每日英句解析7.18☞句子出自新概念第三册lesson 1

每日英句解析7.18☞句子出自新概念第三册lesson 1

作者: 边城飞燕 | 来源:发表于2019-07-18 06:53 被阅读0次
    每日英句解析7.18☞句子出自新概念第三册lesson 1

    句子出自新概念第三册lesson 1

    The search proved difficult,for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.

    【解析】句子主干:The search proved difficult,for……主系表+状语从句

    The search是主语; proved是系语,用了一般过去时☞注意,做系语的动词不仅仅限于“be”哦! difficult是形容词做表语。

    在状语从句“for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening”中,

    for是连接词,表明这是一个原因状语从句; the puma是名词短语做主语; was often observed是谓语,用了一般过去时和被动语态,“often ”夹在中间做的是状语;at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening这一大坨是介词短语做状语。




          本文标题:每日英句解析7.18☞句子出自新概念第三册lesson 1
