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作者: 陈雨尘 | 来源:发表于2018-05-09 15:12 被阅读1152次



从1月24号开始到4月25号一直都是元数据被拒绝理由都是大礼包2.1,期间每次提交审核被拒都会回复差不多3次以上的邮件,因为回复邮件基本是一天一回,但是审核周期基本上都是 20天左右,这期间充分利用了邮件,不停追问,但是得的回复大都是同样的就是大礼包

    1. 1 Performance: App Completeness
      Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
      This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, these types of apps often:
      1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata.
      2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval
      2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website
      3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app
      4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app
      5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app
      5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used



    感谢您对我们的App 的耐心审核, 对于您提到的我们可能违反的7个审核条款, 我们经过认真自查和研究, 对此回复如下:
    1.1.6 :我们的App没有包含任何虚假信息,功能或者误导性元数据信息。
    2.3.0 :我们的App 从来没有做过主要功能的重要改变,包括审核之后。
    3.1.1: 我们的App没有使用任何除了 in-app purchase 之外的第三方支付。
    5.3.4: 我们的App 并没有使用到定位功能,所以并没有请求定位权限。
    上述这些我们都是经过反复检查和测试的,并没有违反哪条准则,能不能具体告知被拒原因,以便我们处理?也可以电话联系我 你的名字:你的电话,谢谢
    Dear Apple review team:
    Thank you for your patience review of our App. We have carefully checked and studied the seven review clauses that we may have violated, and we reply as follows:
    1.1.6: Our app does not contain any false information, features or misleading metadata information.
    2.3.0: Our app has never made major changes to major features, including after the review.
    2.3.1: Our app does not contain any illegal information such as gambling or any hidden switch.
    3.1.1: Our App does not use any third party payment except in-app purchase.
    4.3.0: Our App is developed independently by our company and mainly provides an online learning platform. There is no plagiarism and a lot of similarities.
    5.2.1: Our App is submitted by ourselves without the risk of legal entity and copyright.
    5.3.4: Our app does not use the location function, so it does not request location permission.
    We have repeatedly inspected and tested the above-mentioned issues. We have not violated any criteria. Can you tell me the reasons for rejection specifically so that we can handle them? You can also contact me by phone 你的名字: 你的电话, thank you



*   Thank you for your response.
    Regarding the 5.1.1 issue, your app requires users to register for the sole purpose of tracking IAP, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.        
 It would be appropriate to make it clear to the user that registering will enable them to access the content from any of their iOS devices and provide them a way to register at any time.
 If you would like to enable users to access content on different devices, such registration must be made optional, as such a feature does not offer user benefit to users who only possess one device, or chooses not to share their purchased content with other devices.
It would be appropriate to revise your app so that the user is not required to register or log-in to access the  study material, including those that are paid through In-App Purchase.
Additionally, an Apple Representative will call you to discuss your app.
  Best regards,
App Store Review


* 感谢您的答复。
关于5.1.1问题,您的应用程序要求用户注册唯一目的是跟踪IAP,这不符合App Store评论指南。

游客也能购买之前其他app也因为这个问题被拒过,当时就是回复了邮件说明了,我们的课程什么的不是针对所有人的,是针对企业内部员工的,是跟账号挂钩的。之前另一个app这样回复就顺利过审核了,我就抱着试一试也回复了差不多的邮件,当然结果就是没有有过..... 然后我们就妥协了添加了游客购买模式,下面是大概思路



   str  = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString];  // 保存UUID作为手机唯一标识符
     [SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:@"UUID"
                          forServiceName:SERVICE_NAME  //最好用程序的bundle id
                                   error:nil];  // 往keychain添加数据

添加游客购买之后提交新的app 之后又等了近一月然后又收到了大礼包,然而我很疑惑,又是大礼包也不说是什么问题让我怎么处理呢,然后就很有礼貌的有回复了一封邮件给审核团队

 * 尊敬的苹果审核团队:
 *  感谢您对我们的App 的耐心审核, 对于您提到的我们可能违反的7个审核条款, 我们经过认真自查和研究, 对此回复如下:
  * 1.1.6 :我们的App没有包含任何虚假信息,功能或者误导性元数据信息。
  *         2.3.0 :我们的App 从来没有做过主要功能的重要改变,包括审核之后。
  *         2.3.1:我们的App没有包含任何赌博等违法信息,也没有做任何隐藏开关。
  *         3.1.1: 我们的App没有使用任何除了 in-app purchase 之外的第三方支付。
  *         4.3.0:我们的App是由我们公司独立发开,主要提供一个在线学习平台,不存在抄袭和大量相似。
  *         5.2.1:我们的App是有我们自己提交的,没有法人实体和版权的风险。
  *         5.3.4: 我们的App 并没有使用到定位功能,所以并没有请求定位权限。
  *         上述这些我们都是经过反复检查和测试的,并没有违反哪条准则,能不能具体告知被拒原因,以便我们处理?也可以电话联系我 名字:电话,谢谢

*       Dear Apple review team:
*       Thank you for your patience review of our App. We have carefully checked and studied the seven review clauses that we may have violated, and we reply as follows:
*       1.1.6: Our app does not contain any false information, features or misleading metadata information.
*       2.3.0: Our app has never made major changes to major features, including after the review.
*       2.3.1: Our app does not contain any illegal information such as gambling or any hidden switch.
*       3.1.1: Our App does not use any third party payment except in-app purchase.
*       4.3.0: Our App is developed independently by our company and mainly provides an online learning platform. There is no plagiarism and a lot of similarities.
*       5.2.1: Our App is submitted by ourselves without the risk of legal entity and copyright.
*       5.3.4: Our app does not use the location function, so it does not request location permission.
*       We have repeatedly inspected and tested the above-mentioned issues. We have not violated any criteria. Can you tell me the reasons for rejection specifically so that we can handle them? You can also contact me by phone Chen: 1552XXXX, thank you


    *       2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
*       Hello,
*       Thank you for providing additional information.
*       Upon further review, we found that your app does not comply with the following guidelines:
*       Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
*       We are unable to complete the review of your app because one or more of your in-app purchase products have not been submitted for review.
*       Next Steps
*       To resolve this issue, please be sure to take action and submit your in-app purchases and upload a new binary in iTunes Connect. Learn more about how to offer in-app purchasesin iTunes Connect Developer Help.
*       Once you've submitted your in-app purchases and uploaded a new binary, we can proceed with your review.
*       Best regards,
*       App Store Review

意思是 无法完成对应用的审核,因为您的一个或多个应用内购买产品尚未提交审核。

说我们的内购产品未提交审核,当初不直接告诉我还的让我问一下才说(真是闲的), 然后我就看了下我的内购产品果然是没有过审,全都是红点 。 内购商品审核被拒绝,红点在描述出,然后我就根据人家的经验修改我的商品描述,从之前的12元购买12个学币,变成您愿意花费12元购买12个学币吗?然后提交审核,等了一个月商品还是没过审..... 还是描述问题然后我又改成12元即可购买12个学币 还是被拒.....,同样的描述其他的app能过我这个就不行..... 最后没有办法还是只能回邮件....

    * 尊敬的审核团队,感谢您对我们App的耐心审核,我想知道为什么我们的内购项目一直被拒,内购项目要怎么描述?请问我们要怎么修改才可以?如果可以请告诉我们怎么修改,万分感谢!
    * Dear review team, thank you for your patience review of our App. I would like to know why our in-app purchases are always rejected. How do we describe our in-app purchases? How can we modify it? If you can please tell us how to modify, extremely grateful!







