

作者: 小燕_lillian | 来源:发表于2020-03-17 17:29 被阅读0次


A project has been deviating for several mouths. This status has been emailed to all stakeholders in weekly reports. One key stakeholder just learned of this deviation and is upset that they were only notified via email. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


Verified that all stakeholders received and understood each status report


Chosen the appropriate communication method for each stakeholder


Engaged directly with key stakeholders about critical issues or project deviations


Planned periodic meetings with key stake stakeholders to report project status

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P390-监督沟通-沟通管理计划。是关于及时收集、生成和发布信息的现行计划,它确定了沟通过程中的团队成员、相关方和有关工作。P377-沟通管理计划包括用于传递信息的方法或技术等。 题目描述,电子邮件推式沟通,相关方没看到,没有收到反馈。是沟通方法不正确。需要改正,选B。 A确认反馈的前提是沟通方法要正确。 C管理相关方参与,离题。 D是B的其中一种可能解决方案。


A project manager finishes the first draft of a project management plan,and intends to present to stakeholders for approval.However,the project management plan is long and stakeholders are geographically dispersed. The project manager has limited time to gain approval. What should the project manager do to ensure that review of the plan in completed on time?


Schedule a meeting with all stakeholders and send the plan for review before the meeting.


Send the plan to each stakeholders individually,asking them to add their comments and make it for updating,


Divide the plan into sections and ask select stakeholders to review particular portions based on their areas of expertise.


Arrange individuals meetings with only the key stakeholders to walk them through the plans

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:沟通八个正确方针。由正确的发布者,通过正确的沟通途径(技术),将正确的信息,采取正确的沟通方法,在正确的时间内,传达给正确的受众,收到正确的反馈,并取得正确的沟通效果。 按八正确方针排除: B是推式沟通,不符合题意“时间有限”。方法不正确,时间不正确。 C,由于各知识领域存在相互依赖和制约,拆分后。信息不正确。 D,只面向关键相关方,受众不正确,单独开会,方法不正确,时间不允许。 唯有A能避免其他选项的问题。不要被分散各地干扰,分散并不代表无法互动。

53、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个全球性项目,该项目的资源位于不同地区。若要使用正确的渠道来处理正确的信息,项目经理应该怎么做?

A project manager is working on a global project with resources located in different regions.What should the project manager do to address the correct channels with the right information?


Schedule meetings in different time zones


Hold frequent video conferences


Develop a communications management plan


Create a stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:答案:C 解析:规划沟通管理的主要作用是为及时向相关方提供相关信息,引导相关方有效参与项目,而编制书面沟通计划。

54、 [单选] 一位资源的职能经理请求关于一个延迟项目的机密信息。由于职能经理没有适当的授权级别, 该资源需要项目经理的许可才能共享信息。 项目经理应该怎么做?

A resource's functional manager requests confidential information about a delayed project. Because the functional manager does not have the appropriate authorization level, the resource asks permission from the project manager to share the information. What should the project manager do?


Meet with the resource and the functional manager to explain why the information cannot be share


Reject the request, but provide a project update to the functional manager that does not include confidential information.


Train the resource on how to promote the project to the functional manager without divulging any confidential information.


Accept the request and provide a project update the functional manager that includes the confidential information.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:参见PMBOK10.2;管理沟通确保项目信息及时且恰当地收集、生成、发布、存储、检索、管理、监督和最终处置的过程。本题使用排除法,在对保密信息处置上,B,C,D均有明显错误

55、 [单选] 管理层将一个国际项目分配给一位新项目经理。这是该项目经理第一次与跨国团队合作,团队成员位于两个国家,数量平均分配。一个团队由最适合单干的成员组成,另一个团队由最适合团队作战的成员组成。项目经理该怎么做?

Management assign an international project to a new project manager.This is the first time the project manager has worked with an international team.Team members reside in two countries and are equally distributed. One team comprises of members who are most comfortable working as individuals,while the other team comprises of members who are most comfortable working as a group. What should the project manager do?


Update the risk register.


Require the team to work in the same style for the duration of the projec


Revise the communications management plan


Set up a virtual collaboration fool the team to check-in each day

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:从题干场景描述来看,该项目团队环境复杂,沟通存在极大难度,所以需要修订沟通管理计划。沟通管理计划,确定项目信息将如何、何时、由谁来进行管理和传播。

56、 [单选] 项目发起人指出,为确保项目成功,必须让客户意识到可能存在的延误和问题。为此,客户希望他们的技术团队直接与项目的技术团队进行沟通。若要确保这项请求得以解决,项目经理应该审查哪一份文件?

The project sponsor states that to ensure project success, the customer must be made aware of possible delays and issues. To achieves this,the customer wants their technical team to communicate directly with the project’s technical team. What document should the project manager review to ensure that this request is addressed?


Communications management plan


Requirement traceability matrix


Responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RAXI) matrix


Project charter

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:两个团队之间如何进行信息传递,以及如何向客户传递状态信息,需要先查看沟通管理计划,有无相关指导。

57、 [单选] 项目经理需要身处不同国家的两位副总裁提供意见。应该使用哪种沟通方法?

The project manager needs two vice presidents based in different countries to provide opinions. Which communication method should be used?


Push communication


Pull communication


Selective communication


Interactive communication

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


58、 [单选] 项目团队的一些成员在家工作。在每周一次的视频会议中,由于参会者断线或掉线、背景噪音,强干扰多人同时发言,导致损失很多时间,参会人员感到恼火,要求不要参加这种会议。 项目经理应该怎么做?

Some members of a project team work from home.During a weekly video-conference,much time is wasted due to line disconnection or dropped participants,background noise,strong interference, or multiple people speaking simultaneously. People are becoming annoyed and ask not to participate. What should the project manager do?


Change the frequency of the weekly meetings to monthly.


Request that all the team members meet physically for the weekly meeting.


Define and train the team on a set of minimum requirements,rules for home and remote offices,and meeting etiquette.


Hold individual meetings with team members and consolidate the information in meeting minutes for distribution.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P386- 会议管理需要事先制定会议规则。会议问题,找规则。

59、 [单选] 项目经理与一个由15人组成的团队召开会议,会议不断发生中断,会议目标几乎没有完成。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该利用以下哪一项?

A project manager holds a meeting with a 15-member team.There are constant interruption,and little is being accomplished. What should the project manager use to resolve this?


Conflict management


Political awareness


Nonverbal awareness


Active listening

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:概念题,出现冲突,用冲突管理。

60、 [单选] 项目经理识别到本地和虚拟团队成员之间的进度优先级存在冲突,项目经理安排了一次电话会议来管理这个冲突。项目经理使用的是哪种冲突解决技巧?

A project manager identifies scheduling priority conflicts among local and virtual team members.The project manager schedules a conference call to manage this conflict. What conflict resolution technique did the project manager user?




Collaborate/problem solve


Force/command to re-engineer the project plan



正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:题目无过多参考信息,首选优先级最高的B。安排电话会议来处理冲突,属于合作/解决问题。

61、 [单选] 项目经理作为项目团队的一位替代项目经理人选加入一个项目。在最初的会议中,项目经理发现关于如何解决技术决策存在不同的意见。团队成员不尊重彼此的意见,这种环境起到反效果。该团队处于团队建设的哪个阶段?

A project manager joins a project as a replacement on a project team.During initial meetings,the project manager realize there are many differing opinions about how to address technical decisions.Team members do not respect each other ideas,and the environment is becoming counterproductive.In what phase of development is the team?









正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案 A 解析:概念题。团队成员之间存在不同意见,且不尊重彼此的意见;说明团队处于震荡阶段。

62、 [单选] 由于项目资源的专业水平不同,项目经理注意到进度计划绩效问题,一些经验丰富的资源会检查不必要的细节,而一些初级资源则需要很长时间才能完成任务。项目经理应该怎么做来增强团队绩效?

A project manager notices schedule performance schedule issues due to the expertise levels of project resources.Some experience resources check unnecessary details,and some junior-level resources take a long time to complete tasks. What should the project manager do to enhance team performance?


Provided training where required,and implement a checklist for all team members


Ask the senior resources to provide assistance to the junior resources


Replace the junior resources,and advise the senior resources


Conduct training with the junior staff

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:1. 针对初级资源,项目经理应提供培训,以帮助其掌握必备的知识和技能。 2. 针对所有团队成员,应提供项目团队派工单或者核对单),让团队成员了解个人职责。

63、 [单选] 因为一些团队成员不合作,一个拥有多元化团队的项目经理需要处理冲突,项目经理应该怎么做?

A project manager with a diverse team is faced with handing coonflicts,as some team members are uncooperative. What should the project manager do?


Conduct regular conference calls to iterate the common goals,and to explain that members should work together as a team.


Meet with the uncooperative team members.


Conduct a team-building exercise with all team members.


Email team members explaining that such behavior will nit be tolerate

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:团队建设是通过举办各种活动,强化团队的社交关系,打造积极合作的工作环境。 团队建设活动既可以是状态审查会上的五分钟议程,也可以是为改善人际关系而设计的、在非工作场所专门举办的专业提升活动。团队建设活动旨在帮助各团队成员更加有效地协同工作。 如果团队成员的工作地点相隔甚远,无法进行面对面接触,就特别需要有效的团队建设策略。 非正式的沟通和活动有助于建立信任和良好的工作关系。团队建设在项目前期必不可少,但它更是个持续的过程。项目环境的变化不可避免,要有效应对这些变化,就需要持续不断地开展团队建设。项目经理应该持续地监督团队技能和绩效,确定是否需要采取措施来预防或纠正各种团队问题。

64、 [单选] 项目团队包括组织内各部门的职能经理,该项目落后于进度计划,因为职能经理将他们的日常责任优先于项目责任。 项目经理应该使用下列哪一项来管理团队?

A project team includes functional managers from various departments across an organization. The project has fallen behind schedule because functional managers are prioritizing their daily responsibilities over their project responsibilities. What should the project manager use to manage the team?


Recognition and rewards


Interpersonal skills


Individual and team assessments


Decision making

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


65、 [单选] 在项目经理里程碑评审期间,项目经理与项目团队讨论从上一阶段获得的经验教训,由于存在许多技术难题和冲突,项目团队要求项目经理将经验教训讨论会推迟到所有项目里程碑都完成之后。 项目经理应该怎么做?

During a project milestone review , a project manager discusses lessons learned from the previous phase with the project team.Since there were many technical difficulties and conflicts ;the team asks the project manager to defer the learned discussion until after all project milestones are complete What should the project manager do ?


Create an atmosphere of trust where individual can discuss lessons learned and share knowledge


Remove lessons learned since the project is in jeopardy of being behind schedule


Add lessons learned to the issue log


Capture lessons learned independently

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:鼓励和引导团队成员进行经验教训总结。

66、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,某些任务所花的时间比预期长,团队成员之间存在一些分歧,并且发起人要求迅速采取行动来解决这个问题。项目经理应该怎么做?

During project execution, some tasks arc taking longer than expected. There is some divisiveness among team members, and the sponsor is demanding quick action to resolve the issue. What should the project manager do?


Develop a team charter.


Review the team charter with the team


Meet with human resource department and the team to discuss the issue.


Implement the conflict engagement process.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


67、 [单选] 对于一个新项目,公司要求项目经理识别潜在的项目团队成员。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

For a new project,a company asks the project manager to identify potential project team members. What should the project manager do next?


Ask functional managers for project team members


Create a resource management plan


Develop an organization chart with position descriptions


Use expert judgement

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:识别潜在团队成员,即找寻相应的资源。作为项目管理计划的一部分,资源管理计划提供了关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南。

68、 [单选] 构建产品原型帮助进行最终产品测试,测试以后,项目相关方要求修改初始需要。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

A product prototype is created to help with the final product test. After the test, the project stakeholder requests to modify the initial requirements.What should the project manager do next?


To hold a meeting with the project stakeholders to discuss the change control process and determine the next step


To execute the implementation of the overall change control process, document and approve the requested changes and revise the scope


To record the problem in the Risk Register and apply the planned risk response action to minimize the impact


To record the requirements of project stakeholders and verify the requirements with the team

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


69、 [单选] 几个子团队正在为一个具有固定工期的项目工作,实施团队经常延迟向质量保证(QA)团队提供工作产品,从而导致关系紧张。项目经理应该怎么做?

Several sub-teams are working on a project with a fixed duration.The implementation team is frequently late providing work products to the quality assurance(QA)team,which causes stress. What should the project manager do ?


Make with both teams so the QA team can explain the impact of the implementation team’s late deliveries and to discuss possible solutions


Double the actual expected time of QA tasks that are provided to the implementation team to ensure enough time to fully test when deliveries are late


Instruct the QA team to complete as many of its tests as they can in the time available


Add staff to the QA team so that it can complete testing even when the schedule is compressed by late delivery

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:通过冲突管理的方法,选择适当的解决办法快速处理,达到期望。

70、 [单选] 项目的进度绩效指数为 0.7,通过绩效评估,项目经理确定一名团队成员的绩效达不到期望,项目经理应该怎么做来改善绩效?

The project’s schedule performance index is 0.7.Through a performance assessment manager identifies a team member that is not performing as expected.What should the project manager do to improve performance?


Perform a schedule analysis


Escalate the issue to the functional manager


Reassign the team member'tasks


Mentor the team member or provide additional train

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


71、 [单选] —位团队成员通知项目经理他们必须完成项目之外的一项关键任务。这将对项目进度产生风险。项目经理应该怎么做来消除这个风险?

The project sponsor informs the project manager that the most critical project standard is to deliver the product on time. There is no time limit for the availability of resources. Which action will reduce the timetable but will add to the risk?


To negotiate another time with the member’s manager to complete this other task.


To gain an alternative resource from another department


To report to the project sponsor that the member's manager does not comply with the regulations


To instruct the member's manager to release the team member to complete the predefined project activity

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


72、 [单选] 由于所需的验收标准未得到满足,客户停止了里程碑付款。公司应该采用哪一种质量管理过程来阻止再次发生这个问题?

A milestone payment was stopped by a customer because required acceptance criteria were unmet. What quality management process should the company use to prevent this issue from reoccurring?


Quality assurance (QA)


Quality control (QC)


Quality planning


Quality feedback

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:阻止再次发生,强调将来,就是要过程改进,需要审计,总结经验教训,建议选A。质量管理包括了质量保证工作。QA强调过程,QC强调结果:

73、 [单选] —位新项目经理加入了由高级项目经理监督的项目,发起人要求新项目经理制定质量管理计划,项目经理应该怎么做?

A new project manager joins a project overseen by a senior project manager.The sponsor asks the new project manager to develop the quality management plan. What should the project manager do?


Consult with the senior project manager for established quality processes and plans ask for guidance in selecting the appropriate standards.


Meet with the customer to collect requirements.


Ask the sponsor for cost-benefits analyses and bench-marking samples.


Submit a change request to postpone the development of the quality management plan until quality metrics and quality checklists are create

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:A,对于新来的项目经理,高级项目经理就是专家,咨询专家意见。虽然规划质量管理需要输入需求文件,但B是收集需求,与题目距离太远。发起人在项目生命周期中,只做三件事,一授权项目经理,二为项目提供奖金支持,三验收项目。特殊情况偶尔露面,如变更影响到项目目标,或处理风险问题时项目经理权限不足,像答案C,需要项目文件或组织过程资产,不找发起人。D排除。

74、 [单选] 在生产环境中实施后识别到一个项目问题。若要识别发生这种问题的原因,项目经理应该使用什么工具或技术?

A project issue is identified after implementation in the production environment. What tool or technique should the project manager use to identify the reason for the issue?


Pareto diagram




Ishikawa diagram


Control chart

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:石川图、因果图、鱼骨图,将问题陈述的原因分解为离散的分支,有助于识别问题的主要原因或根本原因。

75、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个已经在进行当中的项目。质量审计报告显示,由一个供应商提供的一些材料在材料检查员没有出具批准文件的情况下,获得付款批准。项目经理得知检查员口头表达了批准意见,然后再提供批准文件。哪一份计划可以帮助项目经理评估这种批准方式是否符合项目管理计划?

A project manager joins a project that is already in progress.The quality audit report shows that some materials provided by a vendor were approved for payment without documentation of approval by the material inspector.The project manager learns that the inspector verbally communicates approval,then later provides the approval documentation. What plan will help the project manager evaluate whether this approval approach is compliant with the project management plan?


Requirements management


Stakeholder engagement


Communications management


Quality management

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:明确的控制质量动作,而选项中只有质量管理计划是质量控制的输入项。

76、 [单选] 团队利用最新技术完成了新产品的原型。在测试期间,产品不符合性能规格。项目经理应该怎么做?

A team completes a prototype of a new product utilizing the latest technology. During testing, it fails to meet performance specifications, What should the project manager do ?


Renegotiate the performance specifications with the project sponsor.


Perform a root cause analysis to Identify the reason.

 C:向变更控制委员会(CCB )提出偏差请求

Submit a deviation request to the change control board(CCB).


Inform the sponsor, and implement corrective actions

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:排除法,B最合适。质量问题首先应该做登记,告知,分析。B更合适,D为干扰项通知相关方,但没有做分析直接实施了纠正措施。

77、 [单选] 由于质量过程的问题,一个项目明显落后于进度计划。项目相关方坚持要求项目经理采取任何必要的行动来满足初始时间表。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

Due to issue with the quality process, a project is significantly behind schedule. Project stakeholders insist that the project manager take any action necessary to meet the original timeline.What should the project manager do next?


Negotiate the quality standards with the stakeholders and update the quality management plan.


Reprioritize the customer’s list of requirements and adjust the project scope.


Document all issues in the risk’s register and accept the quality process.


Review quality checklists to determine the root causes and implement the required changes.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:项目质量管理包括把组织的质量政策应用于规划、管理、控制项目和产品质量要求,以满足相关方的期望的各个过程。

78、 [单选] 在一个新项目的规划阶段,质量保证经理坚持要求将精度和准确度标准添加进质量管理计划中。项目经理可以从哪里找到这个信息?

During a new project’s planing phase,the quality assurance manager insists that standard for precision and accuracy be added to the quality management plan, where can the project manager find this information?


Enterprise environmental factors


Requirements documentation


Change control process documentation


Organizational process assets

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:需求文件记录项目和产品为满足相关方的期望应达到的要求,它包括针对项目和产品的质量要求。

79、 [单选] 在项目状态审查会议期间,显而易见的是,整体项目效绩低于预期的项目目标,并且一些关键的可交付成果未能满足客户的需求。项目经理应该怎么做?

During a project status review meeting, it becomes apparent that overall project performance fails short of excepted project objectives and that some key deliverables fail to meet customer requirements. What should the project manager do?


Update the scope management plan and perform an alternative analysis.


Use the Delphi technique and perform an alternative analysis.


Conduct a trend analysis and update the quality management plan.


Perform root cause and alternatives analysis.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:根本原因分析关注识别问题的主要原因,它可用于识别出现偏差的原因以及项目经理为达成项目目标应重点关注的领域。

80、 [单选] 项目经理正在与质量保证(QA)专家合作,以确定生产线中许多质量偏差和缺陷背后的原因。项目经理应该使用下列哪一项来确定问题的根源?

The project manager is working with quality assurance (QA) experts to determine the reasons behind many of the quality deviations and defects in the production line. What should the project manager use to identify the problem’s origin?




Scatter diagram


Matrix diagram



正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:因果图,又称“鱼骨图”、“why-why分析图”和“石川图”,将问题陈述的原因分解为离散的分支,有助于识别问题的主要原因或根本原因。

81、 [单选] —家制作公司正在实施一个利用新技术和新工艺生产新产品的项目。已经确定组建工作包的详细信息,并识别到每个组件的制约因素。管理层希望获得该项目的精确成本估算。项目经理应该使用什么估算技术?

A manufacturing company is implementing a project to produce a new product using new technology and processes.Details of the component work packages have been defined and constraints for each component have been identified. Management would like to obtain a precise cost estimate of the project. What estimating technique should the project manager use?








Parameter estimation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:要求精确,排除A,制约因素不等于风险,排险B。由于工作包的英文是复数,以及管理层关注的是总成本,所以建议选C自下而上估算,更符合题意。

82、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个先进的计费系统项目。项目经理已经检查了现在的计费系统以及公司项目管理信息系统(PMIS)中的经验教训知识库。项目经理将可能收集更多的系统需求。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

A project manager is leading in a state-of-the art billing system project.The project manager has checked the existing billing system,as well as the lessons learned repository in the company’s project management information system(PMIS).The project manager would like to gather more system requirements.What should the project manager do next?


Refer to existing industry best practices.


Consult any experienced internal or external group.


Work with external subject matter experts(SMEs).


Work with internal business and technical support resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:排除法,A很难做不到,也没有必要,BCD都对时,就要排优先级,B相对全面。

83、 [单选] 项目团队正在努力进行可交付成果的工作,以满足计划的进度。一名团队成员发现范围蔓延正在影响项目成本。项目经理应该怎么做?

A project is working hard o deliverables to meet the planned schedule.One team member identifies that scope creep is affecting project costs. What should the project management do?


Perform risk assessment and scope change management procedures


Estimate the impact on the project and communicate the findings to project stakeholders


Estimate the impact on the project and communicate the findings to project stakeholders


Investigate why scope creep occurred and immediately initiate change management

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:题干描述范围蔓延,需要分析原因,根据情况启动变更流程。容易错选A,因为A具备风险评估,但是后半部分提到了范围变更管理程序,不太确切。

84、 [单选] 客户拒绝了一项交付成果,因为它不符合约定的质量规格,项目团队调查该问题,并确定供应商提供的零件有问题,供应商拒绝纠正这种情况。项目经理应该审查什么?

A customer rejects a deliverable because it fails to meet the agreed-upon quality specifications.The project team investigates the issue and determines that vendor-provided parts are of fault.What should the project manager review?


Service level agreement (SLA) established with the vendor


Procurement management plan and contract agreements


Internal quality assurance reports


Resource management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:审查采购管理计划,采购管理计划规定了在控制采购过程中需要开展的活动,包括管理供应商关系。索赔管理前,需审查合同协议相关条款。 A不全面。 C题目已交付经调查零件质量有问题,不需再怀疑。 D供应商虽然外部资源,但纳入细分的采购领域。

85、 [单选] 项目经理想要采购一些定制产品,且可以从多个供应商处获得相同等级和质量的定制产品。若要确保他们的报价具有可比性,采购包中应包含哪些内容?

The project manager wants to procure some customized products that are available in identical grade and quality from multiple vendors. What should be included in the procurement package to ensure that their offers will be comparable?


A cost estimate of the customized products.


A statement of work (SOW) specifying the required attributes and metrics of requested products


The approved project scope statement, work breakdown structure(WBS), and WBS dictionary


The risk management plan, and reports from risk management reviews

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:供应商交付的产品一样,价格才有可比性。SOW就是对供应商交付物的说明。依据项目范围基准,为每次采购编制工作说明书(SOW),仅对将要包含在相关合同中的那一部分项目范围进行定义。工作说明书会充分详细地描述拟采购的产品、服务或成果,以便潜在卖方确定是否有能力提供此类产品、服务或成果。

86、 [单选] 进度计划经理注意到由于数据录入错误,低估了关键路径上某项任务的完成时间。进度计划经理应该怎么做?

The schedule manager notices that the completion time of a task on the critical path is underestimated due to data entry errors. What should the schedule manager do?


To report the error to the project sponsor immediately


To adjust all tasks and meet the planned completion date


To discuss the error with the project manager and possible corrective actions immediately


To lay down the method to ensure that the customer has no concerns about the impact on schedule

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


87、 [单选] 项目发起人通知项目经理,最关键的项目标准是按时交付产品,客户对资源可用性没有时间限制,哪个行动会减少时间表,但会增加风险?

The project sponsor informs the project manager that the most critical project standard is to deliver the product on time. There is no time limit for the availability of resources. Which action will reduce the timetable but will add to the risk?


To add team members


To execute activities in parallel


To outsource project execution


To hire high-salaried experts

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


88、 [单选] 一个项目已经启动,该项目拟标准化四个国家的人力资源模块开发。每个国家都有不同的人力资源管理流程。其中两个国家与相关方,没有提供任何意见,迫使项目经理在没有他们的意见下制定项目计划,并将其发送给四个国家的所有相关方进行批准。到目前为止已经收到三份批准。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

A project to standardize the development of a human resource module across four countries has been initiate Each country has different processes for human resources management. The non-commitment of stakeholders from two of the countries forced the project manager to create a project plan without their input. Therefore, the project manager created a project plan without their options, and sent it for approval to all four country stakeholders. Three approvals have been received so far. What should the project manager do next?


Begin project execution, as not all stakeholders input is required for the project plan


Start the project, as the majority of the stakeholders have approved the plan.


Wait until all project stakeholders have contributed to, and approved, the project plan, and then begin project execution.


Wait for input from all stakeholders, and then since the majority have approved it, begin project execution.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


89、 [单选] 项目经理和项目发起人在合同收尾期间发生争议。在确定项目完成时,哪一份文件是项目经理和项目发起人之间协议的依据?

A project manager and a project sponsor are having a dispute during contract closeout.What document is the basis of agreement between the project manager and the project sponsor when defining project completion?


Accepted deliverables


Project scope statement


Project management plan


Project charter

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P75-4.1制定项目章程。项目章程中包括发起人对项目经理的授权。选项A:验收的可交付成果不是项目经理和发起人之间的协议依据。 选项B:项目范围说明书不是项目经理和发起人之间的协议依据。选项C:项目管理计划不是项目经理和发起人之间的协议依据。

90、 [单选] 在一个项目中,一位关键项目团队成员因私事请假两个月,项目经理首先应该怎么做?

Midway through a project,a key project team member requests two months leave for personal matters.What should the project manager do first?


Ask if this key team member can postpone the leave


Negotiate with the functional manager for a replacement


Evaluate the impact on the project


Review the resource management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P350-管理团队-变更请求。如果管理团队过程中出现变更请求,项目经理应提交变更请求。选项中没有提交变更请求,最符合题意的是在变更过程中评估对项目的影响,在评估影响的基础上采取措施。选项A:团队成员已经做出了因私请假的决定,推迟请假不是首选,且推迟请假也是一种措施,需要首先经过评估后决定是否采用此办法。选项B:替换团队成员需要进行变更请求。 选项D:出现了团队管理问题,审查资源管理计划无益,因为资源管理计划不会规定每个具体个例如何处理。

91、 [单选] 在项目启动阶段,项目发起人A临时被项目发起人B替换,项目发起人B以新的可交付成果将项目带向新的方向。当项目发起人C永久替代项目发起人B时,对这一新方向感到不满,并将项目重新转向原来的方向,并对可交付成果进行一些修改。 必须更新哪一份文件来解决这些变更?

In the project start-up phase, the project sponsor A is temporarily replaced by the project sponsor B who brings the project to a new direction with new deliverables. When the project sponsor C permanently replaces the project sponsor B, he is dissatisfied with this new direction and diverts the project from the new direction to the previous direction– with some modifications on such deliverables. Which document must be updated to resolve these changes?


Statement of Work (SOW)


Project Plan


Project Charter


Stakeholders' Management Plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


92、 [单选] 在项目结束时要求进行一项重要变更,虽然需要进行这项变更来解决可能影响业务连续性的紧急问题,但会延长进度计划并增加成本。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

An important change is requested at the end of a project.While this change is needed to solve an urgent issue that could affect business continuity.It will extend the schedule and increase the cost What should the project manager do next?


Reject the change


Submit a change request


Implement the change


Communicate the impact on the budget and schedule

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


93、 [单选] 一个不熟悉财务领域的新项目经理,在一个弱矩阵型组织中负责管理一个财务项目,公司的主题专家(SMEs)由于忙于其他职能而无法提供协助。 项目经理应该在启动阶段怎么做?

A new project manager who is not familiar with the financial sector is responsible for managing a financial project in a weak matrix organization. The Company's subject matter experts (SMEs) cannot provide assistance due to other functions. What should the project manager do during the startup phase?


To meet with the functional manager to develop an implementation plan


To request for budget increase so that external financial experts can be hired


To review the organization's knowledge base


To consider attending the financial training course to improve knowledge

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 制定项目管理计划应确保相关方参与,有助于更全面的考量制约因素,使项目管理计划符合实际情况。详见制定项目管理计划的工具与技术4.2.2.2数据收集、人际关系与团队技能、会议。

94、 [单选] 项目发起人对项目进行审查并对一些项目风险提出质疑,项目发起人要求项目经理分析这些风险对项目总体目标的影响。项目经理应该执行下列哪一项?

A project sponsor reviews the project and questions some of the project risks.The sponsor asks the project manager to analyze the effect of these risks on overall project objectives. What should the project manager conduct?


Quantitative and qualitative risk analyses


Assumption and constraint analysis


Strengths,Weakness,Opportunity, and Threats(SWOT)analysis


Checklist analysis

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P428-11.4实施定量风险分析。是就已识别的单个项目风险和不确定性的其他来源对整体羡慕目标的影响进行定量分析。发起人要求项目经理分析风险对项目总体目标的影响,就是要项目经理进行定量风险分析,选A符合题意。选项B:假设条件和制约因素分析可以用于识别风险过程,也可以用于制定项目章程,但无法分析风险对整体目标的影响。选项C:优势、劣势、机会与威胁可以用于识别风险,不能分析风险对项目整体目标的影响。 选项D:核对单分析可以用于识别风险,不能分析风险对项目整体目标的影响。

95、 [单选] 项目经理成功完成一个项目,需要收集在地理位置上分散的大量相关方的反馈意见。项目经理应该用什么沟通方法来收集反馈意见?

A project manager for a successfully completed project needs to collect feedback from a large number of geographically dispersed stakeholders. What communication method should the project manager use to collect this feedback?


Pull communication


Push communication


Effective communication


Interactive communication

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P374-规划沟通管理-沟通方法-拉式沟通。适用于大量复杂信息或大量信息受众的情况。选项B:推式沟通向需要接收信息的特定接收方发送或发布信息。不符合题目要求回答的内容。 选项C:有效沟通不是一种沟通方法,是对沟通结果的一种描述。选项D:互动式沟通在两方或多方之间进行的实时多向信息交换,不适合大量信息受众的沟通。

96、 [单选] 一个项目团队成员已经延迟两次交付一个工作包,其职能经理已经通知项目经理,该团成员资历较新,需要时间学习。项目经理应该怎么做?

A project team member has delayed delivery of one work package twice, and his functional manager has notified the project manager that the team members are new and require time to learn. What should the project manager do?


Require the functional manager to replace the team member


Discuss the issue privately with the team member


Provide training to the team member


Discuss the issue at a team meeting

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


97、 [单选] 某位项目相关方要求对已批准的产品设计进行变更,程序员仅需少量工作就可进行这项变更。但是存在一个风险,即另一位相关方将不同意这项变更。项目经理应该怎么做?

A project stakeholder requires a change to an approved product design.To accommodate the change,minor efforts are required of programmers.However,there is a risk,however,that another stakeholder will not agree to this.


Implement the change as there is no significant financial impact


Create a change request in accordance with the change management plan


Request approval from the project sponsor


Negotiate the acceptance of the change with relevant stakeholders

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P447-规划风险应对-变更请求。规划风险应对后,可能会就成本基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组建提出变更请求,应该通过实施整体变更控制过程对变更请求进行审查和处理。已识别到存在一个相关方不同意的风险,规划分线应对。选项A:不符合题意。选项C:发起人无法批准不同意的变更。 选项D:相关方有自已的诉求,这个诉求是一个风险,规划风险应对是首选,因对办法可能包括跟相关方谈判,还可能有其他的办法,选D不合适。

98、 [单选] 一名高管在生产上线期间加入敏捷团队,在上线之后,该高管希望知道sprint冲刺期间哪些进展顺利,以及哪些进展不顺利,该高管应该参加什么会议?

A senior executive joins an agile team during production go-live following the go-live,The Executive wants to know what did and did not go well during the sprint。What meeting should the executive have attended?




Daily scrum


Sprint review


Sprint planning

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


99、 [单选] 在交付某个产品功能的迭代过程中,相关方要求提供不包含在计划工作范围内的一项新功能,该相关方威胁说,如果该新功能未包含在当前迭代中,将会把问题升级上报给高级管理层,若要解决这个问题,敏捷管理专业人士应该怎么做?

During the iteration to deliver a product's features,a stakeholder asks for a new feature that was not included in the planned scope of work,the stakeholder threatens to escalate the issue to senior management if this new features is not included in the current iteration,what should the agile practitioner do?


Meet with the stakeholder to discuss implementation only part of the new feature now


Collaborate with the team and product owner to reprioritize the new features


Ask the stakeholder to obtain approval from senior management


Request guidance from senior management

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


100、 [单选] 在将所有项目可交付成果移交给客户后,项目经理举行内部庆祝会议,但是,在检查可交付成果后,用户的质量检查员主张存在一些不可接受的缺陷。 项目经理应该做什么?

After handing over all project deliverables to the client,the project manager conducts an internal celebratory meeting.However,after inspecting the deliverables,the customer’s quality inspector claims that there are some unacceptable defects. What should the project manager do?


Review the quality assurance documentation for deliverables to obtain proof of defects.


Reject this claim since the customer approved the delivery documents.


Review the quality inspector's claim and estimate the cost impact.


Ask a project leader to conduct an additional inspection.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



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