

作者: Newblock | 来源:发表于2019-04-23 17:17 被阅读0次

    告诉大家一个好消息。除了已落地的东京、上海、北京、新加坡这几个区块链热点城市,近日我们还与柏林 Full Node、大阪 Singularity Hive、首尔 Nonce、巴黎 OuiCrea 达成了战略合作。所以从现在起,只要是 Neutrino社区会员,就可以在我们全球任意社区节点( 更多社区节点仍在不断扩张中)进行自由移动办公,是不是很酷!

    Happy April! We’re thrilled to share you the tremendous progress regarding to Neutrino global network expansion. Four new fascinating spots have formed alliance with Neutrino. Right now, Neutrino Blockchain Co-working Spaces have a network of 6 nodes in Asia and 2 in Europe: Tokyo, Beijing ,Shanghai, Singapore, including these four new , Full Node in Berlin, OuiCrea in Station F Paris, Singularity HIVE in Osaka and Nonce in Seoul as our partner nodes. Members of Neutrino when traveling could easily access other facilities in other cities, and more are coming onto the map.


    即日起至2019年06月30日止,Neutrino 针对中国市场特别推出会员“越冬计划”,优秀区块链初创团队更可获得会费 50% 的孵化赞助。欢迎申请加入 Neutrino 会员!

    From now until June 30, 2019, Neutrino has launched a special “Wintering Program” for the Chinese market. Meanwhile, the excellent blockchain start-up team is also eligible for a 50% incubation grants. Welcome to join the Neutrino membership!

    Neutrino 战略合作伙伴介绍( 更多社区节点仍下不断扩张中):

    Briefing of Neutrino strategic partners (more nodes are coming onto the map):

    Full Node

    Full Node 是针对于区块链创新者的一个共享空间,它由 Gnosis 和 Cosmos 于 2018 年共同创立,位于德国柏林。目前已有 20 多个区块链创新项目从 Full Node 诞生,Full Node 团队成员通过勤奋又协同的工作,在技术上充分确保能实现其长期愿景,同时各种社区活动的组织,也助力柏林成为独特的去中心化的社区生态系统。

    Full Node is a co-working space in Berlin for blockchain initiatives, founded in 2018 by Gnosis and Cosmos . It is home to over 20 blockchain initiatives, working diligently and collaboratively to deliver on the technology’s long-term promises, and community events supporting Berlin’s unique decentralized technology ecosystem.

    Singularity HIVE

    Singularity HIVE 区块链共享空间于 2019 年 2 月由日本加密货币交易所 Xtheta 创立。整个办公空间以“森林”为理念进行了精心设计,开发者和企业家可以在极自由、安全与舒适的环境下办公,让大家能安心的投入到区块链生态的开发创新中去。与此同时,这里还有各式各样的区块链讲座,可任意满足不同团体的需要和兴趣,如亲身参与区块链技术研讨会,可以锻炼增强编程能力和可操作性等等。Singularity HIVE 也非常欢迎 IT 工程师的加入。

    Singularity HIVE was launched by Xtheta a virtual currency exchange business registrar, in February 2019. It has a work space with the design that imagined "forest" that many engineers and entrepreneurs can gather together in.It's a hub insisted on providing the most secure environment for the developers to innovate the blockchain eco-system. Meanwhile, you will find multifarious blockchain lectures catered to different groups' needs and interests, hands-on blockchain workshops to enhance the code-ability and operability. IT engineers are welcome to join the community and hub as well.


    Nonce 专注于通过线下培训开发人员,来推动韩国开源文化发展,以及孵化 Dapp 和数字加密网络,已成为韩国最具才华和值得信赖的区块链社区之一。在 Nonce,不仅拥有舒适安静的工作空间,还可在屋顶喝酒聊天,或是在客厅小睡。 同时,这里会举办许多有趣的活动。 目前有超过70名区块链工作人员在此一起工作与生活。CodeChain 作为早期加入 Nonce 的团队,已经发展成为一个可扩展的区块链平台,支持您在上面轻松的完成:发行和转移代币、设置归属期、管理投票、冻结非法交易或账户以及支付股息等功能。

    With a strong belief that blockchain could enable us to design more democratic and egalitarian political and economic order in the digital native environment, nonce focuses on educating developer through off-line apprenticeship, growing open source culture in Korea, and incubating decentralized applications and crypto-networks.You can find anything you desire at nonce, work at a cozy and quiet space, drink and chat at rooftop and take a nap in living rooms. Meanwhile, lots of interesting events will take place here. More than 70 blockchainers are working and also living together in nonce genesis.CodeChain as a early follower has boosted to a scalable blockchain platform which allows you to easily issue and transfer tokens, set vesting periods, manage votes, freeze illegal transactions or accounts and payout dividends.


    OuiCrea 由一群通晓中法创新创业领域的创业者成立。秉承着“只有创业者才能服务好创业者”的理念,旨在于建立一个真正的中法之间跨境创业生态圈。它位于巴黎市中心,在当今世界上最大的新兴企业创业空间 Station F 内,这里由 1929 年的老火车站 Halle Freyssinet 保留结构改造而成,总面积 34000 平方米。建成后的 Station F 内设有法国投资银行、法国邮政局、企业实验室、会议室、阶梯教室、餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆、浴室等空间,可容纳至少 1000 家新兴企业、 3000 人。

    OuiCrea started by ACECE in 2010 for the sake of developing the first innovation ecosystem which enables to identify, to select, to promote and to fund French-Chinese entrepreneurial projects. It’s in Station F, which is today the largest campus startup in the world located in the heart of Paris, with a total area of 34,000 square meters. It installs three spaces dedicated to meeting, working and relaxing, being able to accommodate at least 1,000 startups, 3,000 entrepreneurs.

    Neutrino: http://neutrino.global/


    **Medium: **https://medium.com/@neutrino_space



