PHP 源码编译方法(E文)

PHP 源码编译方法(E文)

作者: 小叶与小茶 | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 00:13 被阅读5次

    Copy from PHP official community

    Compiling PHP on Ubuntu boxes.

    If you would like to compile PHP from source as opposed to relying on package maintainers, here's a list of packages, and commands you can run

    STEP 1:

    sudo apt-get install autoconf build-essential curl libtool \
      libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libreadline7 \
      libreadline-dev libzip-dev libzip4 nginx openssl \
      pkg-config zlib1g-dev

    So you don't overwrite any existing PHP installs on your system, install PHP in your home directory. Create a directory for the PHP binaries to live

    mkdir -p ~/bin/php7-latest/

    STEP 2:

    Download the latest PHP tarball, decompress it, then cd to the new directory.

    STEP 3:

    Configure PHP. Remove any options you don't need (like MySQL or Postgres (--with-pdo-pgsql))

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/bin/php-latest \
       --enable-mysqlnd \
       --with-pdo-mysql \
       --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
       --with-pdo-pgsql=/usr/bin/pg_config \
       --enable-bcmath \
       --enable-fpm \
       --with-fpm-user=www-data \
       --with-fpm-group=www-data \
       --enable-mbstring \
       --enable-phpdbg \
       --enable-shmop \
       --enable-sockets \
       --enable-sysvmsg \
       --enable-sysvsem \
       --enable-sysvshm \
       --enable-zip \
       --with-libzip=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
       --with-zlib \
       --with-curl \
       --with-pear \
       --with-openssl \
       --enable-pcntl \

    STEP 4:

    Compile the binaries by typing: make
    If no errors, install by typing: make install

    STEP 5:

    Copy the PHP.ini file to the install directory

    cp php.ini-development ~/bin/php-latest/lib/ 

    STEP 6:

    cd ~/bin/php-latest/etc; 
    mv php-fpm.conf.default php-fpm.conf
    mv php-fpm.d/www.conf.default php-fpm.d/www.conf

    STEP 7:

    Create symbolic links for your for your binary files

      cd ~/bin
      ln -s php-latest/bin/php php
      ln -s php-latest/bin/php-cgi php-cgi
      ln -s php-latest/bin/php-config php-config
      ln -s php-latest/bin/phpize phpize
      ln -s php-latest/bin/phar.phar phar
      ln -s php-latest/bin/pear pear
      ln -s php-latest/bin/phpdbg phpdbg
      ln -s php-latest/sbin/php-fpm php-fpm

    STEP 8:

    Link your local PHP to the php command. You will need to logout then log back in for php to switch to the local version instead of the installed version

    # add this to .bashrc
    if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

    STEP 9: Start PHP-FPM

       sudo ~/bin/php7/sbin/php-fpm




          本文标题:PHP 源码编译方法(E文)
