Lesson 5 No wrong numbers
Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.
ˈlɛsən 5 noʊ rɔŋ ˈnʌmbərz
ˈmɪstər. ʤeɪmz skɑt hæz ə gəˈrɑʒ ɪn Silbury ænd naʊ hi hæz ʤʌst bɑt əˈnʌðər gəˈrɑʒ ɪn Pinhurst. Pinhurst ɪz ˈoʊnli faɪvmaɪlz frʌm Silbury, bʌt ˈmɪstər. skɑt ˈkænɑt gɛt ə ˈtɛləˌfoʊn fɔr hɪz nu gəˈrɑʒ, soʊ hi hæz ʤʌst bɑt twɛlvˈpɪʤənz. ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ, ə ˈpɪʤən ˈkærid ðə fɜrst ˈmɛsəʤ frʌm Pinhurst tu Silbury. ðə bɜrd ˈkʌvərd ðə ˈdɪstəns ɪn θriˈmɪnəts. ʌp tu naʊ, ˈmɪstər. skɑt hæz sɛnt ə greɪt ˈmɛni rɪˈkwɛsts fɔr spɛr pɑrts ænd ˈʌðər ˈɜrʤənt ˈmɛsəʤəz frʌm wʌngəˈrɑʒ tu ði ˈʌðər. ɪn ðɪs weɪ, hi hæz bɪˈgʌn hɪz oʊn ˈpraɪvət ˈtɛləˌfoʊn ˈsɜrvəs.
pigeon 鸽子
cover the distance 覆盖全程
spare parts 备件
练习感悟:嗯,我有个疑问,bought twelve pigeons,为什么文本翻译的这个是买了只鸽子呢?难道跟“三人行,必有我师焉”的“三”一样的方法翻译么……
嘻嘻,我要说点别的,昨天第一次英语听力课,老师很帅(ಡωಡ) 然后还比较幽默。他放了2遍一小段录音,要求我们尽可能多的记下自己听到的内容。运气咋这么好呢,第一堂课就点到我,虽然相较于前面被叫的同学记下的几个单词,我记得更多一点,但是记下的还是很少,能大概听清主要讲的是什么,但是复述对我而言是个特别难的题Ծ‸Ծ还要多多花时间学习呢!(ง •̀_•́)ง