1. 着重体会了 don't,didn't,night,这些录音中基本都听不出t的音
2. throughout the night,throughout发音很连贯,不要拖泥带水
3. 感觉有时候情绪调用不是很好,懒得跟读,其实自己发音和语感是需要重复练习的,mark一下:今天表现不好。
Hello, Fred. You don't look so good. What's the matter? I just didn't have a good sleep. It seemed I dreamed all night.
Do you dream a lot when you sleep? Yes.
- 分成三段,dream a lot一段连贯,do you很快带过
In fact, everybody dreams. And everyone needs to dream in order to stay healthy.
There are two kinds of sleep, active sleep and passive sleep. The passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepares us for active sleep in which dreaming occurs.
- in which dreaming occurs是对active sleep的补充
- active sleep停顿明显,这样更好地补充in which的补充
The dream stage is very important in our sleep cycle. When the person is dreaming, the eyes begin to move.
Through the night, people alternate between passive and active sleep. The cycle is repeated several times throughout the night.
- 注意throughout的发音很连贯
Do you know how long people usually dream during eight-hour sleep?
- usually dream 停顿,好像是给反应时间
For about one and a half hours on average.
- on average 连读,辅音结尾元音开头
So we need active sleep because dreaming helps us to rest our minds.
I see. All people experience dream cycles.
Can you remember dreams? What did you dream last night? Oh yes. It was terrible. I dreamed that I was chased by someone or something.
I don't remember very well. So I was running all the time.
This is a very common type of dream. Over 70% of people have dreamed that they were being chased or pursued by something and often in the dream they find themselves unable to flee for one reason or another.
- something停顿,flee处轻微停顿
These often occur during periods of great anxiety and may be related to frustrating situations which are frequently occurring in their waking life.
Anxiety dreams are amongst the most common types reported and are particularly common amongst women, 78%. Only 63% of men experience them.
- be amongst 在什么中间
How about dreams of violence? Dreams featuring scenes of violence are much more common amongst men, 50%, than amongst women, 44%.
- featuring scenes of 定语
The differences are not very great. Perhaps men are simply more likely to talk about violent things and it must be remembered that women are often the most ardent fans of TV westerns and wrestling programmes. - 差别不是很大。也许男人只是比女人更多地谈论暴力,但别忘了女人才是西部片和搏斗节目的忠实粉丝。
- wrestling,w不发音
- ardent 热烈的
Are there any more kinds of dreams that men experience more than women? Yes. When people are tight in finances, they often have dreams which involve finding coins showering from a slot machine or picking up money from the ground.
- tight in finances,资金短缺,熟语要立即反应
- slot machine投币机,slot狭缝
About a quarter of men have had this kind of dream, but only 15% of women.
This probably relates to the fact that money matters more likely to preoccupy the male than the female.
- preoccupy,使全神贯注,pre发音很轻快