<!-- 分页 -->
<select id="articlePageList" resultType="Article">
a.id AS "id",
a.category_id AS "category.id",
a.title AS "title",
a.create_date AS "createDate" // 上面这四个是我们需要的查出来的参数
FROM cms_article a
a.category_id = #{cid} // cid:传入的参数条件
AND a.del_flag = 0
ORDER BY a.weight DESC, a.create_date DESC
LIMIT #{pageNo}, #{pageSize} // pageNo:当前页 pageSize:每页显示多少条数据
<!--查询文章总条数 count-->
<select id="totalCount" resultType="Article">
FROM cms_article a
a.category_id = #{cid}
AND a.del_flag = 0
// 查询条数
public List<Article> totalCount(String cid);
// 根据栏目id 当前页 条数 查询文章列表
public List<Article> articlePageList(@Param("pageNo") int pageNo, @Param("pageSize") int pageSize, @Param("cid") String cid);
// 查询条数
public List<Article> totalCount(String cid) {
return articleDao.pageCount(cid);
// 根据栏目id 当前页 条数 查询文章列表
public List<Article> articlePageList(int pageNo, int pageSize, String cid) {
// 计算当前页
pageNo = pageNo - 1;
pageNo = pageNo * pageSize;
return articleDao.articlePageList(pageNo, pageSize, cid);
// 返回一个文章总数
public int totalCounts(String cid) {
// 文章总条数
List<Article> articleCount = pageCount(cid);
int totalCount = articleCount.size();
return totalCounts;
@RequestMapping(value = "findArticleList")
public Map<String, Object> findArticleList(String cid, String pageNo) {
Map<String, Object> articleListMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// 每页文章条数
String pageSize = "10";
List<Article> articlePage = articleService.articlePageList(Integer.parseInt(pageNo), Integer.parseInt(pageSize), cid);
articleListMap.put("articlePage", articlePage);
// 文章页数
int totalCount = articleService.totalCount(cid);
articleListMap.put("totalCount", totalCount);
return articleListMap;
function articleListApi(cid, pageNo) {
url: artlistUrl,
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
// 这里是将参数传到后台
cid: cid,
pageNo: pageNo,
success: function (data) {
var list = data["articlePage"];
var totalCount = data["totalCount"];
if (list == "undefined" || list == null || list == "") {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var month = list[i].createDate.substring(5, 7);
var day = list[i].createDate.substring(8, 10);
$("#artLis").append("<li><a href='articleDetail?cid=" + list[i].category.id + "&id=" + list[i].id + "'><span>" + list[i].title + "</span><span class='fr'>" + month + "月" + day + "日</span></a></li>");
// 从接口方法获取数据总数的方法
function getCount(totalCount) {
// 这个是我放在页面的一个隐藏标签,用来接收链接跳转过来的ID,也就是cid,需要把这个参数拿到传给后台接口
<input id="liCid" type="hidden" value="${param.cid}"/>
<%-- 分页插件--%>
// maxshowpageitem="5" 这个参数为显示的页码数 pagelistcount="10" 这个参数为每页显示多少条数据
<div id="pageDiv">
<ul class="page" maxshowpageitem="5" pagelistcount="10" id="page"></ul>
// 接口调用的链接地址
var artlistUrl = "${ctxf}/api/article/findArticleList";
$(document).ready(function () {
// 拿到隐藏标签的值
var cid = $("#liCid").val();
// 第一次加载默认第一页
var pageNo = 1;
articleListApi(cid, pageNo);
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageNo = 1;
function pageClik(totalCount) {
var cid = $("#liCid").val();
var GG = {
"kk": function (mm) {
// 这里的 mm 为点击的第几页
pageNo = mm;
articleListApi(cid, pageNo);
$("#page").initPage(totalCount, pageNo, GG.kk);
下面直接贴出 分页的css文件,和分页的封装方法
.page {
list-style: none;
.page > li {
float: left;
padding: 5px 10px;
cursor: pointer;
.page .pageItem {
border: solid thin #DDDDDD;
margin: 5px;
.page .pageItemActive {
border: solid thin #0099FF;
margin: 5px;
background-color: #0099FF;
color: white;
.page .pageItem:hover {
border: solid thin #0099FF;
background-color: #0099FF;
color: white;
.page .pageItemDisable {
border: solid thin #DDDDDD;
margin: 5px;
background-color: #DDDDDD;
* Created by lhs on 2017/9/6.
"initPage": function (listCount, currentPage, fun) {
var maxshowpageitem = $(this).attr("maxshowpageitem");
if (maxshowpageitem != null && maxshowpageitem > 0 && maxshowpageitem != "") {
page.maxshowpageitem = maxshowpageitem;
var pagelistcount = $(this).attr("pagelistcount");
if (pagelistcount != null && pagelistcount > 0 && pagelistcount != "") {
page.pagelistcount = pagelistcount;
var pageId = $(this).attr("id");
page.pageId = pageId;
if (listCount < 0) {
listCount = 0;
if (currentPage <= 0) {
currentPage = 1;
page.setPageListCount(pageId, listCount, currentPage, fun);
var page = {
"maxshowpageitem": 5,//最多显示的页码个数
"pagelistcount": 10,//每一页显示的内容条数
* 初始化分页界面
* @param listCount 列表总量
"initWithUl": function (pageId, listCount, currentPage) {
var pageCount = 1;
if (listCount > 0) {
var pageCount = listCount % page.pagelistcount > 0 ? parseInt(listCount / page.pagelistcount) + 1 : parseInt(listCount / page.pagelistcount);
var appendStr = page.getPageListModel(pageCount, currentPage);
$("#" + pageId).html(appendStr);
* 设置列表总量和当前页码
* @param listCount 列表总量
* @param currentPage 当前页码
"setPageListCount": function (pageId, listCount, currentPage, fun) {
listCount = parseInt(listCount);
currentPage = parseInt(currentPage);
page.initWithUl(pageId, listCount, currentPage);
page.initPageEvent(pageId, listCount, fun);
"initPageEvent": function (pageId, listCount, fun) {
$("#" + pageId + ">li[class='pageItem']").on("click", function () {
if (typeof fun == "function") {
page.setPageListCount(pageId, listCount, $(this).attr("page-data"), fun);
"getPageListModel": function (pageCount, currentPage) {
var prePage = currentPage - 1;
var nextPage = currentPage + 1;
var prePageClass = "pageItem";
var nextPageClass = "pageItem";
if (prePage <= 0) {
prePageClass = "pageItemDisable";
if (nextPage > pageCount) {
nextPageClass = "pageItemDisable";
var appendStr = "";
appendStr += "<li class='" + prePageClass + "' page-data='1' page-rel='firstpage'>首页</li>";
appendStr += "<li class='" + prePageClass + "' page-data='" + prePage + "' page-rel='prepage'><上一页</li>";
var miniPageNumber = 1;
if (currentPage - parseInt(page.maxshowpageitem / 2) > 0 && currentPage + parseInt(page.maxshowpageitem / 2) <= pageCount) {
miniPageNumber = currentPage - parseInt(page.maxshowpageitem / 2);
} else if (currentPage - parseInt(page.maxshowpageitem / 2) > 0 && currentPage + parseInt(page.maxshowpageitem / 2) > pageCount) {
miniPageNumber = pageCount - page.maxshowpageitem + 1;
if (miniPageNumber <= 0) {
miniPageNumber = 1;
var showPageNum = parseInt(page.maxshowpageitem);
if (pageCount < showPageNum) {
showPageNum = pageCount
for (var i = 0; i < showPageNum; i++) {
var pageNumber = miniPageNumber++;
var itemPageClass = "pageItem";
if (pageNumber == currentPage) {
itemPageClass = "pageItemActive";
appendStr += "<li class='" + itemPageClass + "' page-data='" + pageNumber + "' page-rel='itempage'>" + pageNumber + "</li>";
appendStr += "<li class='" + nextPageClass + "' page-data='" + nextPage + "' page-rel='nextpage'>下一页></li>";
appendStr += "<li class='" + nextPageClass + "' page-data='" + pageCount + "' page-rel='lastpage'>尾页</li>";
return appendStr;