VETASSESS 技能工作认定日期 Date Deemed S

VETASSESS 技能工作认定日期 Date Deemed S

作者: 87bd513b0d6d | 来源:发表于2019-02-14 14:52 被阅读2次

VETASSESS 技能认可起始日期-飞出国

飞出国:2015年1月1日起,VETASSESS 开始根据提名职业所在组别对学历、专业和最低工作经验要求来扣减工作年限,最少扣减1年,被扣减之后的相关工作经验才能作为有效工作经验获得澳洲技术移民工作经验加分。

也就是2015年起VETASSESS要求的最低的工作年限将不被移民部认可为有效工作经验,只有扣掉 VETASSESS 评估要求的最低工作年限之后的工作经验才被认可为有效工作年限,这个满足VET评估要求的有效工作年限的起始日期即为 Date Deemed Skilled

VETASSESS 进行职业评估时看的是近5年内是否有满足最低要求的工作经验年限,但在计算工作经验分数时会根据近10年的相关工作经验来判断。这些属于 Points Test Advice 第一部分。

视为技能工作的日期 - Date Deemed Skilled - 飞出国

作为评估过程的一部分,VETASSESS将根据过去十年内高度相关的就业情况确定您满足指定职业入门级要求的日期。 VETASSESS仅计算技能工作经验,并将其视为有资格获得分数测试目的的技能工作。






申请人已提名职业营销专员(ANZSCO Code 225113)。他于2008年12月获得工商管理学士学位,现在自2014年1月起担任全球制药公司的营销主管。在此之前,他曾在2012年1月至2013年1月期间担任营销研究咨询公司的市场研究员。




申请人已提名大学讲师职业(ANZSCO Code 242111)。他于2012年3月获得生物科学博士学位,2012年4月至2015年3月担任研究中心的博士后研究员,现在自2015年4月起担任大学助理教授。


为了确定“技能认定日期”,申请人作为博士后研究员(2012年4月至2013年3月)的工作用于计算资格期。达到所选职业技能评估标准所需的一年工作经验不计入为积分测试目的而积极评估的技术工作。 2013年3月之后的工作才有资格进行技能分数测试。


申请人已提名占用咖啡馆或餐厅经理(ANZSCO Code 141111)。她于2009年3月获得计算机应用学士学位。从2009年9月至2015年11月,她在零售店担任商店经理。从2015年12月到现在,她一直在自己的餐厅担任餐厅经理。


申请人作为商店经理的工作经验被评估为与指定职业不相关。 然而,根据她目前在过去五年内担任餐厅经理的工作,她至少有两年高度相关的工作,符合提名职业的就业要求。

为了确定“技能认定日期”,申请人作为餐厅经理(2015年12月至2017年11月)的技能工作将用于计算资格期。 达到所选职业技能评估标准所需的两年工作经验不计入为积分测试目的而积极评估的技术工作。 2017年11月之后的技能工作才有资格进行技能分数测试。

VETASSESS Date Deemed Skilled - flyabroad

As part of the assessment process, VETASSESS will determine the date you met the entry level requirements for the nominated occupation based on closely related employment within the last ten years. VETASSESS will only count skilled employment post the Date Deemed Skilled as eligible for points test purpose.

VETASSESS issues skills assessments on the basis of attainment of a qualification at the required educational level and also requires a period of post-qualification work experience before considering an applicant as suitably skilled for the purpose of employment points.

Therefore, the Date Deemed Skilled noted on the VETASSESS outcome letters will be determined by the number of years of employment required for meeting the skills assessment requirements for the applicant’s chosen occupation. Only highly relevant and/or closely related work experience completed after the Date Deemed Skilled will be considered as skilled employment that is eligible for points test purposes.

The work experience required to meet the skills assessment criteria will be noted as a qualifying period to meet the skill level of the nominated or closely related ANZSCO occupation. As such, the years of work experience required to meet the skills assessment criteria will not be included in the total number of years of skilled employment assessed positively for points test purposes.

Please consider the following scenarios for a skills assessment application received in January 2018:

Scenario 1

An applicant has nominated the occupation of Marketing Specialist (ANZSCO Code 225113). He has obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration in December 2008 and is now working as a marketing executive with a global pharmaceutical company since January 2014. Prior to this employment, he worked as a market researcher for a marketing research consultancy firm from January 2012 to January 2013.

For skills assessment purpose, the Bachelor of Business Administration is assessed as meeting the educational requirements for the nominated occupation. In addition to this, based on his current employment as marketing executive which falls within the last five years, he has at least one year of highly relevant employment which meets the employment requirements for the nominated occupation.

In order to determine the “Date Deemed Skilled”, the applicant’s employment as market researcher (From January 2012 to January 2013) is used to calculate the qualifying period required to meet the skill level of the nominated or closely related ANZSCO occupation. The one year of work experience required to meet the skills assessment criteria for the chosen occupation is not counted as skilled employment assessed positively for points test purposes. Only skilled employment post January 2013 will be eligible for the purpose of employment points test.

Scenario 2

An applicant has nominated the occupation of University Lecturer (ANZSCO Code 242111). He has obtained a Doctoral degree in Biological Sciences in March 2012, worked as a postdoctoral researcher with a research centre from April 2012 to March 2015, and is now working as an assistant professor with a university since April 2015.

For skills assessment purpose, the doctoral degree is assessed as meeting the educational requirements for the nominated occupation. In addition to this, based on his current employment as assistant professor which falls within the last five years, he has at least one year of highly relevant employment which meets the employment requirements for the nominated occupation.

In order to determine the “Date Deemed Skilled”, the applicant’s employment as postdoctoral researcher (from April 2012 to March 2013) is used to calculate the qualifying period. The one year of work experience required to meet the skills assessment criteria for the chosen occupation is not counted as skilled employment assessed positively for points test purposes. Only skilled employment after March 2013 will be eligible for the purpose of employment points test.

Scenario 3

An applicant has nominated the occupation of Café or Restaurant Manager (ANZSCO Code 141111). She has obtained a Bachelor of Computer Applications in March 2009. From September 2009 to November 2015, she worked as a store manager for a retail shop. From December 2015 to present, she has been working as restaurant manager in her own restaurant.

For skills assessment purpose, the Bachelor of Computer Applications meets the educational level requirement of at least AQF Diploma level but the major field of study is not highly relevant to the nominated occupation. Therefore, two years of highly relevant employment are required to meet the skills assessment criteria for the nominated occupation.

The applicant’s work experience as store manager is assessed as not highly relevant to the nominated occupation. However, based on her current employment as restaurant manager which falls within the last five years, she has at least two years of highly relevant employment which meet the employment requirements for the nominated occupation.

In order to determine the “Date Deemed Skilled”, the applicant’s skilled employment as restaurant manager (from December 2015 to November 2017) will be used to calculate the qualifying period. The two years of work experience required to meet the skills assessment criteria for the chosen occupation are not counted as skilled employment assessed positively for points test purposes. Only skilled employment after November 2017 will be eligible for the purpose of employment points test.

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    本文标题:VETASSESS 技能工作认定日期 Date Deemed S
