Feel tired easily these days,perhaps because the sleep time is too short. I usually go to bed after 11:00pm,and get up 6:00am.
The terrible thing is not to love the wrong person, but d...
好想睡觉 好想休息
人生啊真的太多无力感了…… 我才17岁,为什么我的心态会是这样,明明在拼命克制不可以有极端想法,可是为什么这么想去...
最近感觉好疲倦,双专业的功课, 不知还要不要继续
I’m really tired today. My legs are like being dragged by...
说不出的疲惫 从来都没有感觉到这样累过 不知道明天早上是否还能醒来
A little tired, I sleep. I miss
I feel tired now, there are stones on my heart. It makes ...
今天晚上失眠了, 是因为太累了, 所以努力的哭了一次, 但没有用, 因为我太累了吧, 脑袋里面的弦永远绷得紧紧的,...