OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(

OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(

作者: 月止风溟 | 来源:发表于2019-04-21 18:03 被阅读0次

OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(5)碰撞检测




OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android
OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(一)世界是三角形的
OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(二)给三角形贴上图片
OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(三)初探三维的世界
OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(四)画一个三角锥

1. 相交检测

《OpenGL ES应用开发实践指南:Android卷》则用手指触点检测相交。其实这个问题并没有发生变化。我们还是在世界坐标系里看相交就好了。投射到屏幕的一个点,同样可以转换为世界坐标系里的两个点。这里涉及一些奇怪的技巧。比如,将一个不知道Z轴位置的点设置为-1/1。

2. Demo演示




   private float[] mTrianglePoints =
                   { 0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,
                     0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,
                     0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,
                     0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,
                    -0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,
                    -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,
                    -0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,
                    -0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,
                     0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,
                     0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f};


Matrix.setLookAtM(mVMatrix, 0,
                0f, 0f, 5f,            //相机坐标
                0f, 0f, 0f,            //目标坐标
                0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);     //相机正上方向量


    private final float[] viewMatrix = new float[16];//视角(摄像机位置)矩阵
    private final float[] viewProjectionMatrix = new float[16];
    private final float[] invertedViewProjectionMatrix = new float[16];



     glSurfaceView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
                    final float normalizedX =
                    final float normalizedY =
                        glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                        return true;
                    }else if(motionEvent.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_BUTTON_PRESS){
                        glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                        return true;
                    }else if(motionEvent.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){
                        glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                        return true;
                    return false;
                return false;

有意思的来了。我们知道,Android View的坐标系是左上角为原点,往右是x正方向,往下是y正方向。但是OpenGL ES归一化坐标里,坐标原点在屏幕正中央,往右是x正方向,往上是y正方向。 以X轴为例,要做是的从[0,1]映射到[-1,1]。那么x*2-1就可以达到想要的效果。这个如果后面有时间介绍构型函数,会见得很多。


public class Geometry {
    public static class Point {
        public final float x, y, z;

        public Point(float x, float y, float z) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.z = z;
        public Point translateY(float distance) {
            return new Point(x, y + distance, z);
        public Point translate(Vector vector) {
            return new Point(
                x + vector.x, 
                y + vector.y, 
                z + vector.z);

        public String toString() {
            return "Point{" +
                    "x=" + x +
                    ", y=" + y +
                    ", z=" + z +
    public static class Vector  {
        public final float x, y, z;

        public Vector(float x, float y, float z) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.z = z;
        public float length() {
            return (float) Math.sqrt(x * x
                            + y * y
                            + z * z
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product        
        public Vector crossProduct(Vector other) {
            return new Vector(
                (y * other.z) - (z * other.y), 
                (z * other.x) - (x * other.z), 
                (x * other.y) - (y * other.x));
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product
        public float dotProduct(Vector other) {
            return x * other.x 
                 + y * other.y 
                 + z * other.z;
        public Vector scale(float f) {
            return new Vector(
                x * f, 
                y * f, 
                z * f);

        public String toString() {
            return "Vector{" +
                    "x=" + x +
                    ", y=" + y +
                    ", z=" + z +
    public static class Ray {
        public final Point point;
        public final Vector vector;

        public Ray(Point point, Vector vector) {
            this.point = point;
            this.vector = vector;

        public String toString() {
            return "Ray{" +
                    "point=" + point +
                    ", vector=" + vector +
    // TODO: Re-use shared stuff in classes as an exercise

    public static class Circle {
        public final Point center;
        public final float radius;

        public Circle(Point center, float radius) {
            this.center = center;
            this.radius = radius;
        public Circle scale(float scale) {
            return new Circle(center, radius * scale);
    public static class Cylinder {
        public final Point center;
        public final float radius;
        public final float height;
        public Cylinder(Point center, float radius, float height) {        
            this.center = center;
            this.radius = radius;
            this.height = height;
    public static class Sphere {
        public final Point center;
        public final float radius;

        public Sphere(Point center, float radius) {
            this.center = center;
            this.radius = radius;

    public static class Plane {                
        public final Point point;
        public final Vector normal;

        public Plane(Point point, Vector normal) {                        
            this.point = point;
            this.normal = normal;
    public static Vector vectorBetween(Point from, Point to) {
        return new Vector(
            to.x - from.x, 
            to.y - from.y, 
            to.z - from.z);
    public static boolean intersects(Sphere sphere, Ray ray) {
        return distanceBetween(sphere.center, ray) < sphere.radius;
    // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance3-Dimensional.html
    // Note that this formula treats Ray as if it extended infinitely past
    // either point.
    public static float distanceBetween(Point point, Ray ray) {
        Vector p1ToPoint = vectorBetween(ray.point, point);
        Vector p2ToPoint = vectorBetween(ray.point.translate(ray.vector), point);

        // The length of the cross product gives the area of an imaginary
        // parallelogram having the two vectors as sides. A parallelogram can be
        // thought of as consisting of two triangles, so this is the same as
        // twice the area of the triangle defined by the two vectors.
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product#Geometric_meaning
        float areaOfTriangleTimesTwo = p1ToPoint.crossProduct(p2ToPoint).length();
        float lengthOfBase = ray.vector.length();

        // The area of a triangle is also equal to (base * height) / 2. In
        // other words, the height is equal to (area * 2) / base. The height
        // of this triangle is the distance from the point to the ray.
        float distanceFromPointToRay = areaOfTriangleTimesTwo / lengthOfBase;
        return distanceFromPointToRay;
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-plane_intersection
    // This also treats rays as if they were infinite. It will return a
    // point full of NaNs if there is no intersection point.
    public static Point intersectionPoint(Ray ray, Plane plane) {        
        Vector rayToPlaneVector = vectorBetween(ray.point, plane.point);
        float scaleFactor = rayToPlaneVector.dotProduct(plane.normal)
                          / ray.vector.dotProduct(plane.normal);
        Point intersectionPoint = ray.point.translate(ray.vector.scale(scaleFactor));
        return intersectionPoint;




    public void handleTouchPress(float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
        Log.e(TAG, "normalizedX " + normalizedX + " normalizedY " + normalizedY);
        Geometry.Ray ray = convertNormalized2DPointToRay(normalizedX, normalizedY);
        Log.e(TAG, "ray " + ray.toString());

        // Now test if this ray intersects with the mallet by creating a
        // bounding sphere that wraps the mallet.
        Geometry.Sphere malletBoundingSphere = new Geometry.Sphere(new Geometry.Point(

        // If the ray intersects (if the user touched a part of the screen that
        // intersects the mallet's bounding sphere), then set malletPressed =
        // true.
        mIsPressed = Geometry.intersects(malletBoundingSphere, ray);


    private Geometry.Ray    convertNormalized2DPointToRay(
            float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
        // We'll convert these normalized device coordinates into world-space
        // coordinates. We'll pick a point on the near and far planes, and draw a
        // line between them. To do this transform, we need to first multiply by
        // the inverse matrix, and then we need to undo the perspective divide.
        final float[] nearPointNdc = {normalizedX, normalizedY, -1, 1};
        final float[] farPointNdc = {normalizedX, normalizedY, 1, 1};

        final float[] nearPointWorld = new float[4];
        final float[] farPointWorld = new float[4];

                nearPointWorld, 0, invertedViewProjectionMatrix, 0, nearPointNdc, 0);
                farPointWorld, 0, invertedViewProjectionMatrix, 0, farPointNdc, 0);

        // Why are we dividing by W? We multiplied our vector by an inverse
        // matrix, so the W value that we end up is actually the *inverse* of
        // what the projection matrix would create. By dividing all 3 components
        // by W, we effectively undo the hardware perspective divide.

        // We don't care about the W value anymore, because our points are now
        // in world coordinates.
        Geometry.Point nearPointRay =
                new Geometry.Point(nearPointWorld[0], nearPointWorld[1], nearPointWorld[2]);

        Geometry.Point farPointRay =
                new Geometry.Point(farPointWorld[0], farPointWorld[1], farPointWorld[2]);

        return new Geometry.Ray(nearPointRay,
                Geometry.vectorBetween(nearPointRay, farPointRay));


  invertM(invertedViewProjectionMatrix, 0, viewProjectionMatrix, 0);





  1. 《OpenGL ES应用开发实践指南:Android卷》



    本文标题:OpenGl ES 2.0 Learn For Android(
