

作者: 范女青 | 来源:发表于2020-01-28 19:57 被阅读0次

来源:ACS 23-01-2020 The IT skills with the biggest shortages

The top five digital technology skills are most in demand in Australia for the first six months of this year picked by Hays are:

  1. Full Stack Software Engineers
  2. Cloud Engineers
  3. Data Engineers
  4. Data Scientists
  5. React.js/React Native Engineers

Full stack engineers have often been cited as one of the most demanded and well-paid IT roles, which is still shown by the Hays list.

Hays recognises React’s growing popularity, saying that “organisations are considering upskilling current employees” to keep up with demand for this skillset.

More broadly, Hays also picked its top five IT skills that are currently in demand:

  1. Cloud Engineers and Cloud Architects
  2. Project Managers
  3. Network Engineers
  4. Security GRC Specialists
  5. End User Support

Hays notes that supply in this area is improving with more people recognise the necessity of cloud skills, but there is a particular “shortage of those with proven commercial experience”.


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