Taste tea

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2020-02-02 21:42 被阅读0次

    I can't go out for such a long holiday, so I have to taste tea at home

    I drink several kinds of tea every day

    Maybe there is not enough exercise and the belly is bigger

    Health comes first in extraordinary times

    No matter how late I go home ,I usually make a pot of tea

    Drinking tea just wants to change the rhythm of life

    I didn't expect today's article to be written from morning till now

    Too much work today, I am constantly working on various things

    I have been drinking berry tea without changing the tea today

    The tea has a lighter fragrance

    I don't sleep well these days

    The lighter tea leaves are just right

    In recent years, I love tea more than white wine

    Tea makes people more rational

    I feel that I need more time to think every day

    Tea seems to be an old friend



        本文标题:Taste tea
