Nuget 包还原异常解决方案

Nuget 包还原异常解决方案

作者: 天天向上卡索 | 来源:发表于2019-02-22 20:16 被阅读0次

Nuget 包还原异常解决方案


有时候 nuget 包会还原异常,查看引用好多包都带着感叹号


打开 Package Manager Console ,选择有问题的项目 Project, 在 Package Manager Console 执行以下命令:

Update-Package -Reinstall


Update-Package -Reinstall -Safe



Note you can force package restore to execute by running the following commands in the nuget package manager console

Update-Package -Reinstall

Forces re-installation of everything in the solution.

Update-Package -Reinstall -ProjectName myProj

Forces re-installation of everything in the myProj project.

Note: This is the nuclear option. When using this command you may not get the same versions of the packages you have installed and that could be lead to issues. This is less likely to occur at a project level as opposed to the solution level.

You can use the -safe commandline parameter option to constrain upgrades to newer versions with the same Major and Minor version component. This option was added later and resolves some of the issues mentioned in the comments.

Update-Package -Reinstall -Safe



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      本文标题:Nuget 包还原异常解决方案
