个个时刻组成的,过好每一个时刻就是成功。

    5.11 But love has to be stronger than hate , or there is no future for us.爱必须强大,否则我们就没有未来可言。

    5.12 "You ever think , " Jimmy said , "how the most minor decision can change entire direction of your life?"你有没有想过,那些最不起眼的决定可能会改变你整个人生的走向?

    5.13 The reason we lose people we care about is so we're more grateful for the ones we still have.我们之所以会失去那些我们在意的人,是为了让我们对还留在自己身边的人更加心存感激。

    5.14 If she packaged the perfect Facebook life , maybe she would start to believe it herself. 如果她在社交网络上包装出一种完美的生活,也许她自己都会开始信以为真。

    5.15 Sometimes ,Clark , you are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning.有时候,你几乎可以说是我每天早上想要醒来的唯一理由。

    5.16 If a Scientist could figure out how to align the heart with brain , there would be very little agony left in the would. 如果科学家可以找到让情感和理智达成一致的方式,那世上会少很多痛苦。

    5.17 The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it.黑暗不会摧毁光明,反而会突显光明的意义。

    5.18 I found that eating alone by the window in a quiet restaurant is one of life's greatest secret pleasure.我发现坐在一家安静的餐馆窗边独自用餐,是生活中最大的秘密乐趣之一。

    5.19 "To be held above the earth and brushed by the wind," she said, "it's like your heart has been kissed by beauty". 被大地环抱,任微分拂面,这感觉就像是你的心被美好的事物亲吻了。

    5.20 It was not the thorn bending on the honeysuckles , but the honeysuckles embracing the thorn.不是荆棘倒向忍冬,而是忍冬拥抱荆棘。

    5.21 Violence does , in truth , recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.事实上,暴力的确会报应在施暴者身上,设计陷害别人的人也往往会掉入自己的陷阱。

    5.22 Negotiation is not an act of battle; it's a  process of discovery.谈判并不是战斗,而是一个不断发现的过程。

    5.23 The older you get the more your life depends on the partterns you set. 年纪越大,你的生活就越依赖于你自己设定的模式。

    5.24 All conflict can be traced back to someone's feelings getting hurt, don't you think?一切冲突的根源都是有人的感情受到了伤害,你不觉得吗?

    5.25 You are my sunlight in the dark and the ground beneath my feet. 你是我黑暗中的阳光,是我脚下坚实的土地。

    5.26 Grief cannot feed you, though fills you.悲伤填不饱肚子,却能充斥你整个身体。

    5.27 Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent.生活中的奇怪事是任何人的脑子也想不出来的。

    5.28 Life is a disease , brothers , and death begins already at birth.兄弟们,人生就是一场疾病,从出生那天起,死亡就已经开始了。

    5.29 Don't sum up the person based on what you see , or what you don't understand; get to know them.不要仅凭你所看到的或者你不理解的东西总结一个人,要真正去了解他们。

    5.30 Always in the hope of finding something that resembled love , but without the problems of love.总是希望能找到某种类似爱情,却有不必为之烦恼的东西。

    5.31 My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.别人越是想要让我害怕,我的勇气就越增加。

    6.1 Green was the silence , wet was the light , the month of june trembled like a butterfly.寂静生碧色,黎明露华浓。六月似蝴蝶在颤动。

    6.2 Scared is what you're feeling . Brave is what you're doing. 你感觉到的是恐惧,而你要的是勇敢。

    6.3 Whatever be his pursuits, his eagerness in them should know no moderation, and leave him no sense of fatigue.  人不管爱好是什么,都应该如饥似渴,孜孜不倦。

    6.4 I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own.

    6.5 The pleasantness of an employment does not always evince its propriety. 一件令人愉快的事并不表示它一定是合乎规矩的。

    6.6 We can't all be happy , we can't all be rich , we can't all be lucky - and it would be so much less fun if we were.不是每个人都能快乐,富有和幸运,否则就太没意思了。

    6.7 If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.对他人不设期望,你就永远不会失望。

    6.8 Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.不必赐我情爱,金钱或名望,给我真相。

    6.9 I'll never know , and neither will you of the life you don't choose.我和你永远都不会知道未选的生活是什么样子。

    6.10 If chaos is a neccessary step in the organization of one's universe. then  I was well on my way.如果一团糟是人生走向井井有条的毕竟阶段,那我应该离终点不远了。

    6.11 Problems were solved by taking action . Worry never solved problems . Neither did fear.采取行动才能解决问题,忧虑和恐惧永远解决不了问题。

    6.12 Love becomes greater and nobler in calamity. 灾难中的爱情更加伟大和高尚

    6.13 Dare to seize every opportunity on your life's journey. 要敢于抓住人生旅途中的每一个机会。

    6.14 Happiness comes in moments , and then it's gone until the next time. Could be years.幸福有时会到来,而后会离开,有时可能得过好几年才会再来。

    6.15 Pride is an evil dragon; it sleeps underneath your heart and then roars when you need silence. 骄傲是一只恶龙,一直沉睡在你的心底,却在你需要宁静的时候不停咆哮。

    6.16 When it comes to life , we spin our own yarn, and where we end up is really , in fact , where we always intended to be .就人生而言,每个人都在讲述自己的故事。

    6.17 People who get things done in this world don't wait for the spirit to move them; they move the spirit.这世上能成事的人,不会等着精神被鼓舞,而是主动去激励自己的精神。

    6.18 Fear is natural reaction to moving closer to the truth . 当我们越来越接近真相,恐惧是很自然的反应。

    6.19 Let me keep my distance , always , from those who think they have the answers.容我,永远地,同那些认为自己拥有答案的人保持距离。

    6.20 There is no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。

    6.21 Face your life , its pain ,its pleasure, leave no path untaken . 直面自己的人生,痛苦也好,欢乐也罢,所有的路都值得走一回。

    6.22 I've been so ridiculous all my life that a little bit more or a little bit less hardly matters now. 我这辈子都过的很荒唐,所以现在荒谬多点儿少点儿也无所谓了。

    6.23 The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance .世上的邪恶皆源自无知。

    6.24 It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy ; it is disposition alone.  亲密程度不取决于时间或机缘,只取决于性情。

    6.25 As a rule , the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it prove to be. 通常来讲,越稀奇的事,真相往往越不足为奇。

    6.26 There are people who help you and people who hurt you . You keep hte former. 有人帮助你,有人伤害你,你需要留住的是前者。

    6.27 We suffer and suffer and suffer , but we also keep getting up . We keep living . 我们在生活中摸爬滚打历经苦难,却始终能站起来, 却始终能活下去。

    6.28 Honest people don't hide their deeds. 诚实的人做事光明磊落。

    6.29 People change, no use getting sentimental about it . Move on , find someone else. 人总是会变的,没必要因此感伤,继续前行,另觅良人。

    6.30 There must be the dark background to show up the bright colours. 要有黑暗做背景才能衬托出明亮的色彩

    7.1 It's July and I have hope in who I am becoming. 七月,对自己即将成为的样子心怀希望。

    7.2 Wounds heal . Love lasts. We remain. 伤会愈合,爱会继续,我们依旧如初。

    7.3 No one , no one really knows loss until it's someone you love. 直到失去了所爱之人,才能真正懂得失去。

    7.4 Sometimes to get what you want the most , you have to do what you want the least.有时候要得到你最想要的,就得去做你最不想做的。

    7.5 When I discover who I am , I'll be free. 当我找到真正的自己,那就是自由的时候。

    7.6 For who would dare to assert that eternal happiness can compensate for a single moment's human suffering?  谁有敢信誓旦旦地说永恒的欢愉可以弥补一时的人生苦痛呢?

    7.7 To the people who love you , you are beautiful already. 对于那些爱你的人来说, 你已经很美了。

    7.8 We are all in the gutter , but some of us are looking at the stars. 我们都活在深沟之中,却有人仰望星空。

    7.9 For with eyes made clear by many tears and a heart softened by the tenderest sorrow , she recognized the beauty of her sister's lift. 她的眼因流多了泪水而愈益清明, 心因饱经忧患儿愈益温厚,也正因于此她看到了妹妹生命中的美好之处。

    7.10 I can resist everything , expect temptation . 除了诱惑,我什么都能抵抗

    7.11 It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves.他们可以如此自以为是,仅仅是因为他们的愚蠢

    7.12 You are not being punished for your anger . You're being punished by your anger. 愤怒不是你受惩罚的原因,而是你受惩罚的方式。

    7.13 Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look. 那些非凡的东西总是藏在人们想不到的地方。

    7.14 Lock up your libraries if you like ; but there is no gate , no lock , no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.  如果你愿意,你大可关闭图书馆这些地方,但这世上没有任何一扇门,一把锁,一个门闩可以阻拦我思想的自由。

    7.15 But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it? 离开之后,又怎么能回到原点呢?

    7.16 If you dare nothing ,  then when the day is over , nothing is all you will have gained. 如果你什么也不敢做,那当一天结束之时,你什么也收获不了。

    7.17 There is a loneliness in this world so great that you can see it in the slow movement of the hands of a clock. 这世上有一种孤独感如此之深, 你甚至可以在时钟指针的缓慢移动中发现它的踪迹。

    7.18 Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself , what do I want to do everyday for the rest for my life ... Do that. 问镜子里的自己, 接下来的日子我每天想做什么...... 然后去做。

    7.19 By night , Love , the your heart to mine, and the two together in their sleep will defeat the darkness. 到了夜里,爱人, 请将你我的心栓在一起,两颗沉沉入睡的心会击溃黑暗。

    7.20 To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 自恋是一场终身恋爱的开始。

    7.21 Love is the only thing we can carry with us when we go , and it makes the end so easy.爱是我们逝去时唯一能带走的东西,它让死亡变得如此从容。

    7.22 I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me .  I cannot even explain it to myself.我无法让别人理解我身体里的变化,甚至对自己也解释不清楚。

    7.23 Nothing in the world is worth turning one's back on what one loves. 世上没有任何事情值得让人背弃爱情。

    7.24 You would not be here if you weren't brave , Now you need to be braver still. 如果你以前不够勇敢,你不会走到这里。现在你需要的是让自己更加勇敢。

    7.25 The road to success is not a path you find but a trail you blaze. 成功的道路不是现成的,而是需要你去开辟

    7.26 I'm just saying there are threads , okay? Threads in our lives . You pull one, and everything else gets affected. 我只是说我们的生活里充满了纵横交错的线好吗?你拉动一根,其他的每一根都会受到影响。

    7.27 She wanted to bottle how safe she felt in this moment , so she could drink of it later when loneliness and fear left her parched. 她想将此刻的安全感装进瓶子里,这样等到下次孤独和恐惧再次灼烤她的时候,就可以将之一饮而尽了。

    7.28 One's character is set at an early age, son, The choices you make now will affect you for the rest of your life. 一个人的性格在很小的时候就定下来了,你现在所有的选择会在你未来的人生中一直对你产生影响。

    7.29 Love , no matter what else it might be , was a natural talent. You are either born knowing how, or you never know. 爱情,首先是一种本能,要么生下来就会,要么永远都不会。

    7.30 The painful things seemed like knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place. 令人痛苦的事情就像一条漂亮项链上的绳结,有它们的存在哪些魅力的珠子才不会滑落。

    7.31 Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.你身体发肤的每一寸都如同我自己的一般珍贵,哪怕遭遇疾病和痛苦,这一点仍不会改变。

    8.1 This morning , the sun endures past dawn . I realise that it is August: the summer's last stand.今晨,日出破晓。我意识到已经是八月了,夏天的最后一站。

    8.2 There are more things to admire in men than to despise. 比起那些可鄙之处,人类身上还是有更多值得赞美的地方。

    8.3 Adults build fortress-like defenses against disappointment . Kids barely have the tools to constructs a chain-like fence. 成年人的心里有一座堡垒用来抵挡失望的冲击,而小孩子连造一排篱笆的工具也没有。

    8.4 The world is not a wish-granting factory. 这世界不能让你事事如愿。

    8.5 Where the mind is perhaps rather unwilling to be convinced , it will always find something to support its doubts. 心里不愿相信的事情, 总会找到一点怀疑的依据。

    8.6 Time plays like an accordion in the way it can stretch out and compress itself in a thousand melodic ways. 时间就像手风琴一般,可以再上千种旋律变换中延展和压缩。

    8.7 Repetition . Effort . Pain . Success . There really is no shortcut. 重复训练,努力拼搏,忍受艰辛 , 获得成功, 这条路真的没有捷径。

    8.8 Life is to be lived  , not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.人生是用来活的,而并非一味被掌控,只有在失败面前仍然坚持奋斗才能赢得人性的光辉。

    8.9 Someone may touch our heart even just for a second . But it may leave our soul stirred for a lifetime.有的人可能只是一瞬间触动了我们的心,但却让我们的灵魂一生都无法平静。

    8.10 The more I feel imperfect , the more I feel alive. 越觉得不完美,越有真正活着的感觉。

    8.11 We have to continually be jumping off the cliffs and developing our wings on the way down. 我们必须不停跳下悬崖,才能在这个过程中让自己的羽翼丰满。

    8.12 "One must always be careful of books," said Tessa , "and what is inside them , for words have the power to change us." 要始终对阅读的书以及其中的内容倍加留心,因为文字有足以改变我们的力量。

    8.13 The marks humans leave are too often scars.人类留下的痕迹往往都是伤痕。

    8.14 There comes time in every life when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart。 每个人的人生中都会有这样一个时刻,这一刻全世界都安静下来,只听得到自己的心声。

    8.15 There is no greater glory than to die and love. 没有什么比为爱而死更光荣的了。

    8.16 I no longer faced  backward forward the past , but forward toward the future. 我不再往后凝视过去,而是朝前面对未来。

    8.17 You can't skip to the end of the story just because you're tired of being in the middle. 不能仅仅因为你厌倦了过程,就直接跳到故事的结尾。

    8.18 You just use the future to escape the present . 你不过是在用未来逃避现在。

    8.19 Imperfection inspires invention imagination , creativity.不完美可以带来新发明,激发想象力和创造力。

    8.20 One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.有一天当你回首从前,那些最难熬的日子却成为了你心中最美的时光。

    8.21 Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by the literature and poetry.只有那些意志非常薄弱的人才会拒绝受到文字和诗歌的影响。

    8.22 Hope rises and dream flicker and die. Love plans for tomorrow and loneliness thinks of yesterday. 希望冉冉升起,而梦想闪烁着微光慢慢逝去,爱畅想着明天,孤独却追忆着昨日。

    8.23 We are driven more strongly to avoid losses than to achieve gains. 我的内驱力更倾向于避免损失,而不是获得收益。

    8.24 We have learned how to make a living , but not a life. 我们学会了如何生存,却没学会如何生活。

    8.25 Only God knows how much I loved you.只有上帝知道我有多爱你。

    8.26 What if the puzzle of the world was a shape you didn't fit into? 要是世界这块大拼图容不下你怎么办?

    8.27 Life is beautiful and living is pain. 生命很美,生活却很苦。

    8.28 To be able to be caught up into the world of thought -- that is to be educated.能够被思想的世界包裹,就是接受教育的过程。

    8.29 Paradise on earth was to work all day alone in anticipation of an evening in interesting company.白天独自工作时,期盼着晚上有人相伴,这就是尘世的快乐了。

    8.30 It doesn't take a whole long life to realize that what we deserve to have, we rarely get.不需要很长时间就能想明白,我们很少能得到自己真正值得拥有的东西。

    8.31 Choose thoughts that give you the emotions of being alive and excited about life. 选择去关注那些能带给你生命力以及可以让你为生命而悸动的情感。

    9.1 Outside , the September air was enticingly fragrant , yellow with pollen and rich, lemony sunlight. 窗外,九月的空气孵郁迷人,花粉在空中飞舞,浓郁柠檬般的阳光将空气浸润成亮亮的明黄色。

    9.2 I will think of you every time I need to be reminded there is beauty and goodness in the world。 每当我需要被提醒这个世界上仍有美好存在,我就会想起你。

    9.3 If there is one thing one can always yearn for and sometimes attain , it is human love.如果说有一样东西是人们心向往之,且时不时还能得偿所愿的,那就是人与人之间的情爱了。

    9.4 As your experiences differ and multiply . you become a different man , and hence your perspective changes. 随着你经历的变化及增加,你会变成一个不同的人,你对事情的看法也会因此改变。

    9.5 There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book . Books are well written or badly written . That is all. 没有什么道德或不道德的书,书只分写得好和写得不好的,仅此而已。

    9.6 No matter what gets damaged , life rearranges itself to compensate for your loss , sometimes wonderfully. 不管受到什么伤害,生活都会重新振作起来弥补你失去的东西,有时候甚至超乎你的想象。

    9.7 The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor . 富人的天堂建立在穷人的炼狱之上。

    9.8 We've added years to life , not life to years . 我们经历了年岁的增长,生活却依然毫无起色。

    9.9 The business of the life is the acquisition of memories . In the end , that's all there is. 人生就是收集回忆的过程,这也是最后你拥有的全部东西。

    9.10 Experience is a brutal teacher , but you learn fast. 经验是残酷的老师,但你会学的很快。

    9.11Experience new things . Love and be loved , if you ever get the chance. 去尝试新的东西。如果有机会的话,去爱和被爱吧。

    9.12 Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. 那些在美的事物里找丑的意义的人都是内心腐坏毫不迷人的。

    9.13 Things get broken , and sometimes they get repaired. 东西总会坏掉,有时坏掉的东西也能修补好。

    9.14 There is nothing like work for getting over a disappointment . 熬过失望最好的方法就是工作。

    9.15 Every breath , every heartbeat , is a moment of dying -- a little shove toward the end.每次呼吸,每次心跳,都是死亡的倒计时,一点一点推向终点。

    9.16 We rarely want what is best for everyone; we mostly want what's best for ourselves. 我们很少会想要对所有人有益的东西,大多数时候我们只想要读自己有益的东西。

    9.17 The aversion to the failure of not reaching the goal is much stronger than the desire to exceed it . 对于达成目标这件事,人们对失败的厌恶比对成功的渴望强烈得多。

    9.18 I would always rather be happy than dignified. 与端庄高贵相比,我永远愿意选择开心快乐。

    9.19 He has made peace with the idea that part of life is facing your failures. 他已经接受了这种想法,即人生的一部分就是要面对自己的失败。

    9.20 Every significant experience alters your perspective. 每一次重要的经历都会改变你对事情的看法。

    9.21 Memory is a gulf that a word can move to its lowest depths.回忆是一潭深渊,一个字就可以激荡起它最深处的涟漪。

    9.22 The past was a ghost , insubstantial , unaffecting . Only the future had weight.过去只是个幽灵,虚无缥缈,无足轻重,只有未来才有分量。

    9.23 Who can understand the workings of fate , after all? 毕竟,谁又能明白命运是如何运行的呢?

    9.24 The moment you put a deadline on your dream , it becomes a goal.当你给梦想加上一个期限,它就变成了一个目标。

    9.25 We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.我们都是自身过往的产物,但却不必成为过去的囚徒。

    9.26 I read a book one day and my whole life was changed. 有一天我读了一本书,然后我的整个人生都被改变了。

    9.27 I have been bent and broken , but ,I hope, into a better shape. 我历经千锤百炼,但我希望自己能因此变成更好的样子。

    9.28 Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. 你做的任何选择都会决定你的人生,所以选的时候明智一点。

    9.29 All my life those instincts had been instructing me in this single doctrine -- that the odds are better if you rely only on yourself.我这一生中,这些直觉一直在教导我一个道理 -- 只有依靠自己,胜算才更大。

    9.30 So throw off the bowlines . Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore.Dream.Discover.甩开绳索,离开避风港,乘着东风,扬帆远航。去探索,去逐梦,去发现未知的世界吧。

    10.1 After the keen still days of September , the October sun filled the world with mellow warmth. 九月依旧灼热的日子结束后,整个世界都会笼罩在十月柔和温暖的阳光之中。

    10.2 That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet. 这就是书的奇妙之处,它能让你足不出户却走遍世界。

    10.3 Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.回到最初的起点与从未离开并不一样。

    10.4 You fight and you fall and you get up and fight some more.你努力战斗,却被打倒了。然后你站起来,接着再战几回合。

    10.5 Everything is within your power , and your power is within you. 一切都可以在能力范围内,而能力源于你的内心。

    10.6 People don't get moving , they don't soar , they don't achieve great heights, without something buoying them up. 如果没有鼓励,人是不会付诸行动,不会展翅高飞,更不会达到很高的成就的。

    10.7 Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren't . I'm not surprised some people prefer books. 书中发生的一切都有解释,生活中的事却无解。所以我并不奇怪有些人更喜欢读书。

    10.8 You could call this selfhood many things. Transformation. Metamorphosis. Falsity.Betrayal.I call it an education. 你可以用很多说法来称呼这个自我: 转变,蜕变,虚伪,背叛。而我称之为:教育。

    10.9 Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent. 幸好,勤能补拙。

    10.10 Change may not always bring growth, but there is no growth without change.也许改变不总会带来成长,但如果没有改变,就绝不会有成长。

    10.11 What makes night within us may leave stars. 让黑夜笼罩我们内心的东西,也可能会留下星辰。

    10.12 No one wants their life thrown into chaos. 没人希望自己的生活陷入一片混乱。

    10.13 Knowledge is a weight added to conscience. 实时会让良心背负更多重担。

    10.14 Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. 现实存在于人的头脑中,不存在与其他任何地方。

    10.15 When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in.在经历风暴的洗礼后突出重围,你就不再是当初步入风暴的那个人了。

    10.16 The skill I was learning was a crucial one, the patience to read things I could not yet understand. 对不懂的东西耐心阅读,是我在习得的一个重要技能。

    10.17 How do you fight an invisible opponent like suspicion? 你如何跟怀疑这种看不见的对手搏斗呢?

    10.18 Short cuts make long delays.走捷径往往更耽误事儿。

    10.19 We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.我们都是梦中人,渺小的生命囤于睡眠中。

    10.20 Man can starve from a lack of self-realization as mush as they can from a lack of bread.缺乏自我实现的人,会像吃不到面包一样被活活饿死。

    10.21 I am afraid. Not of life , or death, or nothingness,but of wasting it as if I had never been.我害怕的不是生死,也不是虚无,而是仿佛自己从来没来过这世界一般,浪费自己的生命。

    10.22 Sometimes , when you tried to help with suggestions , it could lead to misunderstandings. 有时候,你想帮忙给点建议,但可能却会造成误会。

    10.23 Love is not to be found in someone else , but in ourselves; we simply awaken it.爱并不寄托在他人身上,而是蕴藏在我们自身,我们只需将它唤醒。

    10.24 Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.事实不会因为被忽视就停止存在。

    10.25 Nothing captured human interest like human tragedy.没有什么比人间悲剧更让人类感兴趣。

    10.26 May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.当所有灯光都熄灭,希望这能成为你黑暗中的一盏灯。

    10.27 Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie. 被真相伤害总好过被谎言抚慰。

    10.28 The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heal it . 让你伤心的情绪有时候也恰好可以治愈你的内心。

    10.29 I'd rather chase the sun than wait for it. 我愿追随太阳,不想静静等待。

    10.30 It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.人需要很大的勇气来对抗敌人,但对抗自己的朋友同样需要很大的勇气。

    10.31 A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life . Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment. 背负太多期望的人生过于沉重,最终结果只能是悲伤和失望。

    11.1 Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting. 刚达成一个目标,就看到另一个目标在高处闪闪发光,人生因此而变得乐趣十足。

    11.2 When I had nothing to lose,I had everything.When I stopped being who I am,I found myself.当我一无所有时,我反而拥有了一切。当我不再执着于自我,我反而找到了自己。

    11.3 We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be . 我们会像我们假装的模样,所以我们得当心自己在装作什么模样。

    11.4 Every one of us is losing something precious to us . 我们每个人都在失去一些对自己来说很珍贵的东西。

    11.5 Biology gives you a brain.Life turns it into a mind .生物学给了你大脑,而生活使它成为了思想。

    11.6 Competition is enjoyable only when it is a means to perfect one's skills 竞争只有用作磨炼技能的方法时才有趣。

    11.7 Hell is empty  , and all the devils are here. 地狱空荡荡,恶魔在人间。

    11.8 It is no good anticipating regrets. 预期自己会后悔毫无意义。11.10

    11.9 Books make sense of life.读书能让我们懂得人生。

    11.10 Such small coincidence can pepper a life with interest. 这样的小巧合能让生活充满了乐趣。

    11.11 However small the chance might be of striking lucky , the chance is there.不管中头彩的机会有多渺茫,机会总是在那里的。

    11.12 Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.人人都钦佩大胆无畏的人,怯懦胆小的人则无人尊敬。

    11.13 Oh ,it's delightful to have ambitions.I'm so glad I have such a lot.有抱负是一件令人开心的事,我很高兴我有很多远大志向。

    11.14 Just because their standards are low does not mean that we should lower ours.别人的标准低,并不意味着我们也要降低自己的标准。

    11.15 Accepting things as they are is difficult. A lot of people go to war with reality.接受事情原本的样子很难,所以有很多人总爱和现实作对。

    11.16 If our past was all that defined us , we'd never be able to put up with ourselves.如果人完全被自己的过去定义,那么我们将永远无法忍受我们自己。

    11.17 The story of my life is wanting , hungering, for what I cannot have or , perhaps , wanting what I dare not allow myself to have. 我的人生故事是充满欲求及渴望的,那么我不能拥有的东西,或者也许,是想得到那些我不敢让自己拥有东西。

    11.18 This is where it all begins . Everything starts here , today.一切始于这里,这个地方,这个日子。

    11.19 Love's young dream with a pair of pints. 爱情不就是年轻的梦伴着几杯酒精。

    11.20 You can live your whole life not realizing that what you're looking for is right in front of you。可能你过了一生也没有发现,你所追寻的,其实就在眼前。

    11.21 Brains are the only things worth having in this world, no matter whether  one is a crow or a man.不管是人还是乌鸦,脑子是这世界唯一值得拥有的东西。

    11.22 Anything that works against you can also work for you once you understand the Principle of Reverse.一旦你明白了反转原则,任何与你作对的事情也同样可以为你所用。

    11.23 Lots of different ways to live and lots of different ways to die. But in the end that doesn't make a bit of difference. 有千百种方式活着,也有千百种方式死去。但到最后其实并没有什么差别。

    11.24 Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. 每个人都值得拥有一个远离一切的日子,在这一天里,不需要面对任何问题,不需要寻找任何答案。

    11.25 As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. 当我们从自己的恐惧中解脱出来,便自然而然地让我们周围的人也得到了解脱。



          本文标题:每日一句 2020
