

作者: mldingding | 来源:发表于2020-01-21 19:30 被阅读0次


    The mid-autumn Festival

    It takes place on August 15th of the Chinese lunar calendar.There are many celebrations. Usually, we eat mooncake during the day/by day.(Ep, Bats sleep by day and hunt at night).During the day, we usually eat mooncakes of different kinds - pork mooncakes, ham mooncakes, red bean paste mooncakes and flavors - salty, sweet.It's a great pity that (What a great pity that) mooncakes are really not suitable for people who keep fit since it’s full of fat.At night, people gather together to watch full moon with joy since it is a symbol of a family reunion.Perhaps/Possibly that's the significance of the festival.

    A careless accident

    I felt ashamed to have made a careless mistake that causing a production bug this afternoon. The bug was arisen by a production configuration file changing. However, I didn’t pay attention to the update and deployed the wrong config file to the production environment. The one line code change  caused our website broken for several minutes. Although nobody blame me, I still deeply regret what  I did. The considerable inconvenience to our customers made me under greate pressure. Anyway, I should take the responsibility and revere the production code extremely.


    I felt ashamed of making a careless mistake causing a production bug this afternoon. The bug occurred/arose due to the production configuration file changing. However, I didn’t pay attention to the update and imported a wrong configuration file into the production environment. The change of one line of code crashed/broke our website for several minutes. Although nobody blames me, I still deeply regret what I did. The considerable inconvenience to our customers put me under great pressure. In any case, I should accept responsibility and be more cautious dealing with the production code.

    eg.I am ashamed to talk about it / to admit that

    eg. ashamed of/about/at

    Cluttered: untidy, covered with so many thing

    Revere = idolize = worship , admire

    By morning, I will have climbed to the top

    I am going to work until morning

    Rub salt into the wound


    To  pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk





    Consequential 1.important/significant 2. Happening as a result of something(losing job and consequential depression)

    Inconsequential = trivial

    Incentivize innovation

    Allot, allocate resources

    Disperse = scatter

    The seeds are dispersed by the wind

    Policies, regulations

    Deteriorate, worsen


    She cited her headache as a reason for the prolongation(delay) of the project;

    His presentation evoked the feeling of excitement

    fairy tale

    insomnia = sleeplessness

    Contradiction = paradox  contradictory

    Rebellious child

    It goes both ways

    A moot point/question

    analogous(to/with sth)

    His face is black, so it’s self-evident he is not chinese(nationality/ ethnicity  melting pot)

    Wear out: 1. He wore out two pairs of shoes last year = this pair of shoes is worn out

    He is worn out after a whole day’s work = the work worn him out

    Unless and until = if and then

    Regular students  life span  odds/chances are in favor of/against sth

    The weather in China in the summer is at its hottest

    Hand-wound watch

    Wind-wound - to wrap or twist sth around itself

    Set the time 

    Clockwork mechanism

    Run-down - neglected, in a very bad condition


    Get/grow old = age

    As for sth = concerning/regarding sth = in terms of = when it comes to

    Circle/round - circular

    Triangle - triangular


    Rectangle - rectangular


    Compared to/with

     I’ve just graduated from my college


    blood oozed out of the wound. = the wound was oozing blood

    Paving stone. The road was paved with stone slabs

    Mishap - misfortune . Eg: I had a slight mishap with one of the glasses

    Watch out! Be careful

    Watch over- protect ,guard, take care of

    Holy- connected with God or a god and religion

    The holy Bible

    the cow has the right of way

    I’m not religious = I’m an atheist

    I’m spiritual


    A Bout of rain -shower, downpour. It’s pouring

    Wash up - to carry sth onto land. eg:The body was found washed up on a beach

    Legend has it - according to the legend  eg: legend has it that the dragons lived in this town

    Idol - a statue that is worshipped as a god

    Colossal - huge, tremendous

    Obstacle, barrier, hindrance, hurdle

    Herd: a herd of cows/deer/elephants

    A raised level surface = platform, stage

    Discard- get rid of sth

    Tear down, pull down

    stray=get lost. Three of the soldiers strayed  into enemy territory

    Stray dogs/cats(away from home and lost)

    Complex(complexity) = complicated(adj) complication

    Transparent ->opaque

    There is/are  =  sth exists

    protocol - formal rules of proper behaviour



    Primates - mammals that includes humans, apes and monkeys

    Habituated = accustomed, used to, familiar with sth

    Habitat - the place where some species of animals or plants live


    Encounter - come across, run into

    Dart - dartboard- bullseye

    Shoot-shot-shot(past participle)  Having seen that(perfect participle)/ saying that(present participle)

    Over-the-counter medicines


    Tranquillizer(prescription(n), prescribe(v)): She’s on(is taking) tranquillizers

    Anaesthesia: Surgery carried out under anaesthesia


    1. v: to experience sth, especially problems

    Encounter problems/difficulties = come across, run into

    Encounter opposition/resistance = come up against: we expect to come up against a lot of opposition to our proposal

    N: to meet someone or find sth by chance

    come across sb/sth, run into sb, bump into sb: I came across an old diary in her desk

    I first encountered him when studying at college

    Lethal-deadly, fatal



    The article met with a backlash on social media

    The government is facing an angry backlash

    to learn a language/a musical instrument/a skill

    On the platform/ in the square

    establish a set/system of beliefs=Form/develop a belief -> shake/undermine/weak the belief

    Several days (ago), we read the article about an Indian village’s no doors and no fence  convention.  Residents in the village believe that a god can bring luck to them and protect them from mishap if they set a statue of him on the central village platform. And the convention is handed/passed down for generations. Although I’m not religious I don’t want to judge the rule. However, the belief can hardly persist today certainly since our society is developing and people are getting more complex than before. We are not simple and transparent anymore. Protecting ourselves and ensuring property’s security are important.

    Focus on

    In two other cases, nobody was hurt.

    However/no matter how precious the gorilla is , the boy’s life is the top priority for us

    Alcoholic drinks: Ale, Lager

    Brewery-microbrewery; winery

    Brew beer = make beer

    Ferment(v) fermentation(n)


    Fungus - fungi

    Pale ale=bitter

    A pint of beer

    Pale lager/dark lager

    Liquor-strong alcoholic drink.(distill/ distillation) - distillery

    Connoisseur = aficionado,enthusiast, lover,fan

    Mandatory-obligatory, compulsary

    Opp. voluntary

    BC(before christ) - AD

    predecessor = precursor

    Cosmopolitan-having a lot of people from different countries

    High-speed train

    standstill=halt  / crawl eg: the roadworks brought the traffic to a standstill

    Work came to a halt when the machine broke down

    She brought the cat to a stop

    Petrol = gas, gasoline


    Smog = smoke+fog


    Rock music is popular among(with) young people

    Rap music

    I’ve spent 10 munutes reading the article

    fertile(v) - fertility(n)

    Crescent(Islam) moon

    Genome - the complete set of genes

    support/maintain/keep a family

    Raise/bring up children

    his eyes ached from lacking of sleep

    I don’t have any clue/idea

    The tower loomed over the city

    A dark shape loomed in the distance

    There was a crisis looming. A threat/war

    The plant withered

    Cull-to choose or collect sth: the exhibition was made with paintings culled from various collections

    To instil confidence/discipline/fear into sb

    Their presentation put ours to shame

    short(near)-sighted      -> long-sighted

    I’m going to finish the powerpoint presentation by the end  of the day at the expense of everything else

    He became a famous businessman at the expense of his health

    Let sb/sth go = let go of sb/sth

    The elderly

    Another advantage to online communication is

    Put effort into sth = make an effort

    Have/make an impact on sth

    It’s been a long time since we last talked

    It took three hours

    He’s scared of heights/ she is scared of going out alone

    Excited about/by 

    Keen on sth = eager for

    Many people were shocked by the sex scene in the film

    Dream about/of

    Thankful to sb for sth

    Collide with: the car ran over the pedestrians

    Crash into sth: a truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus

    Squeeze a lemon; squash a tomato; crush(they crush the olives with a heavy wooden press/The car was completely crushed under the truck); press; crumple a piece of paper; wring a tower

    Be married to/fighting for sth with sb/decide against doing/result in/specialize in/good at

    Argue about


    Present (adj/n) existing or happening now; gift; (past/present/future); simple present tense

    present(v): display sth


    complained about sth to my mom.

    My proposals were not accepted

    Self-esteem; self-acceptance

    In public

    More difficult than 

    Acomplishments = achievements

    Skinny-very thin

    Keep pace with them


    Two other teachers; another teacher


    Curate - to select, organize and look after the works  of art in a museum or gallery/ curator

    We need someone to curate the content on our blog

    Akin to = similar to


    He managed to cover a lot of ground in a short talk=knowledge or idea

    She imposes her opinions on me;

    My mom instilled confidence in me

    To instil confidence/discipline/fear into somebody

    Those pieces of info are; info is

    On a regular basis

    It’s convenient for us

    Even if


    in town/the city/SH/China

    At the cinema/restaurant(broad term)

    On the beach(specific place)

    Get on/off the bus; get into/out of the car

    Wait in line/queue

    He has a good/bad/excellent taste of sth

    The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back

    I prefer to travel in the front/back of the car

    Punch in/out

    clock in/out

    In/during the war /  we met in war;  / the two countries are at war with each other

    In the newspaper/on the radio/on TV/ in  the picture/on the page

    China is popular with tourists/Koreans/young people; Cosmetics is popular with women

    China is famous for its food=the food makes China famous; Football is popular with men

    Pimple/ irritation. /waxing

    Stuff - to fill a space tightly with sth/ the fridge is stuffed with food

    Glossary - a list of technical or special words / a glossary of financial terms

    A thick soup - the liquid is not flowing very easily, add water to water down it

    Fantasy genre/ SF(science fiction)

    Indignant-angry and surprised because you were treated unfairly

    Annoyed, irritate, upset

    Along the lines of - similar to this

    Minutiae-very small details

    Revel in - to enjoy sth very much; She was clearly revealing in all the attention.

    The myth of - ancient stories

    Chinese mythology - all the Chinese myths

    Bother: 1. Annoy, upset 2 to waste/spend time or energy doing sth

    Shall I wait? No don’t bother

    Tabletop game=board game

    Absurd = ridiculous, makes no sense


    - to push or force sb/sth into a small space; we all managed to cram into his 

    To learn a lot of things in a short time;  He’s been cramming for his exams all week

    Nigh on - almost;nearly;  They’ve lived in that house for nigh on 30 years;

    We have a mutual interest in music; we have a mutual friend;

    Mutual respect/understanding

    Adorn - decorate sth to make it look more attractive

    Flick on/off - turn on/off - quickly press the button

    The countryside was dotted with small villages.

    weave carpet/basket/a web; wave hands

    It’s possible to draw a parallel between their experience and ours;

    set goals and objectives

    Circulate; the room is stuffy

    The have same origin

    We’d better learn together

    Stickers; sticky notes=stickies

    The participants in the experiment are the multilingual twins

    marshal your arguments/thoughts/facts - gather, collect,arrange,assemble

    Intuition - the ability to know sth by using your feelings rather than logic

    You shattered my dreams;

    Her self-confidence had been completely shattered

    It’s not widespread and therefore it’s useless;

    Cultural exchange;

    I hooked up with her on a project.

    Matter: 1. Physical substance that everything in the world is made of

    2.a question,thing,situation that involves sth or depend on sth; some people prefer the older version to the new one.it’s a matter of taste;

    Look down on sb -> look up to sb

    highlands - lowlands(plain)

    He lacks intelligence; He is lacking in intelligence; There is a lack of water;

    She looked at me with piercing blue eyes; She stared at me with a blank expression on her  face;

    squint(v): she was squinting through the keyhold

    Give rise to - cause

    Repress emotions -> express emotions

    compliment; stuffy nose- running nose

    Plugs, pin, socket/outlet; faucet/tap, plug, sink


    In the making:in the process of becoming sth or of being made: this model was two years in the making


    extrovert=extravert: He’s an extrovert; He’s an extroverted person


    Sculpt: shape the clay; carve stone/wood;the figures were sculpted from a block of marble;

    She’s a dreamer and a romantic by temperament;



    A brittle temperament-appears to be very strong,but is actually really fragile inside;

    Heavy clouds were forming,presaging rain;

    The president intervened personally in the crisis;

    Personality traits

    Carved/set in stone-unable to be changed: our proposals aren’t set in stone

    That isn’t to say that=that doesn’t mean that

    Fixed expressions

    rigid - flexible


    Popular with/among sb

    Assertive-expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence



    Brittle personality  bones

    Fragile  glass

    opposite sex

    Decipher-finding the meaning of sth that is difficult; eg:to decipher a code/I couldn’t decipher her handwriting


    Double negation(negate)

    sb/sth is in/under the spotlight

    Bias-a strong feeling in favour of  or against one group of people

    Eg: some institutions still have a strong bias against women.

    Biased, partial , prejudiced (toward(s)/against/in favour of sb/sth)

    Unbiased, impartial, disinterested, obective

    alter ego-another side of your personality

    Fill the dumplings

    Warp-to make sth twisted or bent out of its natural shape: the window frames had begun to warp

    A severe bout of flu/coughing

    A cripple(offensive)-a a disabled person

    Set in-to begin and seem likely to continue: the rain seemed to have set in for the day

    Perceive-perception: 1.the way you notice things with your senses; 2.the understanding of sth; visual perception

    A string of pearls


    Be anxious

    Control freaks

    I have a sore throat; 

    scare(v); scared(); Scary; 

    there isn’t enough time/time is scarce

    Scarcity-shortage; scarce: Food was becoming scarce; scarcely: I can scarcely believe it=hardly,barely

    trifling=trivial: She seemed a trifle anxiout=slightly,a little,a bit

    There’s no point worrying over such trifles.



    keep your promise

    Well off=better off(worse off): she’s a well-off; she is well off


    We managed to squeeze six people into the car.

    If you come this afternoon the doctor will try to squeeze you in

    Weigh down:

    I was weighed down with baggage;he is weighed down with guilt

    Ironic: It’s ironic that she became a teacher-she used to hate school

    Cognitive bandwidth=mental capacity

    Speech-impaired; dumb

    Prey on - to hunt and kill another animal for food(prayer祈祷)


    Devoid of sth=lacking in stah



