2020-03-14 五行学习

2020-03-14 五行学习

作者: 汪伟Walter | 来源:发表于2020-03-14 04:52 被阅读0次

    from Wikipedia, 百度百科







    Xing () of wuxing means moving; a planet is called a 'moving star' (行星) in Chinese. Wu Xing () originally refers to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus) that create five dimensions of earth life.[1] Wuxing is also widely translated as "Five Elements" and this is used extensively by many including practitioners of Five Element acupuncture. This translation arose by false analogy with the Western system of the four elements.[6] Whereas the classical Greek elements were concerned with substances or natural qualities, the Chinese xíng are "primarily concerned with process and change," hence the common translation as "phases" or "agents".[7] By the same token,  is thought of as "Tree" rather than "Wood".[8] The word 'element' is thus used within the context of Chinese medicine with a different meaning to its usual meaning.

    It should be recognized that the word phase, although commonly preferred, is not perfect. Phase is a better translation for the five seasons (五運 Wǔ Yùn) mentioned below, and so agents or processes might be preferred for the primary term xíng. Manfred Porkert attempts to resolve this by using Evolutive Phase for 五行 Wǔ Xíng and Circuit Phase for 五運 Wǔ Yùn, but these terms are unwieldy.

    Some of the Mawangdui Silk Texts (no later than 168 BC) also present the wuxing as "five virtues" or types of activities.[9] Within Chinese medicine texts the wuxing are also referred to as Wu Yun (}}; wǔ yùn) or a combination of the two characters (Wu Xing-Yun) these emphasise the correspondence of five elements to five 'seasons' (four seasons plus one). Another tradition refers to the Wǔ Xíng as Wǔ Dé (五德), the Five Virtues[zh].



          本文标题:2020-03-14 五行学习
