React Native 基本命令汇总

React Native 基本命令汇总

作者: 涅槃快乐是金 | 来源:发表于2018-12-17 11:49 被阅读0次

    最近进行React Native的一些优化工作,发现React Native提供了很多简单方便的配置,但是自己一直没有使用过,而且React Native提供了非常好的help功能,会列出对应的说明和example,这边简单整理下一些常用的命令。

    1. 查看所有命令 react-native --help

    mac:react-native --help
      Usage: react-native [options] [command]
        -V, --version                      output the version number
        -h, --help                         output usage information
        start [options]                    starts the webserver
        run-ios [options]                  builds your app and starts it on iOS simulator
        run-android [options]              builds your app and starts it on a connected Android emulator or device
        new-library [options]              generates a native library bridge
        bundle [options]                   builds the javascript bundle for offline use
        unbundle [options]                 builds javascript as "unbundle" for offline use
        eject [options]                    Re-create the iOS and Android folders and native code
        link [options] [packageName]       links all native dependencies (updates native build files)
        unlink [options] <packageName>     unlink native dependency
        install [options] <packageName>    install and link native dependencies
        uninstall [options] <packageName>  uninstall and unlink native dependencies
        upgrade [options]                  upgrade your app's template files to the latest version; run this after updating the react-native version in your package.json and running npm install
        log-android [options]              starts adb logcat
        log-ios [options]                  starts iOS device syslog tail
        info [options]                     Get relevant version info about OS, toolchain and libraries

    2. 最常用的启动命令react-native start

    mac:react-native start --help
    react-native start [options]
      starts the webserver
        --port [number]                                                (default: 8081)
        --host [string]                                                (default: )
        --root [list]                                                 add another root(s) to be used by the packager in this project (default: )
        --projectRoots [list]                                         override the root(s) to be used by the packager (default: /Users/mac/mallCategory)
        --assetExts [list]                                            Specify any additional asset extensions to be used by the packager (default: )
        --sourceExts [list]                                           Specify any additional source extensions to be used by the packager (default: )
        --platforms [list]                                            Specify any additional platforms to be used by the packager (default: )
        --providesModuleNodeModules [list]                            Specify any npm packages that import dependencies with providesModule (default: react-native,react-native-windows)
        --max-workers [number]                                        Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool will spawn for transforming files. This defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine.
        --skipflow                                                    Disable flow checks
        --nonPersistent                                               Disable file watcher
        --transformer [string]                                        Specify a custom transformer to be used
        --reset-cache, --resetCache                                   Removes cached files
        --custom-log-reporter-path, --customLogReporterPath [string]  Path to a JavaScript file that exports a log reporter as a replacement for TerminalReporter
        --verbose                                                     Enables logging
        --https                                                       Enables https connections to the server
        --key [path]                                                  Path to custom SSL key
        --cert [path]                                                 Path to custom SSL cert
        --config [string]                                             Path to the CLI configuration file
        -h, --help                                                    output usage information

    3. iOS启动命令 react-native --run-ios

    mac: react-native run-ios --help
      react-native run-ios [options]
      builds your app and starts it on iOS simulator
        --simulator [string]      Explicitly set simulator to use (default: iPhone 6)
        --configuration [string]  Explicitly set the scheme configuration to use
        --scheme [string]         Explicitly set Xcode scheme to use
        --project-path [string]   Path relative to project root where the Xcode project (.xcodeproj) lives. The default is 'ios'. (default: ios)
        --device [string]         Explicitly set device to use by name.  The value is not required if you have a single device connected.
        --udid [string]           Explicitly set device to use by udid
        --no-packager             Do not launch packager while building
        --verbose                 Do not use xcpretty even if installed
        --config [string]         Path to the CLI configuration file
        -h, --help                output usage information
      Example usage:
        Run on a different simulator, e.g. iPhone 5:
        react-native run-ios --simulator "iPhone 5"
        Pass a non-standard location of iOS directory:
        react-native run-ios --project-path "./app/ios"
        Run on a connected device, e.g. Max's iPhone:
        react-native run-ios --device "Max's iPhone"

    4. Android 启动命令 react-native run-android

    mac: react-native run-android --help
      react-native run-android [options]
      builds your app and starts it on a connected Android emulator or device
        --root [string]           Override the root directory for the android build (which contains the android directory) (default: )
        --flavor [string]         --flavor has been deprecated. Use --variant instead
        --variant [string]
        --appFolder [string]      Specify a different application folder name for the android source. (default: app)
        --appId [string]          Specify an applicationId to launch after build. (default: )
        --appIdSuffix [string]    Specify an applicationIdSuffix to launch after build. (default: )
        --main-activity [string]  Name of the activity to start (default: MainActivity)
        --deviceId [string]       builds your app and starts it on a specific device/simulator with the given device id (listed by running "adb devices" on the command line).
        --no-packager             Do not launch packager while building
        --port [number]            (default: 8081)
        --config [string]         Path to the CLI configuration file
        -h, --help                output usage information

    5. 生成bundle文件 react-native bundle

    mac: react-native bundle --help
      react-native bundle [options]
      builds the javascript bundle for offline use
        --entry-file <path>                Path to the root JS file, either absolute or relative to JS root
        --platform [string]                Either "ios" or "android" (default: ios)
        --transformer [string]             Specify a custom transformer to be used
        --dev [boolean]                    If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified (default: true)
        --bundle-output <string>           File name where to store the resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.bundle
        --bundle-encoding [string]         Encoding the bundle should be written in (https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffer). (default: utf8)
        --max-workers [number]             Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool will spawn for transforming files.This defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine.
        --sourcemap-output [string]        File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.map
        --sourcemap-sources-root [string]  Path to make sourcemap's sources entries relative to, ex. /root/dir
        --sourcemap-use-absolute-path      Report SourceMapURL using its full path
        --assets-dest [string]             Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle
        --verbose                          Enables logging
        --reset-cache                      Removes cached files
        --read-global-cache                Try to fetch transformed JS code from the global cache, if configured.
        --config [string]                  Path to the CLI configuration file
        -h, --help                         output usage information

    5. 生成unbundle文件 react-native unbundle

    mac: react-native unbundle --help
      react-native unbundle [options]
      builds javascript as "unbundle" for offline use
        --entry-file <path>                Path to the root JS file, either absolute or relative to JS root
        --platform [string]                Either "ios" or "android" (default: ios)
        --transformer [string]             Specify a custom transformer to be used
        --dev [boolean]                    If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified (default: true)
        --bundle-output <string>           File name where to store the resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.bundle
        --bundle-encoding [string]         Encoding the bundle should be written in (https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffer). (default: utf8)
        --max-workers [number]             Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool will spawn for transforming files.This defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine.
        --sourcemap-output [string]        File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.map
        --sourcemap-sources-root [string]  Path to make sourcemap's sources entries relative to, ex. /root/dir
        --sourcemap-use-absolute-path      Report SourceMapURL using its full path
        --assets-dest [string]             Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle
        --verbose                          Enables logging
        --reset-cache                      Removes cached files
        --read-global-cache                Try to fetch transformed JS code from the global cache, if configured.
        --indexed-unbundle                 Force indexed unbundle file format, even when building for android
        --config [string]                  Path to the CLI configuration file
        -h, --help                         output usage information

    6. 查看React Native相关的信息 react-native info

    mac: react-native info
      OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
      Node: 10.0.0
      Yarn: 1.9.4
      npm: 5.6.0
      Watchman: 4.7.0
      Xcode: Xcode 10.1 Build version 10B61
      Android Studio: 1.4 AI-141.2343393
    Packages: (wanted => installed)
      react: 16.2.0
      react-native: 0.52.0



          本文标题:React Native 基本命令汇总
