

作者: joketer | 来源:发表于2017-01-24 10:49 被阅读94次

Day 9, 2017-01-23 Mon

248 words

原来我提交错了,本应是这个版本(强行使用最近新学的表达 ):

Angela Merkel was born in the then West Germany and raised on the “wrong” side of the Wall, on the decision of an evangelical father who moved her family a few weeks after the daughter’s birth.

She lived near the mentally and physically disabled for a long span of her adulthood to know how to treat them as normal, enabling,engaging and empowering them in her own way. 

She is an incrementalist and a reformist who knows what havoc an abrupt and deliberate disruption to the system could wreak to the people.

In an era where people’s fate rose and fell at any given turn, the angel Chancellor was thus equipped with a sharper sense of the value of thinking with patience that outweighs speech without calculations. These bring her to the height of her ambition, intellectual and political.

In school, she focused on what matters and aced in what she was good at.

Being a teenage girl she didn’t preen at all but was a ferociously motivated student by the power of knowledge, including the beauty of Russian language, which decades later, help her secure the trust and admiration of the most hostile leader to the West, Mr. Vladimir Putin, key elements to finally talking the latter into an alternative and less hostile plan toward Ukraine.

All these made a wisely sobering and faithful rebel who will, as always, choose the side of the people, for Mutter is no Mother Theresa but a believer in incrementalism and moral leadership.

Angela Merkel was born in the then West Germany and raised on the “wrong” side of the Wall, on the decision of an evangelical father who moved her family a few weeks after the daughter’s birth.

In an era where people’s fate rose and fell at any given turn, the angel Chancellor thus got a better sense of the value of thinking with patience that outweighs speech without calculations, in achieving intellectual or political height.

She knew from an early age how to treat the disabled, mental and physical, as normal, enabling and empowering them in her own way.

In school, she focused on what matters and aced in what she was good at.

Being a teenage girl she didn’t preen at all but was a ferociously motivated student by the power of knowledge, including the beauty of Russian language, which decades later, help her secure the trust and admiration of the most hostile leader of the West, Mr. Vladimir Putin, key elements to finally talking the latter into an alternative and less hostile plan toward Ukraine.

This made a wisely sobering and faithful rebel who will, as always, choose the side of the people and believes in incrementalism and good will.



