英语口语 96-100

英语口语 96-100

作者: 变瘦了吗 | 来源:发表于2020-04-18 14:53 被阅读0次

    1. how come? = why?

    make a sale 出售,销售

    go on sale 出售,上市

    drained = very tired 疲惫不堪的,累极了的

    practically = almost 几乎,差不多

    lean on 依靠


    I am right behind you

    I am with you

    I am on your side

    I will offer you a shoulder to lean on


    keep sb posted , keep sb posted on sth

    keep sb updated, keep sb updated on sth

    keep sb informed, keep sb informed of sth

    keep sb up to date, keep sb up to date with sth

    keep sb in the loop, keep sb in the loop about sth

    up to date 最新的

    in the loop 属(处理要务的)圈内人士

    intern 实习生

    hit = reach 达到,实现

    come close to sth = almost reach 几乎达到,接近

    put / bring sth into effect 实施,实行

    promotion 促销

    2. hand in one's notice (职员)离职时提交辞呈

    give sb notice (提前)向某人发出解雇通知

    give in / hand in / send in one's resignation 提起辞职

    come as a surprise 出乎意料

    come as a shock (某事)令人震惊

    out of the blue 出乎意料地

    edge 优势

    catch sb by surprise 让某人吃惊,出乎某人的意料

    catch sb off guard 使某人措手不及,出乎某人的意料

    a change of scenery 风景的改变,引申为:换个环境

    rut 沟,凹痕

    be (stuck) in a rut 陷入凹痕中,引申为:(工作等)刻板乏味,一成不变

    run out of steam 用完蒸汽,引申为:忽然失去动力,突然没了兴趣

    offer n. 工作机会

    move sth up 把某活动的时间提前

    court date 开庭时间

    bust (one's) ass doing sth/ to do sth 全力以赴做某事

    either do sth or don't bother doing sth again 要么做某事,否则别再想做某事了

    3. could use sth = would like to have sth very much 真的想要某物

    drink n.酒

    could use a drink 非常想要喝一杯

    need a drink 想要喝一杯

    fancy a drink 想要喝一杯

    fancy v.想要

    sth isn't all it's cracked up to be ...并没有所说的那么好

    cracked up to be 所号称的,所说的

    crack up  (因精神压力大)崩溃,垮掉;(使)大笑

    a walk in the park 在公园里散步/走路,引申为:简单易做的事,做起来轻松愉快的事

    like taking candy from a baby 引申为:非常容易的事

    sth be a breeze ...是轻而易举的事

    breeze n. 轻而易举的事

    break even 收支平衡

    We barely broke even this month. 这个月刚好收支平衡

    This too shall pass = It will be over soon 这都会过去的

    Every cloud has a silver lining 每一朵云都有一条银边,引申为:再黑暗的地方也有一线光明

    out of work 失去工作,没有工作

    crappy 讨厌的,没价值的

    H.M.O = Health Maintenance Organization 卫生维护组织

    get sb to do sth 让/说服某人做某事

    cover your dad's prescriptions 为你爸爸开药(请求健康组织官员让你爸爸能享受到保险内特定的医疗服务和药品)

    4. clog v. 堵塞

    clog (up) sth  堵塞某物

    driveway (住宅通往大路的)私人车道

    block n.街区; v. 阻塞,阻碍

    blockage n. 堵塞,堵塞物

    fix up sth 修理某物

    handyman n. 杂工

    upkeep n. 维修,保养

    have a good / great deal on sth 某物很实惠,捡了个大便宜

    5. at the corner 在拐角处

    in the corner 在拐角里

    on the corner 在拐角处

    have  had it ( up to here ) with ( sth/ sb) 厌倦了某物,受够了某人

    fed up (with sb/ sth)  某人厌烦了/ 受够了(某人或某事)

    dump n. 垃圾堆,垃圾场;脏乱的地方,令人厌恶的地方

    slumlord 破旧房屋房东

    break a lease 毁约,违约

    fine by/ with me.  对我来说没问题

    messy 杂乱的,会把东西弄脏的,会把周围弄得杂乱的

    construction site 施工现场

    all over the place 到处都是

    wear cologne 喷古龙香水

    overpowering 强烈的,很强的



          本文标题:英语口语 96-100
