

作者: myxu_bin | 来源:发表于2020-06-18 15:16 被阅读0次





网络链路相当于管道, 有一个最窄的地方, 当发送带宽超过这个最窄的地方时,管道中会开始有排队,当排队队列超过管道长度时,会发生丢包。

  • BtlBw : 瓶颈带宽, 即管道中最窄的地方, 相当于管道中最小的直径。
  • RTprop : 管道中没有排队时, 重点是没有排队, 发道一个包在管道中一个来回的时长, 相当于管道的长度。
  • BDP(Bandwidth-delay product) : 已经发送了,但还没有收到acks(被称作inflight), 且管道刚好装满。BDP = BtlBw * RTprop. 比如BtlBw = 10, RTprop = 6, BDP = 60相当于,管道中有30, 另有30到达了, 但发送端还没收到这个60的数据的ack, 因为ack需要延迟3个时间单位才能到达。
  1. app limited : 发送的数据量很少, inflight的数据量小于BDP, 这时候可以用较大的速率发送数据(可大于BtlBw), 只受RTprop的影响。
  2. bandwidth limited : 此时管道已满, inflight的数据量开始超过了BDP, 由于瓶颈带宽所在的网络节点存在缓冲区, 继续发送数据, 这个缓冲区开始排队,这个时候发送速率受BtlBw的限制了。
  3. buffer limited: 当瓶颈缓冲区的队列满了后, 开始出现丢包。

基于丢包率的拥塞控制算法作用在第3个阶段, 显然此时已经较晚了, rtt此时也较高。

Leonard Kleinrock证明最佳的调节点在上图BDP线, 但Jeffrey M. Jaffe证明了在这个点是无法得到解的。

BBR算法由google团队提出 , 作用在第二个阶段, 较靠近BDP线的位置,也就是说它需要有少量的瓶颈缓冲区排队,来检测出BtlBw。



  • 周期性的探测瓶颈带宽BtlBw

如上图, 要探测瓶颈带宽,需要进入第二阶段, 让缓冲区有一些排队, 因此bbr设计了一个pacing_gain, 如pacing_gain_cycle = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.25, 0.75}, 周期性的上探BtlBw, 为了快速的清除排队,在上探(1.25)后紧跟一个下降(0.75)在一个rtt完成, 当链路带宽突然增加时,BtlBw是1.25^n的指数增长, 带宽跟随非常即时。

  • 周期性的探测RTprop

要探测RTprop,需要进入第一阶段, 因此需要排空缓冲队列, 并且使得管道不是满的状态, 即inflight < BDP。
可见在探测RTprop时,会减少throughtput, RTprop的探测周期相对长一些,一般是10s


发送窗口 = BtlBw * RTprop * cwnd\_gain

在探测BtlBw时, 增大cwnd_gain, 让缓冲区有一些排队;

在探测RTprop时, 减少cwnd_gain, 排空缓冲区;


  • 启动阶段, 包括app limited和部分bandwidth limited, tcp拥塞算法称作慢启动。

  • 排空阶段, inflight > BDP, 排空队列, 计算RTprop, tcp拥塞算法称作拥塞避免

  • 瓶颈带宽探测阶段, 增大cwnd_gain, 缓冲区排队, 计算BtlBw, tcp拥塞算法称作拥塞阶段

  • 丢包恢复, 缓冲区队列满了, 链路开始丢包, 减少cwnd_gain, 避免队列满了丢包 (BBR算法避免瓶颈节点缓冲队列满而丢包,因此没了这个阶段)





void BBREnterStartup(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state)
    bbr_state->state = picoquic_bbr_alg_startup;
    bbr_state->pacing_gain = BBR_HIGH_GAIN; 
    bbr_state->cwnd_gain = BBR_HIGH_GAIN;


void BBRCheckDrain(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, uint64_t bytes_in_transit, uint64_t current_time)
    /*由启动阶段转入排空阶段,inflight达到BDP, 管道满了,缓冲区有排队*/
    if (bbr_state->state == picoquic_bbr_alg_startup && bbr_state->filled_pipe) {
    /*由排空阶段转入瓶颈带宽探测阶段, inflight <= BDP, 缓存区无排队*/
    if (bbr_state->state == picoquic_bbr_alg_drain && bytes_in_transit <= BBRInflight(bbr_state, 1.0)) {
        BBREnterProbeBW(bbr_state, current_time);  /* we estimate queue is drained */

void BBREnterDrain(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state)
    bbr_state->state = picoquic_bbr_alg_drain;
    bbr_state->pacing_gain = 1.0 / BBR_HIGH_GAIN;  /* pace slowly */
    bbr_state->cwnd_gain = BBR_HIGH_GAIN;   /* maintain cwnd */


int BBRIsNextCyclePhase(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, uint64_t prior_in_flight, uint64_t packets_lost, uint64_t current_time)
    int is_full_length = (current_time - bbr_state->cycle_stamp) > bbr_state->rt_prop;
    if (bbr_state->pacing_gain != 1.0) {
        if (bbr_state->pacing_gain > 1.0) {
            /*队列满buffer limited阶段或是带宽上探完成*/
            is_full_length &=
                (packets_lost > 0 ||
                    prior_in_flight >= BBRInflight(bbr_state, bbr_state->pacing_gain));
        else {  /*  (BBR.pacing_gain < 1) */
            is_full_length &= prior_in_flight <= BBRInflight(bbr_state, 1.0);
    return is_full_length;

/*进入下一个pacing_gain, pacing_gain_cycle = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.25, 0.75}*/
void BBRAdvanceCyclePhase(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, uint64_t current_time)
    bbr_state->cycle_stamp = current_time;
    if (bbr_state->cycle_index >= BBR_GAIN_CYCLE_LEN) {
        int start = bbr_state->cycle_start;
        /*瓶颈带宽有增长, 下一个循环更快的上探带宽*/
        if (bbr_state->btl_bw_increased) {
            bbr_state->btl_bw_increased = 0;
            if (start > BBR_GAIN_CYCLE_MAX_START) {
                start = BBR_GAIN_CYCLE_MAX_START;
        else if (start > 0) {
        /*瓶颈带宽无增长, 下一个循环逐渐回归原点*/
        bbr_state->cycle_index = start;
        bbr_state->cycle_start = start;
    bbr_state->pacing_gain = bbr_pacing_gain_cycle[bbr_state->cycle_index];

void BBREnterProbeBW(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, uint64_t current_time)
    int start = 0;
    bbr_state->state = picoquic_bbr_alg_probe_bw;
    bbr_state->pacing_gain = 1.0;
    bbr_state->cwnd_gain = 1.5;

    if (bbr_state->rt_prop > PICOQUIC_TARGET_RENO_RTT) {
        start = (int)(bbr_state->rt_prop / PICOQUIC_TARGET_RENO_RTT);
        if (start > BBR_GAIN_CYCLE_MAX_START) {
            start = BBR_GAIN_CYCLE_MAX_START;
    else {
        start = 2;

    bbr_state->cycle_index = start;
    bbr_state->cycle_start = start;
    bbr_state->btl_bw_increased = 1;

    BBRAdvanceCyclePhase(bbr_state, current_time);

/* Track the round count using the "delivered" counter. The value carried per
 * packet is the delivered count when this packet was sent. If it is greater
 * than next_round_delivered, it means that the packet was sent at or after
 * the beginning of the round, and thus that at least one RTT has elapsed
 * for this round. */

void BBRUpdateBtlBw(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, picoquic_path_t* path_x)
    uint64_t bandwidth_estimate = path_x->bandwidth_estimate;

    if (bbr_state->state == picoquic_bbr_alg_startup &&
        bandwidth_estimate < (path_x->max_bandwidth_estimate / 2)) {
        bandwidth_estimate = path_x->max_bandwidth_estimate/2;

    /*每个发送包里会携带当前周期发送了的数据量'delivered', 如果这个包携带的delivered大于等于next_round_delivered,则说明这个包是一个新的发送周的*/
    if (path_x->delivered_last_packet >= bbr_state->next_round_delivered)
        bbr_state->next_round_delivered = path_x->delivered;
        bbr_state->round_start = 1;
    else {
        bbr_state->round_start = 0;

    if (bbr_state->round_start) {
        /* Forget the oldest BW round, shift by 1, compute the max BTL_BW for
         * the remaining rounds, set current round max to current value */

        bbr_state->btl_bw = 0;

        for (int i = BBR_BTL_BW_FILTER_LENGTH - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            uint64_t b = bbr_state->btl_bw_filter[i];
            bbr_state->btl_bw_filter[i + 1] = b;
            if (b > bbr_state->btl_bw) {
                bbr_state->btl_bw = b;

        bbr_state->btl_bw_filter[0] = 0;

    /*瓶颈带宽是最大的ack bitrate*/
    if (bandwidth_estimate > bbr_state->btl_bw_filter[0]) {
        bbr_state->btl_bw_filter[0] =bandwidth_estimate;
        if (bandwidth_estimate > bbr_state->btl_bw) {
            bbr_state->btl_bw = bandwidth_estimate;
            bbr_state->btl_bw_increased = 1;


void BBRCheckProbeRTT(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, picoquic_path_t* path_x, uint64_t bytes_in_transit, uint64_t current_time)
    if (bbr_state->state != picoquic_bbr_alg_probe_rtt &&
        bbr_state->rt_prop_expired &&
        !bbr_state->idle_restart) {
        bbr_state->prior_cwnd = BBRSaveCwnd(bbr_state, path_x);
        bbr_state->probe_rtt_done_stamp = 0;
    /*在RTprop探测过程中, 计算RTprop*/
    if (bbr_state->state == picoquic_bbr_alg_probe_rtt) {
        BBRHandleProbeRTT(bbr_state, path_x, bytes_in_transit, current_time);
        bbr_state->idle_restart = 0;

void BBREnterProbeRTT(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state)
    bbr_state->state = picoquic_bbr_alg_probe_rtt;
    /*减少发送窗口到一个BDP, 开始队列排空*/
    bbr_state->pacing_gain = 1.0;
    bbr_state->cwnd_gain = 1.0;

void BBRHandleProbeRTT(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, picoquic_path_t * path_x, uint64_t bytes_in_transit, uint64_t current_time)
#if 0
    /* Ignore low rate samples during ProbeRTT: */
    C.app_limited =
        (BW.delivered + bytes_in_transit) ? 0 : 1;

    if (bbr_state->probe_rtt_done_stamp == 0 &&
        bytes_in_transit <= BBR_MIN_PIPE_CWND(path_x->send_mtu)) {
        bbr_state->probe_rtt_done_stamp =
            current_time + BBR_PROBE_RTT_DURATION;
        bbr_state->probe_rtt_round_done = 0;
        bbr_state->next_round_delivered = path_x->delivered;
    else if (bbr_state->probe_rtt_done_stamp != 0) {
        if (bbr_state->round_start) {
            bbr_state->probe_rtt_round_done = 1;
        if (bbr_state->probe_rtt_round_done &&
            current_time > bbr_state->probe_rtt_done_stamp) {
            bbr_state->rt_prop_stamp = current_time;
            BBRRestoreCwnd(bbr_state, path_x);
            BBRExitProbeRTT(bbr_state, current_time);

/* This will use one way samples if available */
/* Should augment that with common RTT filter to suppress jitter */
void BBRUpdateRTprop(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, uint64_t rtt_sample, uint64_t current_time)
    bbr_state->rt_prop_expired =
        current_time > bbr_state->rt_prop_stamp + BBR_PROBE_RTT_INTERVAL;
    if (rtt_sample <= bbr_state->rt_prop || bbr_state->rt_prop_expired) {
        bbr_state->rt_prop = rtt_sample;
        bbr_state->rt_prop_stamp = current_time;
    else {
        uint64_t delta = rtt_sample - bbr_state->rt_prop;
        if (20 * delta < bbr_state->rt_prop) {
            bbr_state->rt_prop_stamp = current_time;


每收到一个ack, 进行pacing_gain周期的检测和RTprop周期的检测

void BBRUpdateModelAndState(picoquic_bbr_state_t* bbr_state, picoquic_path_t* path_x,
    uint64_t rtt_sample, uint64_t bytes_in_transit, uint64_t packets_lost, uint64_t current_time)
    BBRUpdateBtlBw(bbr_state, path_x);
    BBRCheckCyclePhase(bbr_state, packets_lost, current_time);
    BBRCheckFullPipe(bbr_state, path_x->last_bw_estimate_path_limited);
    BBRCheckDrain(bbr_state, bytes_in_transit, current_time);
    BBRUpdateRTprop(bbr_state, rtt_sample, current_time);
    BBRCheckProbeRTT(bbr_state, path_x, bytes_in_transit, current_time);




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