Read something about enough

Read something about enough

作者: 蘭歆 | 来源:发表于2015-04-21 10:20 被阅读8次

But when you’re worried about enough,it doesn’t matter how many things go right. It only matters that one thing goes wrong, or goes undone,or not done perfectly, or not on time, or that you weren’t specific enough in your last email, and the hopeful house of cards you had built over morning coffee falls over and can’t be resurrected until the next day. All things need sleep for resurrection. So you give up on the day ahead, you read what other people have written and wonder why you’re not them, even though you’re trying. You try to give yourself a break, but that’s a language you’ve never spoken. You criticize your husband,and that’s not kind, but if he only knew how you criticised yourself he might understand.


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