

作者: 蝶叠落 | 来源:发表于2019-01-28 14:38 被阅读14次

原创: 芳芳


Suddenly I wanna watch some movies these days, so I searched some on the internet. And what makes me happy is that there are indeed some good ones dig out by me,esp the one named The devil advocate which was played in 1997 but still a great interpretation of philosophy and enlightening even watching  today  for it has appeared on the market for 22 years.


Now I'll give a brief introduction of the general content and the skeletal plot of it.


The story was told around a young ambitious lawyer who never failed a suitcase got one case to combat against one middle-school-girl charge against her math teacher on his sexual harassment after school on her lower body. 


The expressive point of the movie is that the continuous swaggering the actor bore in mind among the crimes of human, judge of conscience and the temptation of interest involved in the law case entrusted by his client-the math teacher to go law against the school girl plus with the struggling threatened by the vicious and inner torment in the picture that there are many roles playing in the identity of Satan who wave hands to the actor full of interest balance and bulldoze.


The starring actor had a fascinating and yet treacherous journey during the suitcase processing facing the dual contradiction from interest temptation and inner conscience where all the people he met turned out to be Satan who sent vicious hints and entice even forced him to get married with his same-father-different-mother sister by killing his wife so as to succeed the evil soul of Satan, but finally the actor would rather suicide than accepting Satan's proposition.


At the eventual step of the combat, the actor ended his life by the kindness and conscience but returned to the site of court. This time he resolutely failed the case and sent the wretched male teacher to prison. Though he failed the case, the journalist besides him published one article praising his sense of kindness and conscience in the suit processing. 


When returning to the real life, we will encounter kinds of temptation as well as threats from Satan, in the form of jealousy, evilness from colleagues and exaggeration and blueprints from bosses, plus with various kinds of hypocrisy and sneering from friends and relatives which seems lack the basic element of justice and rationality upon interest.


Anyway,this is a movie with great worth watching. Hope you like it.


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