

作者: 剑雪封侯之 | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 23:46 被阅读0次


#ifndef __SDS_H
#define __SDS_H
//最大分配空间 1M
#define SDS_MAX_PREALLOC (1024*1024)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
//声明sds是一种char * 类型。
typedef char *sds;

struct sdshdr {
    unsigned int len;
    unsigned int free;
    char buf[];
static inline size_t sdslen(const sds s) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*)(s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    return sh->len;
static inline size_t sdsavail(const sds s) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*)(s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    return sh->free;
sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen);

sds sdsnew(const char *init);
sds sdsempty(void);

size_t sdslen(const sds s);
sds sdsdup(const sds s);
void sdsfree(sds s);
size_t sdsavail(const sds s);
sds sdsgrowzero(sds s, size_t len);

sds sdscatlen(sds s, const void *t, size_t len);
sds sdscat(sds s, const char *t);
sds sdscatsds(sds s, const sds t);

sds sdscpylen(sds s, const char *t, size_t len);
sds sdscpy(sds s, const char *t);
sds sdscatvprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

#ifdef __GNUC__
sds sdscatprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, ...)
    __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
sds sdscatprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, ...);

sds sdscatfmt(sds s, char const *fmt, ...);
sds sdstrim(sds s, const char *cset);
void sdsrange(sds s, int start, int end);
void sdsupdatelen(sds s);
void sdsclear(sds s);
int sdscmp(const sds s1, const sds s2);
sds *sdssplitlen(const char *s, int len, const char *sep, int seplen, int *count);
void sdsfreesplitres(sds *tokens, int count);
void sdstolower(sds s);
void sdstoupper(sds s);
sds sdsfromlonglong(long long value);
sds sdscatrepr(sds s, const char *p, size_t len);
sds *sdssplitargs(const char *line, int *argc);
sds sdsmapchars(sds s, const char *from, const char *to, size_t setlen);
sds sdsjoin(char **argv, int argc, char *sep);

/* Low level functions exposed to the user API */
sds sdsMakeRoomFor(sds s, size_t addlen);
void sdsIncrLen(sds s, int incr);
sds sdsRemoveFreeSpace(sds s);
size_t sdsAllocSize(sds s);



sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {
    struct sdshdr *sh;

    if (init) {
        sh = zmalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1);
    } else {
        sh = zcalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1);
    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;
    sh->len = initlen;
    sh->free = 0;
    if (initlen && init)
        memcpy(sh->buf, init, initlen);
    sh->buf[initlen] = '\0';
    return (char*)sh->buf;


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