1. 动词连用省略and
Come look at the snow. Go grab a bite. Come see me. Let's go watch a movie. 联想:Come live with me and be my love.
2. There’s no... (doing sth) 没有可能...
△ There is no stopping me. There is no denying. There is no telling what will happen next.
△ There is no such thing as a free lunch. 世上没有免费的午餐。
3. 别烦我,让我自己待一会儿
△ Leave me alone. / Give me a break.
4. 问最近咋样的回答:
△ Just as usual. / Nothing much. / Not much. / Can't complain.
5. 问计划:
△ What are you up to tonight? / Are you doing anything tonight?
6. 问做什么工作:
△ 一般都说What do you do? 而不是 What's your job?
7. 我得走了:
I have to leave soon. I gotta go.
8. Nice to meet you. V.S. Nice meeting you.
△ nice / pleased to meet you (= used to greet someone politely when you have just met them for the first time) 认识你很高兴 “This is my niece, Sarah.” “Pleased to meet you.” “这是萨拉,我的外甥女。”“很高兴认识你。”
△ (it was) nice meeting you (=used to say goodbye politely to someone you have just met for the first time) 很高兴认识了你〔与第一次见面的人道别时用〕
1. probably 口语中常常会省略后一个/b/
2. 还是老话,英语就是英语,不要带中文。英文中没有“鸡七西”。more不论英美都不是“猫”。
3. stress shift 重音会转移。两个主重音错开比较好念又悦耳。
△ Good afternoon / afternoon tea ;millionaire/millionaire bachelor
4. only October 连读加/j/; Who is it 连读加/w/
5. 英式英语重t n d s后面的/uː/ 习惯多加一个/j/的音,而美音不加。如 tune, new, duke,suit