The case for collaborative consumption
Ted talk.png其实这个演讲对于现在的中国来说,已经不是什么新鲜事了,对于外国,随着facebook的兴起,已然成为了生活中的一部分。物物交换来提高东西的利用率确实是非常不错的一种循环绿色经济,好处当然不少,坏处想必也是有一些的。只是这种经济的兴起,消费方式有的像苹果手机那种挥霍但还是有很多人死命地去买,还有的就像这种看起来很贪小便宜的感觉,好像总希望价格越低越好的廉价商品。
the rise of collaborative consumption
- swap the product you don't need and trade the product you need
- technology is the trust between the total stranger by rating and review without any monetary factor due to the power in numbers
- this power comes from peer-to-peer revolution
- digital natives: connect the culture of me to the culture of we by mobile collaboration
- a renewed belief in the importance of community
- a torrent of peer-to-peer social network and real-time technologies
- pressing unresolved environmental concerns
- a global recession that has fundamentally shocked consumer behaviors
--> collaborative consumption
social media: Facebook and Twitter
- reuse the product rather than taking to the bin
- share money, time and product to expand the community
- high capacity in collaborating to increase the efficiency in the product in using
old trading system: the reputation doesn't affect anything