Time Management 195 - Everyone H

Time Management 195 - Everyone H

作者: 黄家整理Helen | 来源:发表于2021-02-05 08:46 被阅读0次

    Hello everyone, this is Helen Huang @ Organizing, based in Beijing, China. In order to better learn and practice the YiXiaoNeng Time Management System, after finished publishing 100 Chinese articles, I decided to continue writing and publishing a daily English article in another 100 days based on the "YeWuBin Time Management 100 Episodes" audio program. Today is the 195th day.

    Today's topic is: Everyone Has Their Own View of the World

    Recently, we have been talking about "emotion". Emotion management is a part of energy management.

    I have said often: "Time management is based on energy management." The level of energy, positive or negative, will affect our efficiency in work and life.

    So where do our emotions come from? We talked about a formula and several ideas in the first two lessons on this subject. When something beyond our control happens to us, we may feel uncomfortable. This emotion comes from our existing belief system. The belief system is a way of thinking and produces an automatic response.

    In the end, our subconsciousness will assume in all situations that "We are right and they are wrong". So events, resistance, beliefs, automated responses, the idea "I'm right", all of these are very important sources of our emotions. The source of emotion that I am talking about here are not actual events. They make up our perception, that is our belief system and it dictates how we see and react to events in our life.

    So what is this belief system? Our judgment, our point-of-view, criticism, pride and our measurement of right and wrong all come from our belief system. So, our emotion comes from our belief system, rather than the event itself. Can you see that? The emotion comes from our belief.

    Then we talked about a very important point, that is, everything is neutral. Good or bad, right or wrong, beauty and ugliness, depend entirely on our own interpretation. William Shakespeare once said, "There is nothing either good or bad, except thinking makes it so."

    If you have it handy, I suggest you read the second chapter of The Scripture of Ethics. It says: The standard for beauty is not beautiful. The standard for kindness is not kind. So existence and disappearance, difficulty and ease, long and short, high and low, music and sound, front and back ... they are all complementary. Good or bad, right or wrong, beauty and ugliness are all complementary.

    Everyone has a world of their own, which is different from others'. There are 7 billion people in the world, so there are 7 billion different worlds. Beauty and ugliness, right and wrong, good and bad, these are our perceptions of the world. If you are able to understand that the event is neutral and the chain reaction is entirely from our own interpretation, from our emotions, then you will realize that your own understanding of an event may contrast sharply from another.

    I want to share an experience with you from when I visited Venice during my global tour.

    What do you think of Venice?  Venice is a city in Italy. I believe that most people will think of a romantic and beautiful city covered in mostly water as described in an article that you posably  studied in school. In fact, it was because of this perception I had of Venice that I wanted to go to Italy and visit Venice immediately.

    During my global travel, I had planned to stay in Italy for six or seven days, and to stay in Venice for two days. And these two days, I experienced the beauty of Venice. When I went to the tower of Venice, and looked out upon the entire city, I could not help but be overcome by the city's beautiful landscape and its grand buildings. I was attracted by the balance of the Adriatic Sea and sky over the landscape, and the quiet night view of Venice.

    When I went to the Piazza San Marco, I saw two cafes. When the concert in one of the cafes was over, the performance in the other cafe would begin. I wondered if there was a competition between the two cafes or if they just wanted to bring usa more beautiful melody. The crowd of listeners switched back and forth between the two cafes listening to their music. Listening to the beautiful music, I could not stop thinking about how beautiful is.

    Then I published photos I had taken in Venice and myfeelings in my WeChat. A lot of people responded. Many people agreed that Venice was very beautiful, and clicked the Like button. However, there were people who had gone to Venice and said: Venice was noisy and crowded. The sewers made the city smell very bad, especially in the summer. When you were rowing the beautiful gondola in the alley, there would be a burst of pungent odor. So they tried to persuade me not to go on a gondola ride.

    But my experience was vastly different from theirs! I think Venice wasa beautiful city. Of course, it was not perfect. But if you only take notice of the crowd and leave, you will lose interest. Since Venice was noisy during the day, I got up early in the morning. It was easy for me to do because of the habit I formed at Yixiaoneng.

    Every morning, I woke up at 5AM. I went running with my children and business partners. In the morning, Venice was very quiet. The Piazza San Marco was very noisy during the day, but in the early morning, there was no one there. We ran a route and then enjoyed a wonderful breakfast. Later, we visited the bell tower and there was no wait. We were able to go to the top of the bell tower easily. The sunlight was very beautiful that day. We took a lot of photos.

    So actually, the events and facts are all neutral, beautiful and ugly, good and bad, and our experience depends entirely on our own interpretation and our own reaction, which is very important. Today, I have shared my experience in Venice with you, and I also hope that you can travel to the city in the future.

    Remember, emotions are derived from our own belief system rather than the event itself. Good and bad, beauty and ugliness, are all reactions that come from our own interpretation of the event. They are not real things.

    Our response lies in our interpretation. We are able to control 90% of our interpretation and thus 90% of our reaction. So when it's your turn to respond to a sudden event, will you react positively or negatively? The answer comes entirely from your own interpretation.

    That's all sharing today. Thank you being with me together. Have a wonderful day!



          本文标题:Time Management 195 - Everyone H
