

作者: 嬉节 | 来源:发表于2020-05-24 09:37 被阅读0次

    1. Google News

    🧡 Riverland wine region pushes to make mark on labels, as growers shrug off industry stigma

    grower: n. a person who grows a particular type of crop.

    shrug: v./ n. : raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference. 耸肩

    shrug off: If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious.

    stigma: n./ a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation./ If there is a stigma attached to something, people disapprove of it, especially when this is unfair.

    2. WSWA SmartBrief

    🧡 Surging retail wine sales help offset lockdown's effects

    surge: v. to increase very quickly. / move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.

    offset: n./v. : a consideration or amount that diminishes or balances the effect of a contrary one. / to counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. 抵消

    🧡 Calif. bar reopening guidelines mandate outdoor seating

    mandate: v. give (someone) authority to act in a certain way. 授权

    3. BoardSource SmartBrief

    🧡 Unknown investors prop up Magic Leap

    prop up: to help something to continue./ to lift and give support to sth by putting something under it.

    支持, 支撑

    🧡 Ditch traditional marketing ideas during a launch

    ditch: v. give up, get rid of  放弃

    一般做名词: a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field. 沟。下水道的小沟



