2019-08-30 8月小结

2019-08-30 8月小结

作者: 泥巴叔叔 | 来源:发表于2019-12-31 11:22 被阅读0次




To be honest, I reviewed the plan a few days ago and found that I had fallen far behind. However, I took a second to rethink about it, and found that I actually did finished quite a lot things! (What kind of comforter I am!)

The reasons why I lagged behind the plan mainly are limited leisure time and overloaded work. Because of having a ten-day long business trip this mouth, too much preparation needed to be done which drained both my time and energy really hard. Averagely, I worked more than 10 hours per day for the last four to five weeks, and the worse-case scenario was heading out early in the morning and returning home around midnight. My life, just went beyond my own control and I had no better solutions either. 

Other than the plan itself, a friend and I had promised to build vocabularies, practice on writing and public speaking and remind each other everyday. This cost much of our time as well but I didn't count it in the plan. It may look easy but could be really tough work in real life, especially after draining up a day's energy and then you found out that there was still so much work to do. 


  • 2019-08-30 8月小结


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      本文标题:2019-08-30 8月小结
