语块的整理(3):Leisure and lifestyle

语块的整理(3):Leisure and lifestyle

作者: 湖说英语 | 来源:发表于2018-06-28 11:48 被阅读7次



    上篇我们整理了English collocations in Use(Intermediate) 这本书中的第二个话题:People and relationships,此篇为第三个话题:Leisure and lifestyle.

    Houses, flats and rooms

    a spacious living room

    a cosy study

    some lovely light, airy bedrooms

    overlook = have a view of 

    refurbish 整修

    do up  收拾

    Luke and I have just moved into our dream home. It's a big old four-storey house. It's got a spacious living room which has a wonderful view of the park, and a cosy study where we can both work. And there are some lovely light, airy bedrooms which overlook the garden.

    There is a separate basement flat, which we might turn into a granny flat for my mother. And if we want to add an extension, there's room for that too. It needs to be completely refurbished, but Luke and I have always wanted to do up an old house.

    awful / bad

    dilapidated  破旧的;快要倒塌的

    a chilly corridor 一个冷飕飕的走廊

    cramped 狭窄的

    a shortage of affordable housing  

    take out a big mortgage  抵押贷款

    house-warming party 暖房派对;乔迁之宴

    You're so lucky! I'd love to move out of my awful one-room flat. It's in such a dilapidated building. You go into a draughty hall, down a chilly corridor and into this really cramped room. I want to buy a place of my own but there's a shortage of affordable housing here and I don't want to take out a big mortgage. I'd love to see your house. I hope you'll invite me to your house-warming party.

    homesick 想家的 / nostalgic 怀旧的

    She left home to go to university, but moving away from her family made her feel homesick.

    throwing a party 开派对

    His family are throwing a party to welcome him home.

    make yourself at home 别拘束(就当自己家)

    Come in and make yourself at home while I finish getting dinner ready.

    feel at home 感觉自在;宾至如归

    I haven't lived in Oxford for long but I already feel at home there.

    Eating and drinking 

    eat nourishing meals  营养餐

    the fresh produce 新鲜农产品

    food additives(substances added to food to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it )

    not to mention 更别提

    I think processed foods in general are probably bad for us, not to mentionGM foods.

    perishable food(food which goes bad quickly, e.g. cheese, fish) 

    a light meal  /  a substantial meal 

    Let's find a cafe and have a quick snack. 

    I'm dying of hunger.

    a square meal  丰盛的一餐

    have a healthy appetite  胃口好

    a hearty breakfast 丰盛的早餐

    having a soft drink 喝点饮料

    I know you have a healthy appetite, but you had a hearty breakfast only three hours ago! Well, how about having a soft drink and a bag of crisps now, and a proper lunch later?

    spoil your appetite 破坏食欲

    the set menu 套餐

    Crisps will only spoil your appetite. Look, this restaurant looks good and the set menu is reasonably priced. Let's go in.

    cuisine  菜肴;风味

    When referring in general to the food of a country or culture we say Chinese/Mexican/French food/cooking/cuisine. 

    Films and books

    book/film reviews  书评/影评

    When a new book or film comes out, newspapers will review it. The people who review the book/film are called book reviewers / film critics and they write book/film reviews. If they don't like a book/film they give it a bad review.

    captures an atmosphere 刻画氛围

    the central characters 主角

    be highly recommended 高度推荐

    We can say that a novel or film is based on a true story. We say that a book/film captures an atmosphere or that a book/film deals with a topic. We talk about the opening/closing scenes of a film and the opening/closing chapters of a book. If everything works out well for the central characters, we say that the book/film has a happy ending. You may recommend a book/film that you enjoyed to a friend. If a lot of people have enjoyed it, it is highly recommended.

    go on the stage 走上舞台;当演员

    historical dramas 历史剧

    use special effects 使用特效

    I've never had any desire to go on the stage myself but I’d love to produce a film. I think historical dramas work particularly well on the big screen and I'd love to make a film about Vikings in Britain. There'd be plenty of opportunities to use special effects during battle scenes.

    the male/female lead  男/女主角

    play the role of a Viking warrior   扮演一个维京勇士的角色

     take on a cameo role 承担一个配角

    be nominated for an Oscar  奥斯卡提名

    be an immediate box-office hit  票房大卖的电影

    be engrossed/absorbed in the book   沉迷于

    compulsive reading(a book that is very interesting and exciting)  

    Many people find articles about the private lives of film stars compulsive reading.

    flick/skim through the book 浏览书

    Mona flicked/skimmed through the book without reading it in detail.

    You can take out/borrow six library books at one time.You should return your library book tomorrow. I'm going to renew my library book for another week.


    BGM (background music)

    blast out (sound extremely loud)

    debut album 首张专辑

    If you're looking for background music, then this is not for you, but if you want music to blast out from your hi-fi and annoy the neighbours, then Bloom's debut album may be just what you want.

    Haunting melodies 悠长的旋律

    virtuoso performance 精湛的表演

    capture a wider audience 吸引更多的听众

    musical heritage 音乐遗产

    Haunting melodies and the occasional virtuoso performance from its two soloists mark this collection of popular British classical music, which aims to capture a wider audience for the classics and to promote Britain's musical heritage.

    strumming a guitar 弹吉他

    I saw Martin strumming a guitar the other day. I didn't know he could play.

    He can't. He just likes people to think he can. He's got no musical talent whatsoever. 

    live music 现场音乐

    tuning the instrument 调音

    Well, the first week was all about tuning the instrument. I've got to play a piece for my teacher next week.


    You do gymnastics(体操), judo, weightlifting, aerobics, yoga, wrestling(摔跤), circuit training(循环训练), archery(射箭), athletics(田径)

    You play games, badminton, billiards(台球), hockey(曲棍球), rugby(橄榄球), golf, (table) tennis, cricket, baseball, chess, darts(飞镖), cards, dominoes(多米诺骨牌)

    You go fishing, skiing, cycling, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, hang-gliding, climbing, hill walking, sailing, jogging, swimming

    You can also say you go to aerobics/judo/yoga/karate — this means that you go to a class in this sport.

    get narrowly defeated/beaten 

    Sportsmen and sportswomen want to win matches, not lose matches. But you can't win all the time! Sometimes a team or player deserves to win, but gets narrowly defeated/beaten.

    Before they go in for / enter a competition, athletes train hard. They probably attend/do at least five training sessions a week. They are likely to put up a fight to gain/get a place in the next stage/round of the competition. Of course, a sportsperson's ultimate aim is to break the world record in their sport. If they succeed, they set a new world record and become a world record holder. They are sure to come up against fierce/intense competition as they try to achieve their ambitions. Sometimes they are satisfied if they just achieve a personal best.

    Some sports people so desperately want to win that they take drugs to enhance their performance. This will be discovered when they fail a drugs test.

    The aim is to score a goal. Players may tackle an opponent to try to take possession of the ball. If you tackle in an illegal way, you foul your opponent. This will lead to the referee blowing his whistle and an opponent taking a penalty or taking a free kick. If someone isn't playing very well, the manager may decide to drop the player from the team or bring on a substitute. Both teams hope that they will have taken the lead by half-time.

    Health and illness 

    in good shape 

    take regular vigorous exercise

    eat a balanced diet

    follow a personal fitness programme

    stick to your programme 

    My poor friend Gina is terminally ill. (She will die soon.) She suffers excruciating/unbearable pain most of the time. Apparently it's an incurable illness that runs in her family.

    Paul annoys everyone at work. He takes days off even for the most trivial/minor ailments.

    It's a serious illness, but probably not life-threatening.

    For a few days it was acutely/intensely painful, but now it's just a dull ache. My doctor prescribed me some tablets and they relieved/alleviated the pain.

    I had a heavy cold and a splitting headache, so I wasn't in a good mood. (the opposite of a heavy cold is a slight cold)









    第八篇:语块的整理(1):Travel and the environment

    第九篇:语块的整理(2):People and relationships



          本文标题:语块的整理(3):Leisure and lifestyle
