

作者: 努力变富 | 来源:发表于2021-06-15 07:08 被阅读0次

How is your holiday?

Today we will go to work,

The holiday always so quick.

I went to my hometown,

It's the time of  wheat harvest.

So I work for three days.

We took the wheat home by car.

  And then,  Spread out the wheat to dry.

But the weather is so bad.

It's sunny in the morning,

But it will be  raining at afternoon, 5 o'clock.

So about at 3 o'clock PM,

We start to get the wheat together.

  At about  one and half an hour,  We done it.

It's so tired that,

I'm aching all over.

Not say more,

  I didn't have the  strength no more.

Okay, thank you for reading.

See you tomorrow.


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