信手拈花 - 人工智能

信手拈花 - 人工智能

作者: 信手拈花 | 来源:发表于2020-07-21 08:45 被阅读0次
Artificial intelligence







Artificial intelligence.That's what we call AI. Its basic method is to use computer big data and other methods to simulate and replace human judgment and processing, just like making the computer system intelligent. With the help of some advanced mathematical concepts and calculation methods, computers can implement some manual operations, such as knowing a person or reading an article, or even imitating a person's speech.

The smart speaker released by Google can automatically call to make an appointment for a haircut. The master will have a haircut at a specific time. The hairdresser said that he is busy and can automatically adjust the time. In addition, some meaningless voice particles can be used to make the speech. More natural. This is supported by a large amount of data. He uses the records of people’s daily conversations to simulate what reactions should be generated in different scenarios, which will lead to the best results. So when you call him, you I don't know if it is a computer system or a person.

Ibm has done something similar. They use computers to simulate human debate. Through a large amount of data analysis, they can determine what people's normal answers should be when certain questions are raised, so as to find better arguments. Even ordinary people can't argue with him. After all, its knowledge is very rich.

So artificial intelligence is based on a large number of data analysis, and the use of some uncertain algorithms, which is different from the traditional sense of the mathematical formula, his input and output is not one-to-one correspondence.Instead, the input and output correspond to a certain interval, which is what we call the fuzzy boundary.We know that people's judgment is not very clear, but a general judgment is a trend of thinking.

Computers have also effectively simulated this method, and one of the most famous methods is called Bayesian judgment. Bayesian judgment is a very magical story. He is not a mathematician, but a priest. In the process of preaching, he wants to study how people can believe in the existence of God and join the church.Therefore, the power of religion is very powerful. Once a person has faith, he can spend a lot of time and energy to complete a certain task earnestly and get a very good result.

Bayes and the power of religious belief, we have the opportunity to discuss in detail in another article.

In short, artificial intelligence is a very powerful field, it can replace manual work to a large extent, and even some creative and artistic work, they can also replace, such as using intelligent systems to write poems or do some customer service responses.Both Google and IBM mentioned earlier have made explorations in this regard. Their robots are even more logical than some people and have stronger data support. In terms of debate, we are not as good as they, including writing articles. Since they are able to conduct a targeted debate, they can also sort out an article, just as we have referenced many materials for writing the paper.

Artificial intelligence is a very promising technology trend anyway, of course, when the money market may not have the ability to make it come true, which is probably why the field of artificial intelligence has been detected one after another, after all, it is only as the input ratio of some data, such as voice input and facial recognition. These works only provide support for the processing of artificial intelligence, and there should be a lot of research and analysis of algorithms behind them, which requires long-term efforts.


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      本文标题:信手拈花 - 人工智能
